Oh Sunshine what a relief!! That is great news

I know you have yet to see the doctor but the fact the cysts are gone and the sonographer seemed happy then that's great. Still got fingers crossed for Monday but am very hopeful you will get great news
Aww thanks

We are very proud parents! Haha yes he has a lot of hair eh. When I was in labour, the MWs said "oh he has no hair at all!" but then realised what they were seeing was the membranes as my waters never broke. Once they popped my waters for me they were like, "oh, he is really hairy" lol
We're doing ok thanks. He's had a bit of a cold but not too bad. He only ever cries when he's hungry or about to do a massive poo...we just had lots of crying, then the worst explosion ever! Now he is all snuggled up and almost asleep

We have this thing called a Sleepyhead, which is a baby mattress type thing that holds them quite tightly so it feels a bit like they're in the womb again. We put him in that and he is quite happy to lie there just looking around and chilling, then will drop off to sleep on his own. He is very good.
Thanks for the info re c-sections. It is a long way off yet but I do think about the 2nd child already. My recovery from this birth was fairly quick so on the one hand I think I should go natural again, but at the same time the thought of labour fills me with dread, and the fear of getting an even worse tear is scary...will see how I feel this time next year haha

I don't know if planned c sections are easier to recover from than emergency ones. My friend just had a serious emergency situation and was whisked into theatre within 5 minutes of there being a problem with the baby's heart rate, and I know she is suffering quite a lot.