Pip that is lovely! Mine is a monkey, I swear when he knows DH is there he lays perfectly still and kicks as soon as he moves
Claire - thank you for sharing the pics looks like a lovely day!!! Oh and yay for the britax
Costgang - most of my childhood/teen holidays were at Primrose Valley!!!!!! Can't say I've been for ooof 10 years now maybe but we certainly enjoyed it then and my little bro always loved it they usually do so much for LO's!
AFM had a lovely eve last night out with friends for a meal, and DH working today so I am stuck in waiting for The Return of the Electrician (he is a Muppet......but one of the builders not our own

) and weather looking grey.
Also MIL gave us the money for the pram last night which is so lovely of them, considering we are also taking over their entire house with our stuff while the build is going on.....I said she should use it as storage payment
So now I am a bit stuck for what to do with today......can't do much in the way of housework....as I have only got two rooms

I am also wondering if baby has moved, as I am feeling thuds lower down again (and they feel a bit more muffled and have swapped sides too

Still over the moon that it's bank holiday and I have tomorrow off

aren't we all racing away with these days now......eep I can't believe we will have babies soon......was strange out with friends last night....one said "We're going on holiday in August.....and you'll be having your baby"
Ann I love your fb wedding pic and moggy I'm guessing yours is mogster??? Adorable!!!!!
Hope you are all good?