2012 TTC chat

Hmm.. I can't get it to work. I will keep trying. Here is the link to it

I am so glad baby is being more active and you have more energy! Is your husband getting excited about the baby coming? I don't think I asked you yet, do you have a name picked out?
Hmm I really can't remember how I did it!! If it helps, this is the text from my signature. I guess you could copy and paste it into your sig, but change the link to your journal and see if that works. What you also need to do is add a [ at the beginning and a ] at the end (I had to delete them otherwise you couldn't see the exact text as it created another "My Pregnancy Journal" link).

URL="https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-journals/1744657-smilers-pregnancy-journal.html"]My Pregnancy Journal[/URL

Yes, DH is so excited. In fact he is getting quite impatient and just wants to meet the baby. I do too but I really feel like I need these last couple of months to really get my head around it!! We just sat on the sofa and started talking about the baby and how life might change etc etc and I just burst into tears!! Generally I'm quite relaxed and think we will just take each day as it comes, learn as we go and it'll be fine. But other times the fact we don't have any support nearby is quite scary. I know things will settle into a routine in time but those first few weeks do scare me and I worry I won't always be the best mum!!

Yeah I think we are pretty much decided on a name :) We'll wait a few days and see if he seems to suit it but the front runner at the moment is Patrick. We haven't quite decided on a middle name - I always think of Lane and how cool a name it is :) But DH never likes the same names I do! I like names that aren't too common but not too crazy. Like Lane, Grayson, Miles, but DH didn't like any of those :( But I'm happy with our first name choice :)
Thank you for the link, I still can't get the crazy thing to work haha. Hopefully I can figure out what I am doing wrong. I love the name Patrick. That's a great name. I totally understand about compromising on names. My DH and I rarely agree on names. So far for a boy we have Ashton which he is ok with and Emma for a girl which he hates so I am still examining the girl names lol.

Things will change when the baby comes but it's totally worth it. Once you get used to the routine and start getting more sleep it becomes like second nature. I have to say the first month is the hardest just because it is such a big adjustment. Unfortunately it wasn't any easier the second time around for us so I am scared what the third time will be like!
Ah Emma is lovely! That would be one of my choices for a girl. It is so annoying when I say a name I like and DH just goes "No." Grr!

Did I tell you my sister is pg again? Can't remember if I mentioned it. But anyway, we were chatting one day and I asked her if she was scared about having 3 kids under 5. She said she would rather be in her position than in mine!! I guess it just shows everyone's experience is different. According to her going from none to one is a nightmare, but I'm trying not to worry too much about what other people say as people always want to tell you the bad stories!! You never know, you might find it easier this third time around, there's no way to know until you're actually doing it. So on the one hand I think there's no point in worrying but on the other the fact I have no idea what's coming our way scares me :wacko:
Hello ladies!I feel so bad I hvnt been in touch for soo long.I almost can't even remember what's been keeping me so busy,other than being tired all the time..I just remembered another reason why that might be...I live in a hot country,doesn't help now.

I can't believe u r past 11wks already sunshine!wow!my Internet isn't so good where I am..I hv no idea how u guys hv bn doing.

And smiler..why were u in a hospital?i hope u n baby are ok.From what I understand ur lito one doesn't move a lot?am sure everything is just fine..pliz do update me.

We r in the uk,bn here for 10days,back home end of the month.Almost finished baby shopping,it all went well,a bit disapponted coz it isn't as exciting as buying for baby no 1..but still I can't wait to to meet the little one.

About the names,DH n I disagree on most things,but names..not at all!we hve come up with name v easly!
Hey smiler,did u ever decide on the birthing method(if I may)..the last I checked u were considering the hypnosis/tic kind..we r kind of discussing with my doc already..I chose to hv a c-section early sept..at latest 39wks.
Hey Mmleo!

I was thinking about you when I just posted, was wondering where you had got to :) Glad to hear you're ok - apart from being tired!!

I'm absolutely fine thanks :) I did go in to be monitored earlier this week as baby was really quiet for like 3 days so I went in. Everything was fine and since then he's perked up so it's all dandy :)

Yeah, we have gone ahead with the hypnobirthing. We've had 3 classes so far, and only 1 more left to go. I'm really enjoying it, meditation works well for me and is helping me to get to sleep too. I don't sleep the whole way through the night anymore, but the tracks I listen to on my iPad for relaxation at least help me drift off :) I'm hoping for a home birth with a water pool but still need to speak to the MW about that.

Did you have a c section with your first? It's exciting you get an exact date with a csection, the idea of hanging aorund and waiting for baby to show up isn't massively appealing, DH in particular is getting impatient!

Ooh how exciting you're in the UK! Whereabouts are you?
3 days and no movements at all?that must hv bn scary..maybe u hve no space lef in there for movment..did they give u anything for that?Anyhow..glad he is awake now.

I did hve a csection with the 1st,coz of the fibroids n cysts..i do like the planning as well,and dh plans his leave.I hve to say u r really brave,hving a baby at home.Is it cheaper as well?

We r in sandbanks,Poole for a few days,thn back to Marlow.it looks like a nice place,I don't think I ll enjoy it as I wd normally,between cooking dinners n dealing with a toddler,I wd rather just sleep..like right now,am so tired bt enjoying the place to myself as the others are sleeping..feels good

Congrats!u r 31wks already!do u realise we will hve babies in just a few wks?any plans for a 3rd baby?
Sandbanks!! Very posh! Are you in a huge multi-million pound house?? DH used to live in Poole when he was a teenager and used to clean the windows on some of the houses of the super rich haha :) The weather isn't great where I am today, hope you're having a bit of sun. Shame to be by the seaside and not be able to go! Bournemouth isn't too far away, there are nice beaches there too. Also Christchurch is quite pretty in some areas if you have any time for a little look.

Ah it wasn't that he didn't move at all for 3 days, he just wasn't moving anywhere near as much as normal. Initially I just thought he was having a sleepy day and I know that is ok, but when it stretched to 3 days I thought best to check.

Actually giving birth at home will cost us money because we will be hiring a pool! Over here we pay higher taxes to fund the NHS so whether you have a vaginal birth or a c section there is no cost difference to the parents. It costs the NHS the most for c sections, then slightly less for a vaginal hospital birth, then the least for a home birth. They don't push you to make a choice based on cost to them though, I just know this from being a geek and researching :)

Haha I'm kind of in denial a tiny bit about having a baby soon :D I think the next couple of months it will start to sink in. We are stopping at 2 children, already agreed that years ago. How about you??? x
Hi Ladies! Sounds like baby plans are coming along nicely! Smiler when we had our first it was a transition but it really wasn't that bad. The only thing that was bad for us is Lane had reflux so it made the first 8-12 weeks alittle crazy with all the dr appts and trying to get him lined out with the breastfeeding. They have no idea what causes reflux or colic, some babies just have it. Madison had colic so maybe this baby won't have either lol, that would be nice!

I have another ultrasound in a week to check on my tear that caused the bleeding. My mom is supposed to be coming to this one as she missed the last one :cry: There were bad storms where she lived so there was no way I wanted her traveling in that. I am excited for her to share the experience with me. Madison is so close to walking, I can't believe it! She just turned 10 months old Saturday!

So glad you ladies are doing well! Getting closer to the big day!
Oh yes!so posh!i hve bn taking pics of the apartment we are in,when I get money someday i ll copy all I can!it is so beautifully made,.The weather wasn't great but again it didn't rain like it did on Saturday.I don't regret not being able to do all the beach activities,we who live in the sun do take such for granted!I managed to get out with my boy n DH played in the sand for sometime....am so big n heavy n tired that I did everything seated!
We can try and look around tmoro,husband just can't seat in one place,he'll be happy to go anywhere but when I go back home,God am gonna sleep!!!

Maybe it is me+hubby combi!but my babies just move a lot,my son hasn't stopped..up to now,way too much energy,I don't give him sugar,I didn't like sugar when pg...our mothers/elders seem to think it is one of the reasons...but to be honest me n my mr are not quite p'ple LOL

Back to the birthing..where we live,a csection will cost double the natural birth if planned ahead of time,if not...wow!more than triple,corrupt drs will even offer unnecessary csections to make more money.

I wish I knew how many kids I want,really want to go for a 3rd one bt not so sure soon we will start moving around(mr's job)..don't think i will manage away from home.we are considering adoption too,if we wanted a 3rd one....in otherwords...NO IDEA!

It can seem a bit unreal before the 1st one arrives but I think for us the infertile ones...it is more doubting u gonna hve ur own baby!i still can't believe I'll soon hve two.U will be just fine:hugs:
Try sweet drinks by the way...maybe it does get them moving...although I didn't do artificial sweets like I am this time around,I did lots of sugarcane with my first...

How much do u weigh now Smiler?i haven't checked since the last time I saw my dr,was 60kg already!
Oh Sunshine I didn't realise your mum missed your last scan! Which day is your next one? hope there are no travel hold ups this time.

I have got my eye on some anti-colic bottles! I will BF at first but in time I want to try expressing so I'm not tied to it the entire time. My nephew had colic when he was tiny and it was heartbreaking to see him crying all the time :cry: I hope we don't have to deal with it but I guess that's just what happens with babies isn't it.

Ah Mmleo if you're feeling big and tired now what are you going to be like in 10-12 weeks time!! I am getting worried haha. I'm not massive but moving around is getting harder and the underneath bit of my belly is very achy at times. Turning over in bed is such a mission and I don't look forward to bed time anymore because I'm uncomfortable most of the time. I don't quite see how my belly is going to stretch any more but I know it will!!

I'm quite pleased with my weight gain....kind of. I don't know what I weigh now but at my 28 week appointment I was 74kg. At my 20 week appt I was 72kg so I was really happy. I know you gain weight a lot faster in the 3rd tri though...

That is a good point about those of us who've struggled to get pg finding it hard to really believe we will have a baby. That is very likely part of it. On the one hand I can't wait but at the same time I don't want time to fly by too quickly haha :)
Hi girls! My mom is definitely coming to my ultrasound Monday so that makes me happy! I have my first appointment with my OB and then ultrasound after to check to see how the tear is healing. I hope baby is healthy! I have been listening to the baby with my doppler which always makes me feel better. I am still getting a nice, strong heartbeat. I am busy making plans for Lane's 3rd birthday party. He turns 3 Sunday but his party will be next Saturday since DH has to work this weekend. Hopefully after my appt Monday I can get off the Progesterone and Metformin!
Happy birthday to Lane! His birthday is the day after mine :D Been away to see family and friends and had a lovely time.

Ooh Sunshine good luck for tomorrow got my fingers crossed for you. 12 weeks already that went quick! My sister is 2 weeks behind you:)
:hug: Happy Late Birthday Smiler!!! My mom made it so we are about to leave for the appointment. Hoping all looks good! Thank you for the birthday wishes for Lane, I can't believe he is 3! I was alittle hurt yesterday. My Dad nor my sister called him at all. I know he is only 3 but it would have been nice to know they thought of him on his special day. My Dad has remarried and she has two daughters. One of her daughters had two kids so he is more involved with those grandkids than he is with mine. It's truly sad... Sorry for my rant :dohh:
The ultrasound went great! Baby looks good and my tear has healed! She said it is too early to tell 100% yet but she thinks it is a boy from looking at the ultrasound. We will find out for sure August 6th!
Hey..just dropping to check how u r doing....am supposed to be on holiday bt I can't wait to get home n sleeeeep!

Happy belated birthday Smiler!hope u managed to hve some fun.How is ur boy doing?moving more I hop

Hey sunshine...happy belated one to Lane,sorry his grand-pa didn't call,I know how u must feel.Happy 12th wk too!cant believe how fast time is going by.Happy to hear that things are going better for ur #3.

Going to bed now..xx
Aww fair enough to have a rant Sunshine I would be upset too. I hope Lane enjoyed himself anyway. Did they send cards and gifts at all? I hope so. And yay for good new at the scan!! So pleased for you :happenstance: Can't believe they can tell the sex already!

Thanks for the birthday wishes :) Have had such a lovely time. Spent time with family and friends then we went away for the night. I had a pregnancy massage and it was amazing!!!

When do you go home Mmleo? Sorry you're still not sleeping :(

All fine with me, best be off to bed ! Xx
Unfortunately my Dad did not send a gift or card and still hasn't called. I told my sister how upset I was with him. She didn't call until the day after and said she forgot his birthday. They drive me crazy! Do they not own a calendar? lol It just hurts me that my immediate family can't be more caring. My in-laws both called Lane and also sent him a card with money. I thought that was so sweet of them.

I am so curious to find out in August if it is really a boy! It sure looked like it may be but I know that both sexes have a "nub" at this stage haha.

Can't believe how far along you two are getting! So exciting!

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