Jeez Sunshine, that's terrible. I had no idea, poor little Madison

Must have been a super-long even better that you had a c-section then. Is she managing to put on some weight? I hope they can help on Fri x
Helping my friend move house really did keep my mind off it, I am so tired today!! Had to get up early to drive to the hospital in the next town along so really sleepy was an ok scan. I was hoping she was going to say "you have got some lovely follicles and you will ovulate in two or three days" but she didn't

It was a real shock seeing my ovaries on screen, the PCOS is terrible

I feel sorry for my poor little ovaries!!
I have got 1 follicle on each ovary at 10mm though, so she said hopefully I will ovulate in 6 or 7 days. Longer than I was hoping for, but not awful. She said if my cycle goes beyond 35 days, then I should double my dose of clomid, just by taking 2 pills instead of 1 every day. Then they'll scan me again to see if it needs to be increased again. She wasn't impressed when I told her about the doc who told me to go and get drunk

I really liked her, I hope I can just deal with her from now on instead of the idiot doc at my local hospital
Ooh househunting, how exciting! Renting again or buying?