2012 TTC chat

Aren't they? I have no idea!! Did they say it was ok and not to worry?
The Dr didn't mention anything about it. The ultrasound tech told me it was anterior and that I may not feel her kicks very well because it serves as a cushion between my uterus and the baby.
I don't think my husband is going to get the job. He called them and they said right now they are only reviewing applications of those that have experience which my husband doesn't. He went and got that license and after all that they probably aren't going to call him back :( He is so upset and so am I. I don't know what we are going to do now. That was a way for me to stay home with the kids because the money was so good. He doesn't make enough at his current job to allow me to stay home so looks like we will be paying $825/mo for daycare :( I am soooo sooo upset
Oh Sunshine noooo :hugs: I'm so sorry. Didn't a friend put him up for this, didn't he know they'd only be looking at people with experience? It's hard when you find something you know will be perfect then it doesn't work out, we have been through that before. It's so disappointing, and really hard because you let yourself imagine how your life will be and get excited about it. It's so rubbish :( Could he carry on job-hunting anyway, is there anything else that pays similar?
Our friend got on without experience :( That's why we had our hopes up but he has military experience and they are really big on the military background so we are thinking that is what got his foot in the door. He says he was at the right place at the right time and they desperately needed people at that point because it was in January and it was really really cold in North Dakota and they kept losing people. You are exactly right, I kept imagining how it would be to be able to stay home with the kids and finally have a nice home. It is devastating and such an empty feeling because I know there is nothing I can do to change it. It just is what it is. This is our second attempt at a job in Texas and I feel like we will never be able to move :( He is going to explore other options but I sure hate to lose this one. The money was amazing :(

But on a happier note, how are you girls today??
Aww Sunshine :( It is so crappy. Maybe there would've been a downside though, perhaps the high pay is compensation for very long hours and lots of stress. Just so harsh that it came so easily for your friend and you guys got your hopes up :( I really hope something else comes up...is he going to carry on searching for jobs in Texas?

Things are a bit stressy work-wise for us too! It's too long-winded to explain but basically DH's company are a bunch of fools who don't know what they're doing. He needs to start looking for something else but it is just him and one other guy running the business in this country (head office is in Europe) so he would feel bad leaving the other guy to deal with it all alone. But you have to do what's best for you I guess...

I have no idea what my body is doing at the mo... TMI - the amount of CM I'm getting is ridiculous. I never get this much! Maybe I am going to ov, but just super-super late. If I wasn't temping I'd be tempted to test because I've only had this much before when I've been pg! Hopefully it is a good sign for the future, maybe all this exercise is proving beneficial in more ways than one :D
I hope things work out with your husband's job. That sounds like a tough spot to be in, not wanting to leave the other guy by himself but wanting something different at the same time. My husband would have been away from home alot and that would make me sad so that was a huge downfall. The abundant CM sounds like a good sign to me. I always get that when I am pregnant too! Sometimes I get alot right before I ovulate also.
Hmm well I guess if he was away a lot with the work then you could practically feel like a single mum! It's not quite the same but when we first moved in together DH was working 70-80 hours a week which included weekends, and sometimes I just felt like why are we bothering?! We never see each other! It was no fun at all, imagine it would only feel worse if we'd had kids at that time too.

Well I was hoping for a temp rise as I can only really explain the CM as something to do with ovulation but that's not happened. It's just weird, and a bit annoying because I thought by now we'd be in the "safe" zone and not have to worry about dtd!
That does sound annoying. PCOS always made my cycles so unpredictable and I hated it. I would always jump for joy when my period started on time. My husband thought I was crazy. The weird thing is before I had my son my period were really crazy. They were all over the place. Then after I had my son my periods came every 30 days right on the dot. I thought for sure that meant I was fertile but after a progesterone check one month we determined that I was still not fertile. That's so strange to me but I was really glad my periods were finally normal.
Hey - back from a few days away for Easter :) Did you have a nice Easter holiday? We just went to visit my parents and saw friends, family etc. Was really nice and relaxing and even managed to be good and not eat too much chocolate :D

Hey that is weird - before I got pg the first time, my periods went from being kind-of predictable to absolutely crazy. I had a 130 day cycle for no reason, then just as I was getting my day 21 test results back, I found out I was actually pg. Things seem a little mad now so maybe it is a good sign :) So strange that you had regular periods but weren't fertile...were you just not ovulating then?

I think I did ov this weekend - FF says day 43. That is the latest I have ever, ever had. But hopefully my temps will stay up and I will get AF in the next couple of weeks.

How are things with you, how's the heat?? Is your son getting really excited to be a big brother?

Mmleo! Are you still around?? Hope you're doing ok x
We just got back from our Easter break also. We went to Texas. My husband did get a call from another job in Texas that he applied for. He has an interview Tuesday. It's decent money and closer to my Mom. Hope everyone had a good Easter :)
Oh that's exciting! What's the job? How much closer to your mum would you be if he got it? Hope the interview goes well, fingers crossed!

How are you feeling at the mo, everything good? I'm getting pretty excited for June/July. It sometimes still feels like ages away but really I know it isn't. I kind of hope I miraculously get pg when we're on holiday though :D Am just thinking happy thoughts!
I would be about 2 hours from my Mom. It's the same job he's doing now but more money and a bigger facility. It's pretty much like a sister company. Same company name and job. I hope you get pregnant too :) That would be so exciting!! I am feeling the baby alot now and feeling really fat lol. I went shopping for some maternity shorts last weekend and that was not fun. It made me realize how chubby I am getting haha
How many hours away from your mum are you now? 2 hours still sounds like a lot to me but we're just a little island :) Is the interview tomorrow? Good luck to him, hope it goes well! Hopefully if it's pretty much the same company and is a job they already know he can do he will be in with a good chance :)

Aww sorry you're feeling fat! I bet you look beautiful :) I'm being really silly this week - I'm 10 dpo and keep imagining getting a bfp this cycle....even though we didn't dtd at the right time AT ALL and we're deliberately trying not to get pg, haha! Just that thought is always there in the back of my mind :D
You never know :) Anything is possible! Yeah it's 2 hours from my mom. Not as close as I would like but atleast it's not 8 hours away like I am now :)
8 hours! Oh wow that is a big distance. I live about 1 hour+15 mins away from my family and sometimes I really hate it but other times I appreciate the distance haha :D At least you could visit for the weekend without it being too tiring and vice-versa. It'd be so nice for your kids to be able to see their grandma more :)

Haha well I'm not really going to hold my breath! I think we dtd 6 days before ov and since we're not trying we, ahem, didn't finish inside if you see what I mean! Sorry that really is TMI hey :wacko: I just hope that with my crazy cycles I don't end up having AF whilst we're on holiday, that would be truly rubbish :( Would be way better to ov on holiday and get pg haha :D
It's ok I am very open-minded :) Never TMI for me. We did the "pull-out" method for a long time before we decided to get pregnant :) The interview went well yesterday. We still don't know anything. Agghhhh it takes forever to find anything out. They said they would call him if he got the job and send him an e-mail if he didn't get the job. Seems silly to me but I guess we will wait it out :) I hope AF does not show up over your holiday! That would be a bummer.
Argh it is so hard having to sit around and wait, did they even say how long it might take for them to decide? Good luck!!

Haha phew glad it wasn't TMI! I've stopped talking about all that stuff a lot since we stopped ttc so I wasn't sure if I was going too far :D

I am worried today - my mum's been emailing me, telling me she had some tests done at the hospital, but she won't tell me what the results were til I actually see her at the weekend. If everything was ok then she'd just say so, right?? I'm worried...I know she was going in to have her digestive system checked out so it's a bit scary :(
Oh no, I am sorry to hear about your mom (mum) I love the way you say it :) What kind of symptoms has she been having?? I hope all is well. That's ironic that you mentioned that. I got a call from my mom yesterday and she has been having some problems and she went to the Dr. They did an ultrasound and found out something is abnormal on her uterus so they are doing a biopsy May 2nd. The Dr seemed pretty concerned :(

No news on the job yet and we aren't sure how long it will take to find out :( I am such a nervous wreck....
Oh Sunshine I'm so sorry to hear about your mum (mom!), has she been having problems for a long time? May 2nd seems a little while away, can they not do the biopsy any sooner? My aunt had problems a few years ago with abnormal bleeding (think she was past the menopause) turned out she had fibroids. I hope it is nothing serious, for either of our mums...I don't really know what the symptoms mine has been having as she doesn't really like to talk about it, which I can understand. She had her bowel etc checked recently and that came back ok, and now they checked her stomach. She got back to me yesterday and said they have to repeat the test but I don't know why. I'm prob worrying over nothing, I do tend to go into panic-mode quite easily! I worry about her health though because she just doesn't look after herself, no fruit or veg, too much alcohol, not enough exercise....

Aww sorry you're such a nervous wreck at the mo, it's a lot to have on your mind :hugs: try and keep yourself relaxed - but I know that is way easier said than done :wacko: Do you have any more midwife appointments or anything coming up?

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