2012 TTC chat

So glad your scan went well Mmleo! You and Smiler both deserve this so much! Happy and healthy beans yay!!! My mother in law and father in law are coming from Arkansas to see the kids and are keeping them for us. They will be here in a few hours. I am so excited to finally be getting a break and a few "adult" drinks!! :) I just wish I could fit into my old clothes. I am having to go buy a shirt and pants because I can't get these last 15 pounds off my butt! Haha :)
Aw I hope you have a great weekend Sunshine, enjoy the drinks! You've done so great with the weight loss don't stress about the last few pounds they will go I.m sure xx
Hi..how is everyone doing?for some reason a whole day went by without counting days as usual..guess am getting a bit relaxed..and I think my bbs are less sore again...it happens right???

Similer..only a few days to 14 wks!!lucky lucky u..r u telling any more friends?and is ur family calling every day checking on u since u told them?
Oh it's good when you get past the 'counting every single day' stage! I just count every Monday now - the weekend seems to go a little slowly but it's so much better not thinking about it every day :) Yeah of course, symptoms come and go! My boobs have not been sore at all this pregnancy. How are you feeling today Mmleo?

Yep, 14 weeks today! Can't believe this is really happening. Ha no people don't call me every day, but my mum does text me a few more times a week than she used to :) We were down visiting my family this weekend, was really nice. It's making me think that I'd really like to move closer to them .... not sure what DH will think but I'd like to talk about it. I suppose it's just me getting a bit scared, but it would be nice ot be closer to have the extra support. We have plenty of friends where we live, but they all have full time jobs and/or kids of their own. Plus DH is away a lot for work, I'd be on my own a lot. I don't know. It's more expensive where my family lives so it'd be hard. Oh, I don't know! Sigh!

Ha yeah I am noticing a little bump now. I got some balm to rub on my tummy for stretch marks and used it the first time this morning. For some reason i've been avoiding really looking at my belly, but today I was like, oh yeah! You are getting bigger! I still don't really feel 100% pregnant though, like I'm still waiting for something to go wrong :wacko: I think I'll feel better when I have a proper, obvious bump. Yeah we agreed we'd tell friends once I reach the 2nd tri, which is today! But I'm quite nervous about it. I quite like it being a bit of a secret. So silly, you're meant to want to shout it from the roof tops aren't you?! :wacko:

Anyway sorry this is a v self-indulgent post. Just lots on my mind this morning! Hope you are both doing well, Sunshine I hope you and DH had a fantastic night away together :) xx
Hey u...first of all,u' ll always be scared of what might happen,what might go wrong..I think what u r feeling is pretty normal,start enjoying ur little bump pliz..soon u'll be too tired to enjoy.start taking photos,show it off!lol
U can still keep it a secret for as long as u want bt I guess it all depends on the relationship u hve with ur friends.honestly am planning to tell v few p'ple,at abt 13-14wks we r going to tell my inlaws,maybe two wks later God willing I ll hve to call a few of my closest friends and mr's and tell them and that's it!

Are u planning to keep working after the baby?it does make sense to hve ur family. Closer if it is doable..talk to ur dh,u'll probably come up with something.and bfore I forget Congrats on the 14wks n a little bump!happy for u!do u pray Smiler?

Tday symptoms still not as bad,bloating gone down,I can eat as long as the food isn't prepared at home!!this is going to be a v expensive pregnancy..lol
My friend tells me my bbs are still big I think am just used to the size now..bt am still exhausted,I spend most of my days o the couch..

And I read that one f the reasons the symptoms come n go is coz at around wk 8-12,the placenta takes over the duties tha ur body was doing and by then hormones are balanced!if that's so....yeeeee!
Hi girls :) We had a great trip. It was so nice to have the break! Of course I called every 5 minutes to check on the kiddos haha! I wanted to tell you both that I used Bio Oil for my stretch marks and all during and after pregnancy. It is expensive but it was totally worth it! Hope you are both doing well!
Interesting!! My sister said she hated Bio Oil. I was planning on buying it before she said that, and now you say the opposite haha. I guess different things work for different people. But she gave me a tub of cream that she hadn't finished and still said "it did bugger all for me but you can try it" :D Thanks, sis!

Glad you had a great trip Sunshine :) Did you do anything special, like a nice meal out or anything?

Mmleo how are you feeling? Yes I heard that about the placenta too :) At my 10 week scan she was able to see it was in the right place and all working properly. Are you going for a scan soon? How are the boobs doing??? I ended up getting a maternity bra at about 12 weeks. So much more comfortable :)

Well I bit the bullet yesterday and just sent an email out to friends telling them. I thought I was probably making a bigger deal out of it than I needed to, and actually everyone replied almost immediately saying congrats and how happy they are for us etc, so was really nice :)

Also I spoke to DH about moving closer to my family and he wasn't keen :( At the mo our parents are equal distances away, just in opposite directions. He thinks it's fairer to stay that way, but my argument is he does so much driving during the week, wouldn't it be better for me to be able to see my family whilst he's at work, then we have weekends at home and no driving for him, and then just once a month we go to his parents. They can come and see us whenever they like as well. But he says they're not getting any younger , but neither are mine!! I don't know, guess this conversation will go on for a while yet...
Hope you are both doing well :) We ended up going to a nice restaurant and eating crab legs! It was so good but I ate like a pig! The Bio Oil really minimized my stretch marks or atleast I felt it did haha! I also used a cream and some days mixed them together. The trick is just to make sure your tummy never gets really dry and that is why the Bio Oil seemed to do the trick :)
Hello there...it is amazing how It seems time goes so fast when I look at ur ticker Smiler..but mine,I don't even like to look at it..coz it really doesn't seem to move..!
Well,am doing better,m/sickness not as bad anymore,bloating is almost all gone bt am still tired a lot,smells I still stay away from all/most of them.bbs are big again and they r starting to itch a lot,I hve to oil them like twice a day..I got some odourless oil( meant for massage) and using it all over the body...it help.

Bio oil is the best of the best,it is a shame I still can't take the smell,I hve some I guess I ll just wait a few more wks when am better.the other good one is palmers coconut oil/cream,v good too!
I am glad your symptoms are getting better Mmleo. I was lucky with Madison. My sickness subsided by 9 weeks. My husband has already made reference to wanting another baby but I honestly think I am done. Two is alot of work :) It won't be too long until you are able to find out the sex of the baby!!! Any idea on what either of you think you are having???
Crab! YUM! I'm not a big fish fan, but seafood is soooo tasty :) Glad you enjoyed it :D

Great tip re keeping the skin moist, thanks SUnshine :) The stuff my sister gave me keeps my skin soft all day, so who knows, maybe it will do the trick. Think I'll stick with it for now since it was free but when am bigger will splash out on Bio Oil.

Hahahaha what did your DH say?What did you say back?? :D

Mmleo I know what you mean, I look at other ppl's tickers and think time is flying for them but not me, is frustrating eh! How are your symptoms this week? Glad you've been feeling a little better but beware them coming back! Yesterday I felt sick all day, and so tired too. Getting bored of it now. But 2 of my friends were telling me how once they got to 16 weeks they felt "invincible" so I really hope that happens for us :D

We will hopefully be able to find out the gender at the 20 week scan, which is 10th April. I kept umming and ahhing about it but decided I want to know. DH wants to know too. I really can't figure out what I think...had a strong inkling in the early days it was a boy, but now I'm not so certain!

We were in town yesterday and I said, why don't we have a quick look at baby stuff to get an idea of prices. DH said I was panicking and shouldn't be worrying about all this stuff, but we went in anyway and once we started looking at all the nursery things, prams, etc his jaw just fell open and he was literally speechless hahaha :rofl: When he finally spoke he was like, "oh god there's so much to think about! We've got so much to do!" He was pretty quiet on the way home and then just went "oh, we're really having a baby aren't we?!" Tee hee :haha:
Come to think of it...I think the important thing is to keep skin moisturised really,I might not matter much which product...I know bio oil is good for existing stretch marks.

For the past few days,it seems I can't eat anything I the morning,but I end up having like two lunches and no diner,and I drink like 2L of ginger tea everyday,mainly coz I don't like plain water anymore.and am eating chicken everyday!

Did any of u have itchy bbs?mine r killing me...it is so new,didn't hve it with my son and I believe am getting stretch marks too,don't really know what to do,oiling doesn't seem to help anymore.

Yeee for the 10th apr scan Smiler!i think I can find out as soon as 12 wks bt I don't want to yet,we pray all is well,enjoy it for sometime then check...I could actually do it at the same time as u Smiler..that wd be fun!I sh'd be abt 16 wks then?i know coz u r 4 wks more than me..

Did u n DH talk abt how many kids u wanted Sunshine?3 is actually not a bad number bt I think I'll stick to 2!we travel a lot,it can't be easy with more than 2 kids really..
He argued with me lol he said he thought having 3 kids would be ideal. The thought has crossed my mind but I just don't think our finances will allow for 3 kids right now :) I still use the Bio Oil daily. I did get stretch marks from both kids but I feel like the Bio Oil and the cream I used helped reduce them. I started tanning last week which I swore I wouldn't do because I worry about skin cancer but it does seem to make the stretch marks less noticeable. I hope you both are feeling well!!!!
Oh dear sorry you guys had a bit of a barney :wacko: Maybe he should've waited a little while longer for this conversation, Madison is only what, 7 months old?!

If you're wearing suncream and don't tan too often then you should be fine Sunshine...or is there a history of skin cancer in your family? I always think how bad we used to be, back before we really knew about that kind of thing. SIL used to cover herself in oil!!!!!!

I am so upset about the whole stretch mark thing haha. I always thought all the creams etc you see advertised genuinely stop them from appearing. But now I'm preg, every SINGLE person I know with kids has said you can't do much other than damage limitation :D
Hey smiler,u know not everyone gets stretch marks,u might be ok.If u dont hve any..preventing is definitely better.How is the bump coming up?

Everyone in my DH's family has 3 kids,I automatically thought we'll hve 3 too but after a super active boy we hve am terrified of having more like him...bt I actually used to think I wanted more...like 4-5 lol

I do agree with u (somehow) Sunshine,it seems a bit early to discuss another baby...but again considering we aren't the most fertile ladies...maybe not too early.So far how are things changed with two kids?are u managing?house work and all?

Am turning 35 this yr,I hope and pray this pregnancy goes well,.and two babies will be more than a blessing.i made 11wks tday and I really hate this negative feeling,what if baby isn't ok,what if it stopped growing...so many what ifs...I do feel the thing in my tummy getting bigger bt again it could be the hormones am taking.

Bad/negative question coming up ladies..Does anyone knows what happens if the baby stopped growing?does the uterus stop too?in my case I won't even bleed cos am on progesterone...any ideas?let me google too
Mmleo :hugs: :hugs: I know that negative feeling and it's hard not to have it. But please try to let some positive thoughts in every now and again too :) I totally understand the need to know what would happen if the worst were to take place and am not going to tell you to NOT think about it because I do too. But if we can balance out the bad thoughts with some good ones then all the better :)

Re uterus growing I think that's a great sign everything is still fine. I'm not a doctor obviously, but I can't see why it would keep getting bigger if things had gone wrong with the baby. What hormones are you on other than progesterone?

Ah I used to think I wanted 4 too!! I am one of 3 and hated being the middle child. So I always said 4 was fairer. But now I think 2 is just as fair, lol.

I am starting to believe my belly is showing a baby bump and not just flab :D I tried my swimming costume on this morning and I can def see it. People at the pool will prob think I'm just a chubber, but I know what it is :) Have got the midwife on Monday, bit nervous about it. She should be using a doppler so that makes me a little nervous....but am going to think positive thoughts ;)

Am sure ur bump is showing already..and who care what they think of u in ur swimming costume?soon they'll c the truth..it is bait tricky around this time coz it just seems like one hs abig belly.now days it doesn't matter how litle I eat,my stomach just blows up!

I am on progesterone and oestrogen,I had my last hcg injection last week,am not sure I want to hve more.will c the doc next thursday,unless she says I do more,then yeah...

Am thinking of doing a scan before 12 wks but I don't c what good it'll do really,it is only a few days away..

I just told one of my friends that am pg only coz she told me first...she is abt 6wks.I really didn't want to tell anyone bt now I can't take it back..plus she one of the good ones...

Honestly am positive most of the time,I just hate that I can't get super excited n enjoy the whole thing..are u working out yet Smiler?and thanks a lot for the post,I feel better x:hugs:
Yeah I feel that way too, would be great to be really excited but you just can't. I'm hoping that when I start to feel the baby move that'll change. But I keep setting myself these markers for when I'll start to relax and each time I move past one, I don't relax! :wacko:

Do you think the HCG injections have been making your symptoms worse? I didn't realise you were on them. Hopefully it's just a 1st tri thing, unless doc says otherwise of course.

Really enjoyed swimming yesterday, though could barely walk for the rest of the day! Dno't know why, I only did 20 mins in the slow lane. Prob just the shock of exercise after 3 months of none! Feel better today though. I've noticed I keep trying to hold my belly in! I catch myself breathing in and trying to hold it, and then I'm just like, durr you're pregnant, you can have a round tummy!! :D
:hi:Hello there,so I wake up this morning feeling happy/e energetic,wanting to redecorate my son's room,or just do something fun..maybe it is true what they say abt chocolate(makes u happy)!or coz I made a plan to go visit my grand ma(reason to get out of the house),or maybe coz am only 3 days away from 12wks :happydance:
Enough abt me...

How r u sunshine?i really need u to tell me how it is to look after two young ones,I can barely get thru the day with this young one just for a few days that he isn't at school,being pg and all.Dont get me wrong..I love my boy so much..and love playing with him but he has so much energy n I can't cope right now...and he feels the same way which is why he is just by my side all day long...and it isn't easy especially now.

Smiler...how are the symptoms?i envy u...how I wish I could be in the swimming pool..am gonna take mr boy in an hour..I wonder if I could just jump in for a few mins.?but dr says no...so maybe no!
Mmleo you are SO close to 12 weeks I'm so excited for you. It doesn't seem 5 minutes since you were back on here telling us about your bfp. Have you got a date for the 12 week scan? I'm sending you lots and lots of virtual luck :hugs:

How old is your son, Mmleo? Will he be in nursery or anything by the time the baby arrives?

Swimming was nice but not the back pain after :( I saw my chiropractor yesterday and told me to avoid the breast-stroke kick (has it got a proper name?!) because of the awkward pelvic rotation. So I can go again, but just have to do normal up-down kicks.

I think I have a baby bump now :) Am tentative to really believe it but seriously yesterday it just seemed to 'pop'. In the morning it wasn't there, by the time I went to bed it was!! I thought maybe it was just bloat but is still here :) I've got the midwife on Monday afternoon, she should be listening to the HB so am really nervous. But belly popping out makes me feel a little better that everything is still on track :)


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