Hi everyone!!
Pengin - THE cutest photos of Jac, he's gorgeous, looks like he liked the trike!!
Right, I've found a couple of you on Facebook (I hope its you guys anyway!), I'm there as Lydia Snaith if anybody wants to find me!
Pip - don't worry, we'll find you a good deal. Did you ring BabyBoodle and see what they were charging now? Please let me know if you'd like that written quote. I'm keeping an eye on ebay etc for you as there have been a couple of new ones on there. There was a new one for sale on gumtree or something, but it was in Scotland! I don't really get the JL pricematch stuff, thats very annoying.
P&F - house is looking fab, I bet you can't wait!
Its my birthday tomorrow but DH has got to work all day, so I'm going out with my sister and her little boys to a farm/windmill/craft-fair tomorrow afternoon and then to my parent's house for cake - yummy! Then hopefully DH will be free to spend the day with me on Tuesday, I'd really like to go for a picnic, but I don't think the weather is going to be good enough for that
I'm still not sleeping, its driving me completely nuts, I go to sleep for about an hour and then wake up again for the next 4 or 5, absolutely nothing will send me back to sleep until I get so stupidly tired that I drift off.
I hope everyone is having a lovely bank holiday weekend!