2012 TTC chat

Sunshine I know is so easy to say "don't worry, it's normal" but for symptoms to come and go really is, especially this early. Throughout this 1st tri I had days where I felt fine, but it worried me, absolutely! I read it is normal so just keep trying to remind yourself :)

I haven't spoken to DH again yet but I will try to get him to retract at least 1 day so we can do the spa thing! I'm in a great mood now tho as we,met with a hypnobirthing teacher this evening and it was great. Was pretty sure before we met I wanted to do it but now I'm convinced. Also DH and I talked a lot about the birth and assuming there are no complications between now and August, we're both keen on the idea of a home birth with a pool. I am actually looking forward to it lol :D
That sounds amazing! My good friend had home births with all three of her children. If you don't mind me asking what is hypnobirthing? Also are you going to do your birth all natural, no medication? I never really got that option :( My first c-section was planned from the very beginning because of the previous surgery I had the month before I fell pregnant. I wish I could just experience a normal birth one time. I hate having c-sections
Aw Sunshine I'm sorry you hated the c- sctions I know they were never your first choice :hugs:

Hypnobirthing isn't the best name, sounds like you're going to be put in a trance or something! It's just about training your mind to deal with any fears etc then you learn techniques to keep calm and feel.in control, and trust in your body to do what it's designed to do. I saw a video on youtube, haven't got a link right now but will try to remember to post it. Or if you search hypnobirth I'm sure you'll see something. There's no guarantee things will go perfectly but I know someone who did it and she was in labour at home but ebded up in hospital, but everything she learng stopped her panicking. It's also meant to be better for the baby as they don't,get your stress hormones, they get your chilled-out hormones :) apparently hypnobabies sleep better faster :thumbup:

We're doing classes but there are loads of books and cds on Amazon I know a lady on here who's just been teaching herself and she loves it :)

How are you both? I am so tired. Not sleeping well from hip pain :( Am going away today til Sunday with a friend, don't think I'll be very good company!!
That is very interesting Smiler and I am so glad you are looking into doing it. Sounds awesome for you and baby both!! I am sure everything will go great! It won't be too much longer until you meet your bundle of joy! My morning sickness kicked in this morning. I was sick off and on until lunch time. It is finally subsiding, thank goodness! Enjoy your weekend Smiler!!

Mmleo how are you doing?
Hello ladies..sorry I hvnt posted in quite a while.I was so busy with MIL,party planning and sleeping...I guess the fatigue from the previous 2 wks.When we went away,was a holiday for the rest of my family and work for me..the kind of work that I won't be able to do until baby is like 5-6 months..It had to be done.

How r u doing sunshine?I hope u r much better now..the cramping I mean.i think that's normal.,and God I feel for u...to hve to go thru that worrying(1st term) so soon after...by the way..coz I don't the bleeding(touch wood)..the 1st term worries are the worst things that happens during pregnancy.Back to u...I still can't believe it when I look at ur signature and I c 5wks pg...so happy for u.,that's what they call surprise!bcoz of that am so convinced it'll happen to me that soon if we aren't careful after this one.
Sorry abt the ms too.I don't remember how the other pregnancies treated u...is it normal for u to happen this early?all I remember is I was more worried when I didn't get sick..all will be good sunshine.

Smiler...sorry DH made u cry..they all do that but mostly I think we react the way we do coz of the pg,bt I do get u..I hate it when he does things without telling me..the only way I feel better is when I do the same..childish I know bt it works for me and then I hate it when he doesn't overreact like I do!hope the antibiotics worked!I am such a coward..I don't think I would choose to hve a baby at home...but that sounds great..if u are gona hve a natural birth I guess. Why not the hypno...thingy?will google it.

My scan went well,I asked my MIL to come with us and she was so excited!she had never seen such a thing!she hs two daughters but by the had theirs they didn't hve what we hve now,It felt good to c her that excited!The baby is always bn bigger by at least a week,that might explain why I felt him earlier and yes he is still a HE!lol
I saw my doc ystday and she measured the uterus by touching and she thought it was big.I had my tetanus vaccine tday as well.
My son's party went well but I was so so tired..I can't handle hosting p'ple anymore,am glad the next few bdays he'll be in school,then the teachers will do the job for us...
Well..that's how long it is bn since we spoke.x
Oh yeah...Smiler..I seem to hve a hip pain too....am not sure what's causing it,forgot to mention it to my doc..but at least am sleeping heavily,day and night,unless I hve to get up to eat then it takes for ever to go back..
Hi Mmleo! So glad your scan went well and that was so sweet that your MIL was a part of it. I am sure she was so excited! I am also glad your son's party went well! Lane's is next month and I am trying to get started on planning it.

I started spotting again today, just a light brown color. I did this with both pregnancies but it still worries me so much. I had really strong symptoms this morning so I am not sure what is going on. Hopefully it is nothing to worry about...
Hi ladies

sorry have been away for a few days...Sunshine oh no, I am so sorry to hear about the spotting. But brown is good, brown means old blood and nothing pressing to worry about. How come you still spot despite being on progesterone? How is it today? I really hope it is clearing up :hugs: And sorry you have the MS on top, but at least having it kind of makes you feel better that things are going along as they should do. I do not miss the MS days at all, I really feel for you!

Mmleo that's so sweet you took your MIL to your scan :) And yay for another boy! Is it bad that he's measuring a week ahead? I would think the growth would be in fits and starts rather than in smooth, gradual, precise increments so I'm sure it's all fine. I can't believe you are over 20 weeks already, 22 in fact! Only 4 weeks behind me, it's mad :)

Things have worked out for the best in the end re DH - it's complicated to explain but over here you can take 2 weeks paternity leave but it doesn't pay much. Or you can just book 2 weeks' holiday so you get paid normally. We were going for the holiday option, which is why I was mad at DH before because it left us no time together. On Friday his boss said he can take paternity leave but they will pay him his normal rate anyway (usually it drops to £136 per week) so it basically means he is getting an extra 2 weeks holiday this year :happydance: So we're now planning on going away at the end of June! Nowhere too far, won't leave the country or anything but just so pleased we will have the chance for some alone time before baby arrives :)
Smiler I am so glad things worked out where you and DH can get away before the baby comes. That really will help! My spotting has stopped so I am guessing it was left over from implantation. I am not really sure. It only lasted half a day. I came to my Mom's this weekend. She fed me so much fattening food I think I have gained a ton of weight in only 3 days lol. We are headed back home today :)
Yay! Sunshine I'm so pleased the spotting stopped. I guess in early pregnancy you just never know the true cause do you, but just thankful it has stopped. Did you have a nice time at your mum's? Sounds like a little TLC is exactly what you deserve xxx
I did have a great time, thank you! And even better news my ultrasound is next week and my husband has decided to let my mom come with me! :) Since he has been to all the ultrasounds with Lane and Madison, he said she deserved to get this experience. She is so excited! I hope everything goes ok until next week, it is so hard not to worry :(
Oh wow that time flew - for me anyway! That is so lovely your mum gets to go with you :) I'm sure she will love it. Aw I know how worried you must be though :hugs: Just got to try and keep telling yourself as long as the bleeding has stopped you are most likely in the clear. Have got fingers legs toes and arms crossed for you xx
Thank you so much! I really was shocked when my husband let her take his place and he is going to watch the kids for me on top of it :) So sweet of him! She is going to come stay the night before with us since my appt is in the morning. That way it will be easier to get up and around and get over there on time. I am still feeling pretty good for the most part. Just a few spells of nausea but nothing major
How are you feeling sunshine, been a couple of days. Hope all is well :)

No real news from me, just starting to feel a little heavy and slow!! Can't walk as fast as normal, realising I must leave more time to get to apoointments and thinfs haha. Got told again today I am huge! Rude :D
I hate when people say that stuff grrrr... People used to do that to me at work all the time with Lane and Madison. They always told me are you sure there is only one baby in there? It was very rude. I am doing ok. Anxious for my scan on Tuesday :)
:hi:Hello there
Sunshine-So excited and wishing u the best For ur scan on tues.It'll be fun for ur mom too am sure.Am gonna sound silly bt It still hasn't sunk in yet that u r having a 3rd baby!and almost 7wks!!how r the symptoms coming?

Smiler-I can actually imagine how tired u must feel,u only hve under 100days to go!!a nd don't worry abt what p'ple say..I actually like being huge!doesnt feel great bt I like the attention that comes with it.

Am getting really slow too,am actually tired almost all the time.I ve taken a break from taking my son to school,his dad takes him n I pick him.I get to relax a bit longer in the morning.I had headaches for like two days too bt am better now.
Mmleo - I can't believe you are already almost 23 weeks! Over half way done! So far my symptoms have been minimal. I get alittle nauseated after I eat and have been extremely tired but besides that I feel pretty good. I am hoping all looks good on the ultrasound Tuesday!
Sunshine we have our fingers crossed for your scan on Tuesday :hugs: What time do you have to be there?

Mmleo argh I didn't notice the amount of days left til you said it haha :D I told DH this morning and he was kind of shocked :haha: We decided we are going to start buying stuff now, which is quite exciting. Just a couple of bits here and there, not everything all at once so we can spread the cost over the next few months.

I am really tired too! I really do not know how I am going to do all of this again in a couple of years but with a toddler. I know you guys are doing it, and millions of other women do it but the thought is a little daunting :D

How are your headaches Mmleo?
It's at 9:30AM - (US Central time) :)
I am so nervous and super worried but I guess just mainly because I have never conceived on my own. This whole thing is so surreal.
Smiler-The headaches are gone,I took one paracetamol the other day,it seems It did the job..the dr asked me to go check for malaria and blood pressure and they were both good.thx for asking.
U mean u hvnt bought anything yet?i hope u've bn looking around at least..
I have to say having another boy is saving a lot of money..I only hve to buy clothes for only the 1st 3 months.

Sunshine-all crossed for tue,getting pg on ur own if anything it sh'd make the journey easier..bt I hvnt forgotten yet how scary the scans can be.I remember I got two un necessary scans just so I can c the baby move and nothing else...Hope all goes well for u.

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