Crab! YUM! I'm not a big fish fan, but seafood is soooo tasty

Glad you enjoyed it
Great tip re keeping the skin moist, thanks SUnshine

The stuff my sister gave me keeps my skin soft all day, so who knows, maybe it will do the trick. Think I'll stick with it for now since it was free but when am bigger will splash out on Bio Oil.
Hahahaha what did your DH say?What did you say back??
Mmleo I know what you mean, I look at other ppl's tickers and think time is flying for them but not me, is frustrating eh! How are your symptoms this week? Glad you've been feeling a little better but beware them coming back! Yesterday I felt sick all day, and so tired too. Getting bored of it now. But 2 of my friends were telling me how once they got to 16 weeks they felt "invincible" so I really hope that happens for us
We will hopefully be able to find out the gender at the 20 week scan, which is 10th April. I kept umming and ahhing about it but decided I want to know. DH wants to know too. I really can't figure out what I think...had a strong inkling in the early days it was a boy, but now I'm not so certain!
We were in town yesterday and I said, why don't we have a quick look at baby stuff to get an idea of prices. DH said I was panicking and shouldn't be worrying about all this stuff, but we went in anyway and once we started looking at all the nursery things, prams, etc his jaw just fell open and he was literally speechless hahaha

When he finally spoke he was like, "oh god there's so much to think about! We've got so much to do!" He was pretty quiet on the way home and then just went "oh, we're really having a baby aren't we?!" Tee hee