aww paula, i wonder why shes done that, maybe she thought she had added you? im sure theres a reasonable explaination! we all feel like everyone is against us sometimes, dont worry hun, and if anyone would be so horrible to be like that because of your weight, then you wil be giving them a big 2fingers up in a couple of months!
i hardly have any friends since having jesse iv lost touch with everyone, i still speak to a couple of people but rarely get time to see them or go out, im sure he will find another job soon enough try to keep your chin up hun, money problems are awful, and though we dont pay a mortgage just our rent is enough to make me cringe, wth everything else on top OHs wage is stretched to the limit! you will get through it hun, just everything seems to come at once doesnt it, we are al here for you if you need to talk or rant xxxx
on a brighter note.. who wants to see the wedding dress iv picked?! x