Claire - unfortunately not but they get better at bribing them IYKWIM - they have the buttons or whatever handy and distract them with those, Mogster I usually take yoghurt flakes or white choc buttons or something to give him to focus attention away from the jabs.
I am even starting to think its not so much that the early ones hurt but that they are a little undignified and unsettling for baby - you turn up they pull down your trews and stab you in the leg - how would we feel

I think one of the multi jabs has a stinging sensation but am not sure if that is the meningitis or not.
Back is agony now, Mogster had a nap for 40 min ON MY LAP!!! Very cute watching him snooze but very uncomfortable as hes getting heavy. Ah well only 4 hours til bedtime and OH should be back after that so I can have a soak in the bath....
25 June sounds a fab day for a driving test, its summer xmas day after all and Santa will look favourably on you then cos he sint so busy

Defo sooner rather than later as manouverability gets harder then - I only made 35 weeks and that was an interesting sight getting in and out of the car - particularly in car parks

fortunately we now can use the aby spaces cos we have mogster.
OMG!!! Just realised we are getting our Dash delivered on summer xmas day
Yawn yawn - am tired so off to grab a juice - bit of fruit sugar should wake me up ..... I hope! Then gonna take Mogster to the park to use up some energy....we introduced the naughty bag today and he has done so well with the concept he deserves a treat so might feed the duckas again to - even though we only have fresh bread - ducks will have to be quick cos it doesnt float!
Thanks for being brilliant preggo buddies, makes this getting fat lark much easier