2012 TTC chat

I am working up to the day right before the c-section :( They are taking her the 15th and my last day of work is Tues the 14th. I kind of hope the Dr takes me off sooner but I doubt he will unless I start getting really close to labor. I don't think they really like you to go into labor before a scheduled c-section. I am already so hot and miserable, and it is hard to get out of bed :(

The Femara gave me ovulation cramps also and some hot flashes but other than that I didn't experience any side effects. What cycle day are you on?
Oh Sunshine :( :( :( Big :hugs: I'm sorry you have to work so long!! I'm just so surprised I don't know what to say! Is there no way you can work from home or anything?

I'm only on CD8 today so a way to go. I'm really hoping I'm on one of my shorter cycles. Probably wishful thinking but I wondered if maybe those progesterone tablets could maybe "shock" my system into behaving more normally :) Have no idea how, but I can hope :D
They still pay me hourly here :( If I was on salary I could definitely work from home. It is so aggravating. I have been here 5 years. I started here right out of college. I have only had 2 really crappy raises and still make crappy pay. I really need to find something else after the baby so I can use my degrees. The only benefit to staying here is they have really cheap health insurance. It has been wonderful for the family.

CD 8 is a good start :) Not too much longer and ovulation will be getting close :) I am so excited for you!
Argh Sunshine! Sounds so frustrating! What are your degrees in?

I reeeeaaalllly hope ovulation is not too far away. The earliest I've ever ov'd is CD 25. That's only 13 days away, I'm so anxious!
Have you tried the ovulation kits? I used them this time when I got pregnant.

I have my Associates in Business and my Bachelors in Business Admin with a Human Resource Management Focus. I have checked into getting my MBA but I am still paying student loans back and don't really want to borrow anymore money right now :(
Wow Sunshine that's great :) I hope you find something that uses your knowledge - and pays you for it!! I've just got a bachelor's in English Literature; would love to do an MA but like you the money is just not there :( Do companies sponsor you to do them in the US? My sister works in HR and she got her Masters through work. They gave her a day off every week for uni and funded her course entirely, in exchange of course for her committing to work for them for a certain amount of time after she finished the course.

No I've never used OPKs because they say you can't use them with PCOS. However, I was chatting to someone else on here who is just starting clomid, and the nurse told her to use OPKs, then they would give her a blood test a week after she got a positive. So I guess once I'm on clomid they might want me to start using them.
I love English :) It was my favorite subject in school. There are companies out there will offer either tuition reimbursement or will just pay for the schooling up front. My current job doesn't offer anything like that. It is a small company, family owned so they don't offer much. If my husband hasn't heard back from the job in Texas by the time I come back here in October, I am going to look for something else.

That makes sense about the OPK's because with PCOS they can give false readings. I tried them once when I wasn't on the fertility meds and I got positives all the time no matter when I did it. It was such a headache. But this time I tried them while on the fertility meds and I only got a positive one day so I am pretty sure it worked :) When you start the Clomid you can try them then, that would be a good idea :)
Sunshine I get the feeling you're ready to move on from this job! Whether it's by moving to Texas or getting something new I think it will be great to have a new start and move onto bigger and better things :)

Yeah with PCOS you can produce LH for quite alot of your cycle, which "normal" women should only produce for a few days ahead of ovulation :) Hopefully the clomid will mean I can use them, although I do BBT every single doctor I've seen, bar one, has told me BBT is a waste of time! So I know when I'm on the clomid they won't take the BBT seriously :growlmad:
I am very unhappy at my job. I have been here 5 years. I started here right out of college and it has just become very boring and unrewarding. I like most of the people I work with, they are very nice. The job duties are just not what I would like to be doing.

I never did the temps. My Dr never recommended it to me. They just always made me do the 21 day progesterone blood tests. I had to do those about 8 different times between both kids.
Our main goal is to make some changes so we can earn more income. We have been trying everything we can to figure out a way to make more money and get us a house. We live in a small 2 bedroom and right now the kids will have to share a room until we can move.
I really hope this happens for you. It sounds like you guys are so ready to make some changes and do whatever it takes to get where you want to be. I think when you want something bad enough you find yourself doing what you need to in order to achieve it, so I am sure you will get there :) Just annoying that it takes so much time and uncertainty! I'm sure the kids will be ok together, my sister and I shared a room til I was about 5. It was quite fun actually :)

Yeah the docs always sent me for day 21 blood tests; think I've had about 5 so far. They always come back negative but thanks to temping I knew not to worry about it because my temp would then rise a couple of weeks later. It does concern me sometimes the attitude towards temping - my friend got a negative day 21 blood test and just off the back of that she was given clomid. She told me she had 35 day long cycles, so that means she would've been ovulating around day 21 anyway. If she'd tried temping she would've known this, and not had all the tears and upset when she was told she wasn't ovulating and wouldn't get pregnant without drugs. She ended up with twins - not that she's unhappy, quite the opposite, but I don't see why if someone gets a negative day 21 test with regular cycles they don't do more tests rather than leaping straight to drugs. BBT has stopped any confusion with me, and also it's a relief to know when I'm going to get my period, whereas before I would always leave the house with sanitary towels just in case!
Me and my sister shared a room too :) until I was about 7. Is your sister older or younger? I don't so much mind them sharing the room but poor Lane doesn't have any room for his toys or to play because between his bed and her crib and the dresser and changing table he has like one little area. He drags all his toys in the living room and plays with them there ha-ha :) I can't say I blame him. We are just a little stressed right now I think because the daycare costs we will incur plus my husband's truck is in bad shape and he needs a new one badly. It seems like you can't ever get ahead sometimes but I have faith that we will make it. We may just be on a really tight budget for a while.

I always ovulated around day 18 so they usually did my progesterone checks around cd23 but I think that was still too soon because I think they are supposed to wait 7 days past ovulation to check it if I am thinking correctly.
My sister is older than me, so possibly she doesn't remember it as fondly as I do :D I know I used to poke her mattress through the slats in the bunk bed when she was trying to sleep because I was on the bottom :rofl:

Aww bless little Lane, that is a small room hey :( I totally sympathise about being stressed, life does seem unfair at times. We're not exactly swimming in cash and often wonder how we will manage when we have kids but I think we cope with whatever comes to us because there's no choice really is there! I am just hoping so badly for you that this hiring freeze comes to an end ASAP. Wouldn't it be amazing if they gave your OH a job just when your little girl is born? I hope August is a lucky month for you all :hugs:

Yeah they should wait 7 days after OV but I guess with just 5 days wait they could still see higher progesterone levels? I am so fickle - last night and this morning my boobs started to hurt and I was thinking, oh no don't be ovulating NOW, it's too early for my doc's appointment! Hahaha :)
That is funny about your sister! That sounds like something I would do.:haha: My sister is 7 years older than me. We get along great now but when we were younger we fought like crazy.

I hope ovulation waits until your appt. Isn't your appt on the 26th? My progesterone reading came back at a 16.2 the month I got pregnant with her. They like to see anything over a 10 so that was a great reading for me. Normally when I am not having a medicated cycle, it would be about a 7 :wacko:
Wow 7 years that is a big gap! There's only 2 years between us, though there is 5 years between her and my brother and they fought a lot too. I think it can be hard when there is a large age gap because you're at such different stages. But we all get along really well now too :)

Yes, appt is the 26th. I don't mind if I ovulate that week or something, I just want to have time to get hold of the clomid before AF arrives as I have to start it on CD 2.

They never told me any kind of numbers with my blood tests, just told bluntly that "you haven't ovulated." I think if I wasn't doing BBT I'd take that news quite hard; putting it like that makes it sound like it's your fault!!
PCOS is so stressful. The sad thing is there is no cure for it, just treatments from what the Dr told me. I got diagnosed when I was 16. My sister and mom are just fine, no fertility problems at all. I was always kinda bitter because it took so much for me to conceive and my sister got pregnant so easily but I realized this was just the way it was meant to be and I just had to work a little bit harder at it :) I think the Clomid will definitely work for you :)
I know what you mean! Sounds v similar to me, my mum had us 3 no problem. My sister's first was from NTNP, and her second she fell pregnant the first month they decided to try. I agree it is just how it is and we have to deal with what we're given, everyone has their cross to bear. I do think we are stronger for it and in a crazy way I can now almost be thankful for what we've experienced because I think it will help us to be better parents - it's made me a more sympathetic and understanding person, definitely more patient as well!! DH was always going to be a good dad tho :)

Am trying so hard to think positively; when we first agreed we'd try clomid I kept thinking it wouldn't work, but now I am convinced it will. Just keep telling myself I will be pregnant by December! I will!! :D

How are you feeling Sunshine? One more month to go, I still can't believe it!
I was always a pretty impatient person until we started trying to conceive :) then I learned what patience was all about. I quit my birth control in March 2008 a few months before our wedding. We have been together since 2003. We didn't get pregnant until October 2009. How long have you been trying? My second time around it took us 5 months and that was taking the pills every month. With my son I conceived the very first month I took them :) It is so worth it when it finally happens and I know your time is coming very soon!!

I went to the Dr yesterday and he just measured my tummy and talked to me a little bit about the c-section. My next appt won't be until I am 37 weeks because he is going out of town for the next two weeks eek! But I guess it's not a big deal because he told me yesterday he doesn't really do the cervical checks unless the patient suspects they are in labor. He doesn't like risking the infection he said. So chances are I will probably never know if I dilate before the c-section or not unless I do actually go into labor. I never went into labor with my son, but I did lose my mucus plug... sorry TMI :blush:
Hehe no such thing as TMI :D Do you feel a bit better about it now then? Just have to keep everything crossed nothing happens (including your legs!!) until he is back. But even if it does surely he must have a replacement? You will be taken care of one way or another :hugs:

Hard to say exactly how long we have been TTC...we were NTNP for a long time, then went back to using condoms in the run-up to our wedding, then onto TTC properly from the honeymoon :) We got married Jan 2010, so it's been 2.5 years, plus however many months we were NTNP. I'm prepared for the clomid not to work first time round, though I'm still annoyed he would only give me 3 months instead of 6. I know everyone is different but it took my friend 6 cycles of clomid to fall pregnant. Then again, there was someone on here who fell pg on her first cycle at the lowest dose possible and is now expecting triplets!!!
Oh wow, triplets! That is neat :) The pills I took had a 2-3% chance of multiples. So far just one kid each time though. I am thinking she will hold out until the c-section. If not, he said just go to labor and delivery and they will follow through with the surgery. I wouldn't mind going into labor just so I can feel what it is like. I know that sounds silly haha!

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