2012 TTC chat

Thanks Mmleo I have just been so sad over it and pray baby boy will be healthy. That sounds like you had a great time :) I am glad you got to go enjoy yourself! We had Madison's party today and it went really well. I'm exhausted lol.

Smiler I hope all is well :) thinking of you
Hi ladies! So proud to announce Patrick William was born Aug 22nd 9lb 9 oz!! Had him at home but ebded up in hospital for 3 days due to tearing and a blood clot :( lost nearly 3 pints of blood so was alk a little traumatising. But Patrick is totally fine and that's all I care about. Will post a pic soon x

Sunshine I'm so sorry for the worrying news am hoping so much it goes away as they say it will. When do you have another scan?

Mmleo hope you are ok xx
Oh my God smiler!That is soooo good news and that's such a huge baby!!I've never had of anyone having such a big one!So sorry u ended up in the hospital but again...am glad he is fine.R u back home now?
Wd love to c pics soon.stay well and Congrats on ur new baby!
Oh Smiler Congrats!! How exciting!! I am so sorry you had to go to the hospital. I hope everything is ok now. Lane weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces but they took him by c-section. You are a strong woman! You did that with no medication? He sounds like a very healthy baby and I hope you are feeling better :) And good for you for the home birth! That is such a wonderful experience I have heard. I wish I could have done that with my kids. Can't wait to see pics! I am sure he is absolutely precious!!

I have a follow up ultrasound on Sept 19th to check on the baby again. These cysts can be associated with Trisomy 18 but there are usually other abnormalities found in the bloodwork and on the ultrasound and so far that hasn't been the case with me. I just hope the baby and the ultrasound looks normal when I go back. I am very scared and worried.

Mmleo, your date is getting so close! Are you ready?
:hi: ladies!God it's been so long...I tried to post something last night but I was sooo exhausted I couldn't even type one sentence.

How r u sunshine?u asked if I was ready...then I wasn't but now I really need to meet this little one,will miss being pregnant for sure but I am so ready.I still can't imagine how it is to have more than one child.

Hey smiler!i hope by now u have recovered or at least feeling much much better.Did ur Dh get a leave?r u getting many visitors?how is the little man doing?does he sleep well?Am sure u don't have time to come here,at least not now...wishing u the best.

I had my last appointment with the doc tday,will go back next week to have a baby if all goes as planned .

Wishing and hoping for the best for ur next scan sunshine...just like we always said,stay positive,I actually the cysts will go away by thmselves like most of them do.:hugs:

Hope to hear from u gals
Hey there

sorry for my absence! Has been hard getting online, little Patrick is an angel generally but it's the feeding that sucks up all the time...every 2 hours pretty much, then by the time he's settled down for a sleep, I've done a couple of things round the house or had a sleep myself it's time to start over! When do they start going longer between feeds?!

Also still a bit wiped out from the birth...keep meaning to write my birth story on here but not got round to it. All I will say for now is they told me next time I can have a c-section because of the damage done this time!! Hurrah!

Mmleo so close for you now! How are you feeling?

Sunshine, must seem like your next scan is ages away :hugs: It's a great sign that all of the other tests came back fine though, it would be incredibly unlikely that something was missed. I am so very hopeful for you that the cysts are nothing to worry about at all and your little baby will be just fine :hugs: :hugs:

Well,I just typed a lot n for some reason I lost it.

Anyway,tmoro am checking into the hospital for three days,will let u know as soon as we meet our baby.

Sunshine..hope all is well with u apart from the obvious that is worrying u.How r the older babies?

Smiler...I think ur baby going 2hrs between feeds is actually ok,I think my son used to go shorter,he only started going longer after we introduced heavier things like porridge then food ofcoz.I think u will just get used to it I guess.I can't imagine how u manage to do things around the house too,how is that going?r u feeling better?
Mmleo! So exciting! I hope it all goes smoothly you must be so excited. I will be thinking of you xxx

Ah yeah the last couple of days he's only been going an hour - hour 1/2 between feeds during the day so that's been tiring. I always worry he's not getting enough milk, with PCOS it can be hard to keep up the supply. I think I'm going to try expressing so we have a better idea of how much he eats and also to give me a break! BFing is hard.

DH has been doing a lot of the housework but his paternity leave ends tomorrow so we'll see how I cope with it myself!!

Sunshine how are you? Xxx
Hi ladies! We have been in Arkansas visiting family and spent two days by ourselves in the mountains for our anniversary. It was so lovely! :) I am getting so big, looks like this baby is going to be big like my son was.

Smiler I'm sorry you had a bit of a rough time during labor. He sure was a big healthy boy :) do you have any pics? How is the breastfeeding going?

Mmleo you will be having your little boy very soon! How exciting!! How are you feeling?
Glad you had a great time away Sunshine! Congratulations on your anniversary! How many years?

I'm on my kindle right now so I can't post pics but will try to get the laptop out tomorrow!He is just so cute can't wait to show him off haha :)

Hmm BF ing not so great. We've resorted to formula 3 times now and the fact is he gets less wind and sleeps better than he does with my milk. Initially I felt relieved because having DH do some feeds is so nice but now the guilt is starting to kick in. I feel like I'm so lazy for giving up already he isn't even 3 weeks old yet. Tonight I'm going to try BF ing all night feeds then giving formula in the day, but if he gets bad wind again and little sleep then it'll have to be formula all the time. I tried expressing today too but it hurt so much, my breast was throbbing for a couple of hours after :( Plus I only got 90ml milk out and from the formula we know he takes 130ml so he was probably feeding every hour because he was still hungry. I always said if we ended up on formula I wouldn't beat myself up about it, but now it's happening I feel really bad. But if he is in less pain on formula what can I do? Argh, feel so bad!!

How big was Lane, Sunshine?
We have been married for 5 years and we have been together alittle over 10 years :) I had just turned 20 when we started dating. Seems like a long time ago lol

Lane was 9lbs 4oz almost as big as Patrick :) we have decided to name our son Austin William. I believe that is your son's middle name as well :) My husband's brother passed away at age 27 , 3 years ago from a heart attack. His name was Randy William so this baby will be named after him as a memory for my husband.

Don't beat yourself up over the breastfeeding. I had the same problem. For some reason the baby always seemed to do better with formula vs the breast milk especially Madison. I couldn't ever figure out why it happens. They say the breast milk is best but why does it make them so gassy? I had the same issues. I started supplementing formula with Maddie at 6 weeks and lane I only breastfed until 3 months because of his reflux. So whatever makes you and baby rest better and have better bonding time is what I would choose. He got the colostrum which is the most important they say :)
Ah congrats again on your anniversary :) It's our 10 yr anniversary this year too, and we got together when I was 21. Know what you mean about it feeling like a long time ago tee hee :)

I love the name you've chosen! I actually wanted Austin as a middle name but DH didn't like it. We both love William though, and that is so lovely your boy is going to share his uncle's name. I do remember you saying before about Randy, such a tragedy. Again I am so sorry :hugs:

Thanks, is so good to know my experience is not out of the ordinary. So weird how the breast milk can make them so gassy and uncomfortable. I still feel like I could've tried harder but to be brutally honest I did feel like DH was keen for us to make the change so he could do some feeds. It is great to get help with feeds I must admit, but bottles are a right faff! Constantly boiling the kettle, am anxious for the next electricity bill, haha x
Ahh the dreaded bottle cleaning, I hated that part :) I am constantly doing that now with sippy cups lol. The hardest part is keeping up with the sippy cups. Both kids run off with them and I'm lucky if I can find them again before the day is over :haha:

Well I'm sorry the breastfeeding caused problems. I know it's frustrating. I don't think I'm going to do it long with this baby. It's such a headache sometimes. I am anxious for my scan on Thursday I wish it would hurry up!

Mmleo hope you and baby are doing well! :flower:
Hello ladies!It hs been so long and I hve missed u,just didn't have the energy to write or do anything else but look after the the lito one,his bg brother who's become a rebel of some kind and deal with everything that comes with a c section.
The best news is our little Joël joined our family as planned on Monday the 9th at 10:50am,weighing 3.4kg and 53cm... and it went smoother than I remember it.

How is everyone doing?
Congratulations!!! So happy for you all.went well :) how are you feeling after the c section? You had one before didn't you? Xx
Am feeling better and recovering better than last time I think.There some pulling here n there but I guess it'll be over tmoro as am going back to have whatever they used to saw me up removed!how r u doing with baby?I can't believe my baby isn't as biogas they thought!bigger than his brother was n taller too!are u recovering well?and how r u coping with new baby?
Oh Mmleo congrats!! I am dreading my third csection. I know they are painful. I hope you are healing well. So glad baby is healthy :)

Tomorrow is scan day. I am not sure how much I will find out because I won't see the dr until Monday :(
Mmleo what? They left something inside that needs removing?!?!

Are c sections really rough? Getting ahead of myself here but when I was in hospital they said no more home births for me. We only want 1 more kid anyway (and not for a long time yet!!) The thought of going through labour again scares me, I have to say. I asked if I could have a c section instead and they said yeah sure! But it is major surgery. Is recovery hard?

Sunshine how was your scan today? Hope all went well :hugs: So frustrating they can't just tell you straight away what they see. Why do you have to wait?

Ladies I sent you both a PM so you can see some baby photos xx
Oh Smiler Patrick is absolutely adorable! And all that hair!! :) what a perfect baby boy! You and your husband are a lovely couple, so cute together! How are you and Patrick doing?

C-sections are painful. My first one they glued my incision so I never had to go back and get anything done to it. The second time they used dissolvable stitches. The pain the first few days afterwards was the worse for me. They give you pain medicine though so that helps a lot. After the first week I felt much better and was able to get up and do more. The recovery is a bit longer than normal birth. Usually about 8 weeks before you can exercise or do heavy lifting. They consider it major abdominal surgery. I have never had any complications with a csection. I'm hoping this third one will go smoothly as well.

The baby had originally had a cyst on each side of his brain. It is called bi-lateral choroid plexus cysts. Fancy medical term lol. Yesterday both cysts had disappeared which made us extremely happy! She did another complete anatomy scan because these cysts have been known to be associated with Trisomy 18. I won't see the Dr until Monday to get the official results but the ultrasound tech didn't act like she saw anything abnormal. Hopefully the Dr will tell me the same! This has been so stressful:nope:
Oh Sunshine what a relief!! That is great news :hugs: I know you have yet to see the doctor but the fact the cysts are gone and the sonographer seemed happy then that's great. Still got fingers crossed for Monday but am very hopeful you will get great news :)

Aww thanks :) We are very proud parents! Haha yes he has a lot of hair eh. When I was in labour, the MWs said "oh he has no hair at all!" but then realised what they were seeing was the membranes as my waters never broke. Once they popped my waters for me they were like, "oh, he is really hairy" lol :D

We're doing ok thanks. He's had a bit of a cold but not too bad. He only ever cries when he's hungry or about to do a massive poo...we just had lots of crying, then the worst explosion ever! Now he is all snuggled up and almost asleep :) We have this thing called a Sleepyhead, which is a baby mattress type thing that holds them quite tightly so it feels a bit like they're in the womb again. We put him in that and he is quite happy to lie there just looking around and chilling, then will drop off to sleep on his own. He is very good.

Thanks for the info re c-sections. It is a long way off yet but I do think about the 2nd child already. My recovery from this birth was fairly quick so on the one hand I think I should go natural again, but at the same time the thought of labour fills me with dread, and the fear of getting an even worse tear is scary...will see how I feel this time next year haha :) I don't know if planned c sections are easier to recover from than emergency ones. My friend just had a serious emergency situation and was whisked into theatre within 5 minutes of there being a problem with the baby's heart rate, and I know she is suffering quite a lot.

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