Oh yes!so posh!i hve bn taking pics of the apartment we are in,when I get money someday i ll copy all I can!it is so beautifully made,.The weather wasn't great but again it didn't rain like it did on Saturday.I don't regret not being able to do all the beach activities,we who live in the sun do take such for granted!I managed to get out with my boy n DH played in the sand for sometime....am so big n heavy n tired that I did everything seated!
We can try and look around tmoro,husband just can't seat in one place,he'll be happy to go anywhere but when I go back home,God am gonna sleep!!!
Maybe it is me+hubby combi!but my babies just move a lot,my son hasn't stopped..up to now,way too much energy,I don't give him sugar,I didn't like sugar when pg...our mothers/elders seem to think it is one of the reasons...but to be honest me n my mr are not quite p'ple LOL
Back to the birthing..where we live,a csection will cost double the natural birth if planned ahead of time,if not...wow!more than triple,corrupt drs will even offer unnecessary csections to make more money.
I wish I knew how many kids I want,really want to go for a 3rd one bt not so sure soon we will start moving around(mr's job)..don't think i will manage away from home.we are considering adoption too,if we wanted a 3rd one....in otherwords...NO IDEA!
It can seem a bit unreal before the 1st one arrives but I think for us the infertile ones...it is more doubting u gonna hve ur own baby!i still can't believe I'll soon hve two.U will be just fine