2012 TTC chat

No it doesn't sound silly at all! When I was pregnant the first time, the doc said my womb was slightly misshapen and there was a chance I'd have to have a c-section. On the one hand I was like, yay no labour pains for me! But on the other I thought I would still like to experience it. I guess you could possibly get the best of both worlds - experience labour but then get whisked up to the operating theatre before it starts getting too awful haha :) I was watching One Born Every Minute last night, do you ever see that? Some women were screaming SO much it looks a bit scary!

I think I would struggle with triplets!! We keep talking as though we are going to have twins though, just in case it does happen so it's not too much of a shock :) They do warn you about it with clomid but the stats are strange. I think overall the chances are like 10-15%, but then you break it down and the group that takes it CD 2-6 has the highest chance of multiples, whereas people who take it CD 5-9 have the least. I'm in the CD2-6 group so who knows....on the one hand I do think it'd be nice to NEVER have to stress about TTC again because we only want 2 kids. Also I think sometimes it can be harder to have a toddler and a baby (sorry!!) than it is to have two the same age. On the other hand, it would be nice to really enjoy each baby if you see what I mean, and have them grow up as individuals and not be stuck with the "twin thing". Two of my friends are twins and people would act like they were the same person and liked the same things etc., they would get so mad :D
I am definitely going to have my hands full haha. I am thankful I have one boy and one girl, I feel like I have the best of both worlds now :) My son is such a momma's boy. I think it would be cool if you had twins! We said if I would have had twins we would be done but it never happened. The braxton hicks contractions are starting and I hate them :( They are annoying but just part of it I guess.
Oh blimey! How can you tell the difference between braxton hicks and the real deal?

It is really cool you have a boy and a girl :) My sister has too, it's nice. My friend who had twins has a boy and a girl too, how's that for the immediate, perfect family!! I keep thinking it would be cool to have twins but guess I had better not get too keen on the idea in case I am disappointed haha :)

Aww bless him I bet he is just the cutest :) I know someone with 2 boys and they are both totally mummy's boys, whereas her daughter is a real daddy's girl. Funny how that goes eh :)
My husband is hoping our little girl will be a daddy's girl since our son is fond of me haha. He loves his daddy very much too. In fact he has been favoring him more lately so he may be turning on me lol.

The braxton hicks don't hurt, they are just so annoying. My stomach tightens up really hard and it knocks the breath out of me. I don't like them :( Also the braxton hicks are really sporadic and the real ones usually come in the same timeframes. I have never been in labor so I am really not sure what to look for. It is scary!
I'm feeling good...getting sick again but I'm almost there :) Sunshine, I can't believe you have your delivery date. That's sooo exciting! I can't wait to see pictures :). Smiler, I am so jealous of that cocktail! I' DYING for one of those :)
Haha not too long til you can have a drink VMAG! (Unless you're going to breastfeed I suppose!)

Aww Sunshine I don't think boys ever turn on their mummies haha :) DH still talks to his every single Sunday afternoon hahaha :)

Braxton hicks don't sound much fun at all! But I guess as you say if they're sporadic then that's how you know, but I can imagine it's scary!! How long til your doc gets back, I assume you have a replacement doc incase you need to talk to someone?

Ooh I'm on CD 19 today, better get cracking with DTD in case I ovulate soon...my temp went up for a few days last week and was panicking I'd already ovulated but it went down today. Phew!
VMAG - You are getting really close! 34 weeks, yay!! We are exactly a week apart :)

Smiler - Sounds like you are getting close! Better start baby-making :) There are 6 or 7 other Doctors in the practice so if something happens, I will just see a different doctor. I cleaned the house yesterday from top to bottom. That was probably a bad idea because my back is killing me today, but atleast it's clean now :)
Sunshine that's the nesting!! My friend did the same with hers :) Mad that you get the urge to clean out when you should be resting :) Hope you get to have a nice lie-down when you get home :)

Haha I said to DH this afternoon "we need to have lots of sex this week" and he was just like, hell yeah! Bring it on! :D
Haha I said to DH this afternoon "we need to have lots of sex this week" and he was just like, hell yeah! Bring it on! :D

:haha: That's too cute! They love when you tell them that! When we were trying to get pregnant with her the doctor told us to do it every other day and my husband said that is just not enough! So we did it everyday :blush: He was a very happy husband!
Hahaha! Wow we are actually very lucky ladies! I see quite a few threads on here about husbands not being interested; I never comment on those because I have no idea what that's like, and I feel bad for them :( DH is always ready at the drop of a hat :) I don't know how he is going to cope when I am pregnant and not interested!!
We definitely don't have a sex life right now :( It sucks. He won't have sex with me at all right now because he said he is scared of putting me into labor. I told him I thought it would be ok but he said no :( I feel like we are an old married couple ha-ha!
Oh boo :( Unusual that it's the man who's saying no!! I think next time I am def going to be too scared in the first 12 weeks, then maybe in the middle would be ok, but towards the end I can't imagine feeling very sexy...but then I guess maybe the pregnancy hormones do funny things! I hope you're not too frustrated :wacko:

This morning FF gave me crosshairs and says I ov'd on CD15! That's wrong, I know it isn't right at all. But still, it makes me think how nice it would be ovulate earlier than I normally do. Roll on clomid ;)
Yeah I feel really fat and unattractive right now. These last few weeks are always miserable but it's almost over :)

When are you expecting AF? I am so excited for you to start the Clomid!
Aww Sunshine I bet you are blooming :hugs: You're so close! I sometimes still can't believe it...when did we start this thread, we must've been chatting about TTC and pregnancy for nearly a year now! Mad!

I never know when AF is due til I ovulate. I can't work it out any other way :( I have just got to hope it happens soon. The last two cycles I ovulated CD42 then CD 43. I hope this is a better cycle :( It's CD 20 today so who knows...
Well this cycle is moving right along for you :) Already CD 20! Yay!

I am not sure how I am going to make it working until 39 weeks 2 days. I am already miserable and still have 4 weeks to go... :nope:
Oh Sunshine :hugs: I'm so sorry you feel rubbish :( Is there no way you can work at home??
I wish they would let me work from home :( I am interviewing 3 different girls today to take over during my maternity leave. They are supposed to begin work on July 30th and that will give me 2 weeks to train them.
How did the interviews go? Hope you found someone good!

Not much to say for myself...had a nice weekend away and at last we have some sun here so that is good :) Still no sign of ov, but not panicking just yet! The doctor is ringing me on Thursday, can't wait for a chat :)

How is everything with you?
Thursday is the 26th! yay! I didn't realize how close it was. That is so exciting. Are they definitely going to start you on the Clomid for your next cycle? I wonder if you could ask for the Provera. They used to give me that to start my period if my cycles were too long. I was just thinking if you could get this cycle out of the way sooner, you could start the Clomid right away :) So excited for you and your hubby!!

We are supposed to be going out of town Friday night and coming back Sunday. I guess you can say it is a babymoon ha-ha! I need one last break before the baby comes, but I am alittle worried about going out of town that far along. It is about a 4 hour drive where we are going.

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