Umm.. I think the weight is too much of an issue for the Zezu. I think it's still the cherry all the way!
Claire, I had to get out of non-wired bras ages ago. My cup size hasn't gone up but the band size has gone crazy! I've gone from a 32/34 to at least at 38!! I am using bra extenders on a size 36 non-wired and I'm on the last hook already.
I moved into non-wired at 8 weeks. I was 38b before (just! with padding!), at 8 weeks 38c, 16 weeks 40d and now at 25 weeks I was 40DD! Woweeeeee. I've been buying the M&S two packs for cheapness but they are ugly, so have finally splashed out on some Mothercare pretties which I LOVE! They feel much more 'me'.
Thanks for the lovely compliments on the dress ladies! Can't wait to get it!
And I too have been in non-underwire since about 8-9 weeks...I miss the push up that wires give...but I didn't want to risk doing something bad to my milk ducts. I've read that underwires are bad? Not sure if that's true!?
So Avatar this weekend was really good. Now DH is trying to convince me to see Iron Man 2 in theatres this week. We'll see! lol!
It is true according to the midwives here- blocks milk ducts or something. I REALLY missed the push-up of wired bras too, until I discovered mothercare's t-shirt bras... they actually give me a FAB cleavage! I'll probably wear them post birth a lot too if they still fit as they are so much comfier than wired bras...
I am having a mardy day today lol as my back and hips ache like mad (no more weekend housework marathons for me then! ) and our builder is back in hospital and didn't think to let us know............until well after he had been faffing about updating his status on facebook......
Hope you are all good today - DH is being a legend and cooking tea after another hard days graft and the bathroom has begun to be tiled so I can get some pics soon, phew!
I'm here!! My back is so ouchie at the moment. *sigh*
Anyone else having a baby shower? One of my best friends is throwing me one, which is lovely. I'm actually really looking forward to it now... 15 or so of my closest friends and mum having a picnic (weather depending). No silly games, no organised rubbish, just us all getting together... it's super nice because i'm the first one in my group to have a baby. I was really wary of it seeming like an excuse for gifts, so I suggested that if people want to buy a pressie they could buy me a book from their childhood- cheap, but thoughtful. E has since said though that lots of people were asking me if there were things that I need (knowing i'm so broke), so I agreed to send her a list with a few things on it that I'm planning to buy myself ie bouncy chair, nighties etc and she's said the list is all gone- which is a HUGE relief for me. I looooove my friends! I'm so lucky
It's sooooooooo nice! It's really Em's mum who is throwing me the shower (Em herself is not very organised ) and she wont let me help at all! She's got it all. If the weather is crap then it'll be an indoor picnic instead!
I was thinking of doing something symbolic from me but am wary of seeming too cheesy- I have had a fairly horrific year... my relationship with the ex wife breaking down, the horrible custody battle over Rory, all sorts of dramas with friends and family and just a whole load of hell. But it's over now, and a year on (well at the baby shower) I'm in SUCH a good place- supportive friends around me, fab relationship, lovely flat, baby on the way... I want to do something to symbolise the end of the dark times, and to thank them all for sticking by me.
So I was thinking of doing a balloon release- getting helium balloons for everyone, and asking them all to symbolically release them with me... or is that too cheesy? What do you think? I'll also be giving everyone individual hand made cards to thank them for their friendship
I can't stop eating today! agghhhh.. someone stop me!
Yas, I'm not having a baby shower as I'm one of many friends who are giving birth this year and we all had weddings last year so I'm pretty sure everyone is broke!! How about lighting some chinese lanterns as the sun goes down? They are massive so you would only need 1 per 2/3 people and the idea is you write a wish on it before you release it. My DH organised this for me as part of my surprise 30th. I wished for world peace and new shoes. I don't think it worked. xxx
Yas and Ann those are both wonderful ideas for Yas' baby shower!!
I too am having a baby shower. I think it's more common here in Canada and in the US to have baby showers though. I think Every new mom has a family member or friend throw a baby shower for her.
Mine in on July 18th and my mom asked me to make a guest list, which I just finished last week. It's customary to invite all your family and close friends so I think we have like 80ish invites going out. This seems like so much people to me...but you can't invite one aunt and not the other or one cousin and not the other... We'll see how it goes! haha!
So yesterday I picked up my new dress that I just ordered over the weekend!! I can't believe how fast I got it! and the price tag on the dress was $39.99 and I got it for $23 with shipping and everything!! I'll have to take a picture of myself in it and post it!
And Happy V-day Claire!!! Tomorrow Ann and I have our V-day!! Can't wait!!
Yas - I think both your and Ann's ideas sound really lovely. I don't think I'm having a shower as most of my friends are in London/abroad, but my sisters are both around this summer, so maybe we'll have a little tea party (I'm a big fan of children-style tea parties!) or something?
Claire - Yay!!!! I was so excited yesterday, I think the midwife thought I'd gone crazy when she asked how far along I was and I actually squealed "24 weeks today!!!!". To celebrate we started doing the clearing out to make way for the nursery (which meant cleaning out our garage so that bed etc can go in there), we've nearly filled half a skip already - no exaggeration, we have a lot of junk thats accumulated and I'm a hoarder, so had a ruthless day!
Good midwife appointment yesterday, she answered loads of my questions about the hospital etc, the good news is that the birthing pool (bath) isn't very popular, so she was pretty confident that I could labour in it, even if I can't give birth in it (there has to be two midwives present, which isn't usually the case). The baby had her in giggles because it was moving around so much that it took her ages to chase it around to get a heartbeat!
Just treated myself to an M&S food shop while DH had his hair cut - lots of yummy things to eat tonight!!
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