2012 TTC chat

Mom is past menopause too so maybe it is fibroids. She drinks alcohol quite a bit, doesn't eat healthy and has a very stressful job so I worry about her alot. I hope both of our moms are ok and everything is fine :)

I have an appt next Thursday, it's just a check-up :)
jello ladies...sorry i've bn so busy(doing what am not sure)lately and to be honest am loving it..i hvent worried abt ttc in what feels like a very long time.I ve bn hving guests since early march,1st MIL,then my friend her husband and their 2 kids then travelling a bit too...i sh'd be around more in may..
how i missed u ladies..hop to chat more in the next few days...:hugs:
Mmleo!!! So great to hear from you! So great you're happy and not thinking about ttc too much, it is nice to have a break from thinking about it :)

Sunshine, our mums sound very similar...mine had astressful job so she drank in the evenings to chill out. She retired a few months ago and only drinks at weekend s now which is better but I still worry. Diet is awful, no exercise either so I worry aboit her health. Fingers crossed they're both ok x
Mmleo!! Hi!! So glad you are taking a break and not stressing. Hope you are enjoying all your company :)

Smiler they sound just alike :) my mom worries me sick with her habits. She is always so stressed and has high blood pressure :(
Sunshine I totally understand where you're coming from... I sometimes feel like I'm the mum rather than the other way round with all this worrying! What does your mum do for a living, is she close to retiring? Mine is much more relaxed since she retired but I guess by a certain point the damage is already done...I spoke to my mum this weekend and I feel much better. They need to keep an eye on her because she has some problem with her upper digestive system that in time can lead to cancer, but not always. So at least they know now and she will be checked regularly and has got tablets that will hopefully help calm things down. She even talked about what fruit and veg she was going to start eating so that was nice to hear :D

Mmleo, what travelling have you been doing? Going anywhere exciting? Looking forward to hearing more from you again, you have been missed!

I started a new cycle this weekend, making the last one a 57 day cycle. We got out the calendar and panicked because it is 57 days til we go on holiday!! I am so worried I will have AF whilst we're away!!
Smiler, I hope and pray that you don't have your cycle over your holiday. That wouldn't be fun :( I hope everything turns out ok with our mums :) I am so ready for maternity leave or better yet for my husband to get that job. He called on Friday and they said they still haven't made a decision :( and they will call as soon as they do.
Any news today Sunshine? Has been a week exactly now since the interview hasn't it? I have got everything crossed for you guys, I really hope he gets it. How much longer til you go on maternity leave?

I had a day off work today and had a photography lesson...I'm a complete beginner and think I've come away more confused than when I started!!! :wacko: It was fun though, nice to be away from the computer for a bit :)
How exciting!! Photography is so much fun but I am not very good at it haha :) I love taking pictures. No news yet. I can't believe how long these people take to respond. He applied for this job last May and he just now had his second interview last week?? It's crazy to me.
Wha???? That's ridiculous! He applied in MAY 2011 and here we are nearly May 2012 and they still haven't decided? Are you sure you want him working for them, they sound like a bunch of clowns to me! Goodness gracious, how frustrating...

Haha I'm sure you're better at photography than you think :) I find the techie stuff hard to follow, my brain just can't handle it! It's a big DSLR one with some posh lenses, but I don't feel worthy of it at the moment :D My FIL sold it to me because he can't hold his walking stick and the camera at the same time, bless :)
This is the slowest company I have ever seen in my life haha :) They haven't hired anyone since 2010 because they don't ever have any turnover so I guess that may be the only good sign??

I go to the Dr today for a check-up. Nothing special just pee in a cup, see how fat I have gotten and see the Dr lol. Fun day!
How did the check up go Sunshine? Hope all is ok. How about your DH - has he heard back from that company yet??
The check-up went well :) He said I was measuring perfect and I was "all baby." He wasn't very happy with my weight gain so I have started eating different foods trying to keep my weight down. We still have not heard back from the job. This is becoming very frustrating:growlmad:

How are things with you??
Ah that's great everything is going well :) How much weight have you gained, if you don't mind me asking?! You don't have to answer if you don't want to!! Are you managing to do any walking etc or is it really hot+humid still?

Sorry DH still hasn't heard, I am stunned it's taking this long :wacko: Is he still keeping his eyes out for other jobs?

Things with me are fine thanks! Not much going on really...looking forward to booking a doctor's appt soon. It's only 6 weeks til we go on holiday and I'd like for everything to be all organized with the clomid so I can go on it as soon as we get home. I'm getting pretty excited but also quite nervous. I just hope it works and this can all be an end to it. The other night DH admitted he was worried about being too old to be a dad :( He's not too old at all, he's only 35, but I know what he means. If it takes much longer, like another few years say, I understand where he's coming from. I'm 6 years younger than him so it's not so bad for me just yet but I just want him to be a dad asap, he would be so great at it :)
I have gained 22lbs!! :( Which is more than what I should have gained by now. I gained 35lbs total with my son which is on the higher end. They recommend 25-35lbs total. There is one other job he was wanting to check into so hopefully he can do that soon. I am sure you both are anxious to have a little one :) I can't wait until you start trying again! What are you planning on doing, just taking the Clomid or are you doing other things to help it along?
Aww :hugs: Did they give you any advice re exercising during pregnancy? I always thought when I was pg I'd go to one of those aquarobic classes, but thinking about squeezing into a swimming costume and being to big to shave your legs puts me off slightly :D

Well fingers crossed for this other job! Is he unhappy where he is now, or do you both just think a move to Texas would be better in terms of being close to your family? How is your mum by the way, did she have her tests yet? Hope she is alright.

I am so keen to get started! I bought some Pre-Seed, apparently clomid can totally dry up your CM which is no good at all. No one told me to, but I think also I will up my dose of folic acid. I was told 400-600mg is fine and with my last pregnancies I was only taking 400 so I will up it to 600mg whilst we are ttc and if I get pg, just in case it makes a difference. That's pretty much it really, not sure what else I can do apart from try and stay calm :wacko: I got a meditation CD months ago I still haven't listened to, maybe will try that!
My mom had her biopsy done last week and is hoping to hear something this week. The good news is the Dr reassured her she didn't think it was cancer so that was a breath of fresh air :) How is your mom doing?? I really would love to exercise but it is so hard to fit it in between work and my son. My husband works 12 hour shifts and is gone a lot so it is hard for me to find time but I need to get off my butt and do something! :) The pre-seed is an excellent idea. I was about to start that myself had we not gotten pregnant. I thought that may have been part of the problem. I wasn't really dry but it wasn't like the egg white stuff either, it was more watery. Sorry for the TMI :) The folic acid is also a great idea. I actually take 800 a day which is in my prenatal. I took the prenatals after I had my son and took them all the way until this pregnancy too. They say that really helps :) I can't wait until you get pregnant! YAY!!
Oh that is great to hear the doc doesn't think it is cancer, what a relief that must be. Fingers crossed the results come back as something easy to treat :hugs: I think my mum is ok - will be seeing her this weekend so maybe there'll be more news. I think they took samples of whatever they found down her oesophagus. She sounded pretty cheery when we spoke on the phone yesterday so hopefully all is ok!

Ouch, 12 hour shifts! Has he been able to apply for that other job yet? Re exercise you know what I found really good before I joined the gym was exercise DVDs :) I def saw results! The woman who made the ones I did also made a pregnancy dvd when she was expecting, so I'm sure there'd be others around that you could find on Amazon or something? I don't know how practical this idea is with a toddler though!!!

I'm the same as you, I don't often get the EWCM like everyone else talks about :( Watery is about as good as it gets, apart from last cycle. I don't know what was going on there! So typical to get lovely fertile CM when we're on a break :wacko: I just hope clomid does the trick! I'm not expecting to get pg the first cycle but since I'm only being allowed 3 cycles of treatment hopefully we won't have to wait too long!! Fingers crossed the BFP will be here by September....!!!!
I wonder if the watery CM is a PCOS thing?? We both have it so that would make sense:shrug: He hasn't applied for the other job yet. I think he can do it online but I am not sure. He may just go ahead and wait until after the baby to look any further since it is getting closer and I have such good insurance where I work. I guess everything happens for a reason. We haven't been getting along very well. I am not sure if it's the stress or what but I feel like we are fighting constantly :cry:
Oh hun :hugs: :hugs: I'm sorry to hear you guys are fighting :( Is there one specific thing that causes the arguments or just general stuff? It's normal to fight though, every couple does it. You'll get through. We fought quite a lot when DH was out of work for a while, though I know yours isn't out of work I guess trying to find stuff and being disappointed by that first one is hard. And having a baby is very exciting but at the same time daunting!! You'll be ok hun :hugs:

Yeah I think the CM could be to do with PCOS...I guess you need the right hormones at the right time for your body to create the EWCM and when your hormones are out of balance it would make sense that it doesn't happen. I don't know! I started to drink grapefruit juice because apparently it helps but it's too horrid I stopped :D
I don't like grapefruit juice either :) They sell the grapefruit tablets I think. Maybe that would be easier than drinking the juice. We haven't spoke since yesterday and we slept in separate rooms :( I hope this is just a phase and passes soon because the fighting on top of everything else just compounds the stress and I hate it. I am glad you are getting to see your Mom this weekend :) I hope all is well with her!

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