2012 TTC chat

OMG Sunshine I'm really sorry :( Maybe you guys need to get out of the house and on neutral ground to talk things through? I hope you start speaking again soon...we do that too, give each other the silent treatment :wacko:

Oh I never heard of grapefruit tablets, I'll have a google :)
Things are a little better today. We spoke finally. I think we are both so stressed out about everything. Also our little boy has to have tubes put in his ears on Monday so that makes us sad :( I know it will be better for him though. He has had several ear infections back to back.
That's good news :) Glad you guys are speaking again. I'm sorry you're both feeling really stressed about stuff, and sorry for your little boy too, poor little thing. What do the tubes do? How long will he have to have them in for?
The tubes should stay in about 6 months. It is a 15 minute procedure but they have to put him to sleep :( It makes me so sad. They fall out on their own and it is supposed to help prevent further ear infections. Several of my friends kids and my husband had them as children and say they really help. I hope I am doing the right thing. On a positive note, he just had his first dental check-up and they said we are doing a wonderful job with him and his teeth look great!
I've never heard of this treatment! Totally see why it's upsetting for you but hopefully it'll prevent a lot of pain and discomfort from more infections if he didn't have them put in. Does he understand what's going to happen or is he too young to really get it? I love the story my MIL told me about when DH was little and he was circumcised....they bought him a teddy and put plasters between the teddy's leg so he had a "friend" who'd had the same operation as him :D

Yay for good teeth!!

I had a nice temp rise this morning....I really hope it was due to OV but I know I shouldn't get excited. Things tend to get rocky around this time. I'm still seeing the chiropractor and I came across some info online saying that straightening your spine can sometimes help with fertility issues. I'm not getting my hopes up or anything, but would be interesting if I saw an improvement with my cycles whilst having back treatment.
He's still a little young to know what's going on. That makes me even more sad because I can't explain it to him :( Poor little guy. Yay for a temp rise!!! I need to go to the chiropractor. My scoliosis acts up terribly when I am pregnant. Between work and all of my son's appointments lately, I can't find the time to go see one. That's cute about the teddy bear :) I hated the circumcision part too :( I made my husband doctor it at first because it made me so sad for him. It looked painful.
Was it today your little boy had the tubes put in, or is it next Monday? Hope it went well if it was today, I'm sure he's in need of a few hugs!! :hugs:

I hope if it's all sorted with his ears you'll have a bit more time to see a chiropractor. The one I see has got loads of leaflets and books etc around the office about pregnancy back pain and what it can do to help. Hopefully in a few months' time I'll be going back to see him for that reason! (Or not, because it is expensive!!)

Temp dropped again! FF did say I ov'd on day 19, but took the lines away this morning :( Oh well. But prob for the best - we DTD properly (if you know what I mean) on day 18! There is always a part of me that hopes for a surprise BFP but when I sit and think about it, actually I really do not want to be pg on holiday, I would be so scared in case something went wrong when we were away :wacko: It sounds a bit silly but we're really preparing ourselves mentally for going on clomid, and recently have started to talk as though we're going to have twins!! DH keeps saying if we talk about it now it won't be such a shock if it happens. Apparently most people who have twins on clomid are the group who take it days 2-6, and those are the days my doc has told me to take it....
He had his tubes put in yesterday. He is doing well. My mother in law is at my house with him and he will return to daycare tomorrow. I don't really get along with her half the time. I tolerate her :) The first thing out of her mouth this morning when she walked in to my house, was oh my gosh you are huge!! Wow! Thanks!
Sunshine you look absolutely gorgeous!! To me it looks like a lovely neat little bump and you really don't look overweight or anything! Don't listen the MIL she has no idea what she's talking about :D

I get on with my in laws a lot of the time but there are times when they drive me round the bend. I think we all have to go through that! It's good she can help take care of your son though, and I'm so pleased he is doing ok :)
Thank you :) I feel like a whale. I am trying so hard to eat healthy but the more I try the worse I do haha. I did good this morning. I had a light breakfast sandwich on an english muffin and protein shake. I've got to find some time to get some exercise. We did get some news on a job. Do you remember the one in Texas that my friends husband works at? My husband had tried to get on there but didn't have any luck because they wanted someone with experience. Well my friends husband went in yesterday and talked to one of the hiring managers and he said right now they are on a hiring freeze but once it is lifted my husband would be one of the first called back!!! So I am hanging on to that! Maybe there is still hope :)
Honestly you look great! I can imagine you must feel big but I think the bump is just so cute :) I am worried I'll pile on the pounds when I'm pg, they seem to creep on so easily ordinarily! But if I look like you I'll be happy :D

Mmm breakfast sounds yum! I'm similar to you, if I think about dieting too much then all I want is the bad things! If I don't put any pressure on myself then I find I'll eat more healthily and tend not to binge on the bad stuff. My chiropractor made me feel bad this week though - he is very hot on ppl getting their 5 a day and I know I don't. So today I had apple, blueberries, blackberries and nuts with Greek yoghurt mmm :)

Oh YAY that is really good news! Any idea how long the hiring freeze is for? I hope it works out in the end. Also I hope things with you and your DH are better this week?

My DH is also pondering a job move... his ex-boss put him forward for a job with a different company. We're waiting to hear what the salary would be but his ex-boss said it was a "significant pay packet". I'm not sure what his idea of significant is. Trying not to get too excited but if the money is right then he's pretty sure he's going to take it. It might involve moving which is the only thing worrying me because it could fall during the time I'm taking clomid, and would be a real pain finding a new doctor and making sure the treatment and checks don't get interrupted. But we'll see!
You are too sweet :) I am sure you will do just fine pregnant especially if you eat like you did today. That sounds yummy! Our friend was unsure how long the freeze would last, that was the only bad news. They have quite a bit of turnover because it involves working out of town. I don't like that part either but the money is good enough I could stay home with the kids which is really important to us. I can totally relate to the moving thing. It scares me to death to think of switching doctors in the middle of this pregnancy and then trying to schedule my c-section with another dr. Yikes! I hope your husband gets that job though, that sounds like more opportunity for you two!
Oh wow I didn't know you were having a c-section. Did you have one with your son? I can't stand to watch those things on TV, makes me feel sick haha :) I bet it feels really weird. I was talking about c-sections with the woman who waxes my legs! I always thought you were out of action for a couple of months and made life really hard, but she said she kept ontop of her pain meds and was pretty much ok within a couple of weeks. Hope yours goes just as well!

It would be so great if you could stay at home. Maybe the freeze is actually for the best; it would be such a nightmare to move whilst pregnant, then find a new doc etc.

DH is supposed to be having a phone call in about an hour about this job. I'm quite nervous! I think it could be a really good opportunity. Just depends if the money is right, that's what we're waiting to hear about. If it's not enough then I'm not sure he'll take it, and he'll be pretty disappointed. We don't earn a ton of money now but since this job would involve travelling, plus moving to a more expensive area it just might not work out. But then again maybe it will. I don't know! Arrgghh tension.....
It sounds like you are having all the same stress as me right now. We are making it financially but not as well as we would like to. Did you hear anything today? I did have a c-section with my son. The recovery was hard. I am not happy about having to have another one :(
Oh no :( :( I'm sorry it was hard with your son, is there no way you can deliver vaginally this time? I suppose if it's risky for some reason then it's for the best. Will you have to have your mom or someone come and stay to help out?

No we didn't hear back yet :( He did speak to this guy on Friday night, who gave him a better idea of the 'perks' but still not salary. He said he'd email DH but still not got anything. We know he's a really busy guy so we understand, but it is frustrating! We get along ok financially, but we can never afford to save very much. At this rate we'll be working til we're 90 and we'll never own our own home!!
My Dr gave me the option of vaginal delivery but I decided I didn't want to take the risks :( My mom usually comes to stay with me the first week and then my husband will be here the second week. After the second week I can drive again so I should be ok but I still won't be able to lift my toddler. He is pretty good about climbing in and out of the car on his own though so I don't have to worry about that too much. I completely understand about owning a home. We still rent and I hate it. We live in a tiny house and can't ever save anything. And I can't imagine how bad it is about to be with two kids in daycare. That is going to cost us a fortune :( I hope your husband hears something very soon about the job! :)
Oh I think that is totally understandable about not wanting to take any risks. I hope this one goes really well and maybe the recovery won't be quite so bad if you've been through it before??! I don't know. I hope it is better. Good that your mum can come and help out though. Do you have a date booked in or do you just wait til labour starts?

STILL waiting to hear about this job! He got in touch yesterday to apologise, he's been so busy. He said he will send an email today with all the details of pay etc. So just waiting...it's DH's birthday today so hopefully it'll be a good news birthday email :D But I think even if he does get it and the money is good, we'll have to move closer to London, and round there rental prices just sky-rocket. So we still won't be able to save, and we'll have to downsize. Is daycare really expensive in the US? I know it is ridiculous over here.

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