Have form will spend!

Go get your mattress! Well Jacs!
Got my form today too, no hospital visit for Mogster at the moment, only essential visits to the maternity bits but she will review and let me know at next appt.
No wonder am feeling huge, Moglet is measuring 2 weeks ahead at the moment and she is starting to agreee we may have another early one on our hands, next appt is 1st June then at least once a fortnight after that...maybe another scan depending how he measures next time...
Got bloods next week and got my form today so its in the post already

shame I spent it on a mattress and a swing
Wondering if we may qualify for the surestart grant if we wait til after Moglet arrives? Apparently you only have to get some higher rate tax credit to qualify and the threshold goes way up once you have a child under 1 in the household....maybe we will get an extra boost, not hopeful but got the form and will see what happens with the tax credit malarkey once he is actually here, might be a bonus that pays for the buggy
What tiles did you go for Lia? I love bathrooms, aft5er kitchens theyre the nicest rooms in the house I think
Claire yup thats my Mogster - there are a few pics of him on there, need to do some more up to date ones really mbut although have them on the harddrive I never seem to get round to uploading them

Especialy now he has started having no nap and getting up at 6am!!! Bedtime at 7.30 leaves me knackkered and ready for bed by 10pm, all good practice for when Moglet comes....
Any news re buggy Pip/F&C?

everyone else hope you are doing ok? x