2012 TTC chat

I just got back from the Dr they were so behind lol. The baby looked great. He or she measured where they should be and the heartbeat was a whopping 169! Sounded nice and strong :) They did find a small tear. They call it a subchorionic bleed. I had one with Lane and Madison which caused all my spotting so now I have it with this one too. My body hates being pregnant I think lol
Fab!! Well, not about the tear obvs but so pleased baby is ok. I know it must be horrid but at least is something you've dealt with before xx
I am still so sick. They put me on some medicine to help with the nausea. I am just hoping it passes soon. The good news is I haven't gained any weight yet lol
Hey!i really feel for u..u can't go thru the spotting thing again,does it get easier??Glad to hear baby is doing fine.
Still laughing at "ur body hates being pg":haha:
Some pple just hve it rough I guess..R u really sick to the point of getting meds?so sorry..If u get fresh ginger where u r,it is a natural remedy.Ginger tea always did the trick for me.How r u coping with two other kids?

I on the other hand...am tired 90% of the time!Am taking my vitamins,eating well bt am still super tired...maybe the hot weather.
I am still having some minor spotting but it seems to be going away. They told me not to pick Lane up at all because he is 34 pounds. Tall and skinny but still heavy lol. I am picking up Madison only if necessary. And of course no sex haha... DH is NOT happy about that but he has had to deal with it the last two pregnancies and now this one too. Poor guy...
They did give me some prenatals that have ginger in them so I hope that helps. This morning I was so sick, I woke up and immediately took the Zofran they prescribed me. I feel soooo much better now
Aw Sunshine I'm sorry you've been feeling so sick :hugs: Are you feeling any better, have the meds helped?

Mmleo I am so tired too! Though this weekend has been quite busy that is probably why, plus I ran out of iron supplement so that's probably affecting me too. We had a really nice weekend, we went to see my parents and my mum and I went for lunch and shopping for baby stuff. I didn't actually buy anything but she went through loads of stuff with me and said what was really useful and what wasn't necessary, so that was so helpful. Then she said they wanted to buy us something big for the baby and to have athink about what we wanted so that was really sweet :) And then we went to a friend's birthday party, it was fancy dress and so much fun! But I was stood up for most of the night which is surprisingly hard! I did have heels on, and although they were only low heels my legs hurt so much the next day. I even felt hungover!! Just so tired, foggy head, sore throat from shouting over the music etc, felt quite unfair I hadn't had a drop to drink yet felt so rubbish haha :)

Anyway hope you ladies are all ok and had a nice weekend xxx
Hello sunshine..how r things?hope ur meds helped!i remember my doc tricking me into waiting a few more wks before she gives me any meds...it worked as the sickness disappeared on its own.Glad u mentioned the no sex thing..can u gals believe we hvnt had sx since I found out?i just can't stand the thought of it,I feel bad for DH..

Smiler...I can't believe u managed that...I don't think I can,heels/standing/sitting?i've become so boring beyond...!i know what u mean by feeling hangovered without even drinking...
Hi girls! Smiler it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your Mom. How exciting! :) I love looking for baby stuff, it is so much fun. As for me, my mom came over this weekend and my step-dad. My step-dad helped my husband fix his truck so I finally have my car back yay!!! His truck has been broke down for a month or so now. I enjoyed seeing my Mom. I cleaned out my closet this weekend and was so thankful I kept all my maternity clothes haha... Although I am going to be my biggest in the winter time and I had the other two during summer so long sleeve shirts will be a must!

Mmleo I am sticking to the ginger prenatals and they seem to be doing the trick! I am already on the Metformin and Prometrium and I feel awful sticking another prescription in my body :( so I thought if I could take the prenatals over the Zofran that would be better. And I totally understand the sex thing. My husband went without it for almost 8 months when I was pregnant with Lane because I had so many issues.
Ahh I'm glad it's not just me! We haven't had sex for ages...I feel pretty bad about it but I honestly have no interest. It's quite sad really, we had a pretty good sex life before! DH is really understanding, but he is sad I'm never in the mood. I always heard about how sexy you can feel in the 2nd tri but that never happened to me. I'm never anything other than achy and tired haha. I keep thinking I would do it just because I want to make him happy but when there's no actual desire to do it, it stops me from initiating and I daren't make any promises I can't keep, lol :D

Hurrah for getting your car back Sunshine! What is your due date with this one?

I had my glucose test today. I was worried I'd get bad news because I felt so awful after having the sugary drink, but the hospital just rang up to tell me it was all fine :happydance: They said my iron was low and to take a supplement, but that's not too bad. Yay :)

Hope you ladies are both doing well xx
Oh I hate that glucose test! It always makes me feel crummy after I drink that stuff. So glad all came back ok, that's great news! Can't believe you are almost 30 weeks! My due date is January 3rd but given the fact I have to have a c-section, I assume she will deliver in December but not 100% sure on that. I am still battling morning sickness, well actually more like all day sickness haha!
I am beginning to become super nervous about having a third child. I started crying yesterday and told DH I didn't know how we were going to afford all of this on one income. I feel guilty because instead of being happy and excited, I am stressed and scared.
Oh sweetie :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I think we alk beat ourselves up over so many differnt things. It's ok to be scared it really is. I had a freak out with this one, even after all we've gone thru to get pregnant. It's a daunting situation and totally understandable for you to feel like this. One way or another you will cope, but when you can't quite see how that's actually going to happen it is natural to feel overwhelmed :hugs:

Is there anythng you can do now to help you feel proactive, maybe open a savings account or something and put aside what you can like any overtime, sell some stuff on eBay? I know it's not a great solution but anything you can do to feel a little better might help. I'm one of three and my mum didn't work. Just lived in hand-me-downs :) xxx
I have been thinking about having a garage sale and just selling some old stuff we don't use or need. We have been wanting to have one for a while but I am glad we didn't yet because we were going to sell all the baby stuff Madison is not using anymore. That would have been bad! lol

I talked to my Mom for a while today and she tried to convince me that adding one more child was not a huge deal but it feels so huge to me. You described it perfectly, I am overwhelmed at the thought of having three children all under the age of 4. I feel so bad for my husband having to be the only financial provider but there is no way we can afford three children in daycare. I will have to wait until Lane is kindergarten age before I can return to work.

I keep telling myself this baby was meant to be and we were meant to have him/her so I need to just be thankful and try not to worry so much.
Worrying about money etc doesn't mean you don't love this little one :hugs: You're just being practical, we all have to think about how to pay for things etc and worrying about how you're going to provide for your family means you're a good parent who loves their children :) Have you spoken to your husband, didn't he want to have 3 kids anyway? Maybe he doesn't mind being the main provider for a while, it's not like you're going to be sitting around on a sun lounger sipping cocktails is it. 3 kids under 4 will be hard work, will your mum be able to come up and help sometimes?

Yeah good thing you didn't sell all your baby stuff yet :)

We were at the hospital today, got myself all worked up as baby hasn't been moving an awful lot since Saturday. He often goes quiet around the time my week changes, but when he was still not moving much this morning I got a bit panicked and rang the midwife. Everything came back normal, thankfully. He's still not mvoingquite as much as I'm used to, but he is perking up this evening so hopefully he'll be back to his usual wiggly self soon. I also have low iron and am so tired, maybe that's making him sleepy too, I don't know :shrug:
I don't blame you for being worried. I called the Dr a few times over less movement with Lane. They always told me to lay on my side and drink something sweet and see if that got him moving. Usually it worked and I would start to feel him more. I am glad everything is ok! Are you taking any iron supplements?

I talked to DH last night and expressed my concerns. He told me he didn't mind being the sole provider right now because he knew the kids were being taken good care of versus being in a daycare. He did want three kids but I don't think he wanted them this close together. He is getting a vasectomy sometime this year. I think he definitely doesn't want another one lol. I think we are both still in shock. I am sure we will feel better about it once we get moved closer to his work and can start saving some money. We initially moved over here to be in a bigger city and afford me a better job opportunity but since I won't be working anytime soon, it will be easier to move by his job. Our lease is up Oct 1st.
Ooh you have a journal now! How exciting :) Couldn't remember how to do the journal link but the Help section says to go to your User CP then Edit signature and:

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Oh yay I'm so pleased you talked to DH and he is ok with it all :) And yeah I guess it makes sense to move closer to his work, would be nice to see him a little more :) How are you feeling, you feeling any better about it all since you had a chat?

Yeah I'm taking some liquid iron supplements with OJ in the morning and I think it's starting to work, have certainly felt a bit brighter today :) I heard about drinking something and lying on your side - I did try that on the Tuesday morning and he didn't move, that was the final straw really that made me freak out! Poor DH was working at home that day as he had a report to write for 9am the next morning but we ended up in hospital for nearly two hours. I felt bad but of course he didn't mind at all, just wanted to be sure everything was ok. Baby got a bit more wiggly yesterday and today he's been moving around like a champ so I guess he was tired/facing the back.

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