2012 TTC chat

Am so sure u hve a bump!!which kick is it?the frog one?lol...coz breast stroke is almost the only way I know how to swim.my son is 2months away from 3yrs,he started school at one n a half..n he'll be in pre nursery as he is now..only in a different class,honestly I don't understand much abt this things..

Am thinking of going on thursday the 7th..am so scared bt I know that doesn't really go away..

When can we c the bump?u hve taken photos right?Ur app on Monday will go fine,let's stay positive,thats the only thing we can do.When is ur next scan?
By the way,I read somewhere that with a stethoscope u can listen to a heart beat..once u are past 1st trimester..will check how true n expensive they are..
Yeah, the frog kick! Because you kick out in a circular motion it isn't great for your pelvis...although I don't know if he just meant my pelvis because it's been painful recently. Though has been a lot better today, nice to have some relief :) I'll still do breast stroke as is my favourite, but will just do the up-down kick instead :)

No I haven't taken any bump photos at all! Maybe I will take one next week and post it in my journal. Have you taken any?

Thursday you will be 12+1? Sounds like a good day to go. I recommend going first thing in the morning if you can, cuts down on the amount of time you have to get really wound up :wacko: How far in advance do you have to book, or can you just walk in?

You could always buy a doppler if you wanted, lots of ladies on here seem to do that. Or rent them. I decided not to because I think it'll just stress me out more, if you can't find it because you're doing it wrong, or the batteries are low it just causes panic. And even if I could find the hb with one, I know I'd just end up checking every single hour!
I hvnt done anything to jinx things to be honest..including not wearing one of shirts coz I wore it a lot last time I had a m/c..after the scan,if all is well,will c the doc then rest n relax for like a week then I ll start to do all those things..
Something is definitely getting bigger...that's reassurance..on Thursday I'll be 12+2 and u r right...first thing in the morning especially if am seeing dr after in different hospital.
I'll book on Monday morning.

Where I am I can't get dopplers n I believe it'll be more expensive..

Once the baby starts moving u don't have to worry abt heartbeat,I play with my bump if he/she hasn't moved in 30mins.

Can't wait to c ur bump..how r u feeling other than the after swimming?m/s?
I've been the same!! I have a top that I wore to the u/s when we found the first baby died. I haven't worn it since and def did not want to wear it whilst preg. Shame as is a really pretty top I got in a vintage shop, but it just makes me sad looking at it :cry:

Yeah I agree, movement will be more important than listening to hb. There's this whole count the kicks campaign, have you heard about it? They just try to encourage people to pay attention and work out what's normal for your baby, and if they change from normal and move less you need to ring midwife asap.

Overall I'm feeling pretty good thanks :) How about you? Today I'm on a bit of energy high, have been getting some work done I was too tired to do yesterday. Hoping to reach the time when energy is constantly high very soon!!
I don't know how I kew abt the movement thing bt I hve always known...I probably read it just like everything else...

My shirt is a nice one too,especially now that I don't want p'ple to c the stomach b4 we r all comfortable..it did a good job hiding it,comfy n elegant...bt now I can't really.

Am feeling better too,still tired bt no vomiting,am still choosy with foods n drinks..those sh'd be symptoms enough right??when no m/s I get worried..

R u nauseous at all?
My m/s really tailed off around 12 weeks. I was sick once a week on weeks 12, 13 and 14 but that was it. After that I didn't even feel sick for the rest of the week. Now in week 15 I wasn't sick at all, but just had a touch of nausea when waking/getting hungry. So I would say it's normal, but I know it won't stop the worry :hugs: Every day the placenta is doing more and more, so symptoms will get less from now onwards.

Are you going to start telling people right away if your scan goes ok?
Not reallyatleast not right away...but am going to at least dress comfortably..right now am not even joking,I hve 2skinny jeans I wear every tday coz they stretch well n use a rubber band around the waist,and they go with every boring blouse I hve in the wardrobe..if I was in europe I'll be covered n no one will know what's going on underneath..lol
And am tired of tucking in the stomach all the time!so relaxing is no 1 on my list after the can n dr,who knows,I might get excited n start telling p'ple!atleast make a list of the p'ple to tell!i can't wait!

When I c the doc I need o ask her abt flying coz I hve to o c my grandmother..so she'll probably be the first in the family to know!totally worth it!

Have u told anyone else since?n the idea of moving closer to ur family!did u talk some more?
Hi girls! Sorry I have been missing lately lol. Things have been hectic and I went and spent a few days at my Mom's. I can't believe how time flies! Look how far along you both are!! Mmleo two kids is hard, I am not going to lie to you. Yesterday I didn't stop. I woke up immediately and had to nurse Madison then change both kids diapers because Lane still is struggling with peeing in his diaper. He poops in the toilet but won't pee in it lol silly kid. After that I had to give Madison her jar food then get Lane his milk and breakfast. That was just in the first 30 minutes of my day! It is so hectic but nap time is a true blessing! That is what they are doing now is napping. I know you can do it! What makes it harder in my opinion is not only keeping up with the kids but also doing the household chores and finding enough time out of the day to eat something haha! I finally ate at lunch time today. I love having my morning coffee though. That gets me through the day. But I can tell you there is nothing like having two kids. I love both of them more than life and seeing their sweet faces everyday is so amazing. The only other thing is buying clothes is sooo expensive. We had to go shop for Madison and Lane the other day and I couldn't believe the bill! Wow! Sorry for the long response! Just wanted to share my insight with you :)

Smiler - HI! How are things going?? Starting to show I bet? Won't be too much longer until you find out the sex of the baby! I found out at 16 weeks with Madison and 18 weeks with Lane!
Oh Mmleo one more thing. It got much better once Madison started sleeping through the night. The first 8-12 weeks were the hardest because I was up with her so much during the night and then had to be up with Lane during the daytime. Once she started sleeping at night, it was so much easier!
Oh Mmleo I hope you can fly, it would be so great to be able to tell your grandmother :) 12 weeks tomorrow!!! So excited for you, and nice to hear you getting excited about telling people :) Yeah pretty much everyone knows now out of friends and family. There are prob some acquaintances etc who don't know but I don't mind putting it into conversations now if it comes up. We told family at 12 weeks then friends at 14. Originally we were going to wait til 20 weeks because of nerves etc but it is nice to have it out in the open and not have to fob people off with excuses for various things.

Sunshine wow you are super-busy!! We have already started talking about when should we try for #2, what kind of age gap do we want...aarrrgghhh!! I'm glad I have a coffee machine at home, lol. I really, really cannot wait to know what it feels like to love your child that much. I do now of course, but can't possibly be the same as actually having them.

I am quite jealous you found out at 16 and 18 weeks! I have to wait til 21.

Mmleo no we didn't talk any more about moving closer to family... we are seriously looking for somewhere else because I'm fed up with this house, but we're only looking round here. I think I will just have to manage. Realistically we would have to move somewhere smaller and not as nice as what we can afford where we are now if we moved back near my family. Maybe if in a year DH is earning more money and I've had time to see how well I cope on my own we can talk about it again!
Am excited too!!But look at u...16wks!when do I get there?something funny am abt to say....I think 2dayx ago n tday I felt the baby move or just fell something..I thought it is quite crazy but apparently it is possible..after googling.

R u feeling anything yet Smiler?u sh'd by now..I think with my son I felt it at 14wks

Why r u fed up with the house??sorry to hear that.,does he agree with moving houses at least?
I know, it seems really crazy to be this far along! I think that about other people too though - like with you it really doesn't seem that long ago you were saying you were 5 weeks and now here you are nearly at the end of the 1st tri!

Wow I am jealous you felt movement already :) I just saw the midwife and she said with your first it can be as late as 20ish weeks before you feel anything so I'm not expecting anything anytime soon. My friend was telling me how with your first you don't even realise for ages that it's the baby because it's so light and fluttery.

I just don't have a 'feel' for this house, iykwim! I've never really liked it that much, but agreed to rent it because we really needed somewhere at the time and was the only thing available. It also gets very cold, and the landlord won't install double glazing or update the boiler. It's a very old one and although it works most of the time, it does just turn itself off at random times, which is a pain. Now the windows are being mad - if you open one for a bit of fresh air, it won't close properly again. So we just have drafts all over the place, and I hate it. Grr!

But on a happier note, we heard the hb today :D I don't know what the rate was, she didn't say, but it was very cool. DH managed to come along as well which was really nice :)
Wow!that is true...u had ur app tday.How nice...now I really envy u!and am so happy for how far along u are.Do u remember not so long ago when I was going thru ivf n we a were all trying n the 2ww thing?how we watched every change..?u know these 2 cycles I got pg I didn't even check/test until I was more than a week late..

Am sorry ur house is a pain n I know what u mean,it happened to me in the past.R u going to wait for the baby or u r moving before?really hope u get a better one.God I hate moving..and in this part of the world u rent an unfurnished house..imagine the packing and unpacking...right now I still hve a garage full of stuff we r meant to sell,n we moved in July n still haven't done it yet...
Oh wow yeah it is so strange to think of all the ovulation convos, listing symptoms...and yeah your IVF journey is still v clear in my memory, I bet you never imagined you would fall naturally so soon after :hugs:

Depends on what we can find as to when we move! We have got this place til October, but can give 2 months notice if we want. So we're just keeping an eye out. Last time we were in such a rush to find somewhere it was horrible. But oh my, I hate moving too! We always rent unfurnished. I'm determined to have a clear-out sooner rather than later to try and minimise the stress!
Sunshine-thx so much for the long response...it help/ confirms my fears.lucky lucky my son already goes to school(kinda),so at least I will always hve a few hrs with just one baby..I really hope he loves the baby..he doesn't usually like it when I hold other babies..I hope it is different with sister/brother..

Babies are v expensive!n they grow out of those clothes so fast..!hope u r coping well x
Good idea!i hve a trick..I always hve my sisters over when we r moving so they can help with the packing..then I pay them instead of someone else.But last time we used movers n I think they are much Better

I didn't think it would happen this soon,an am so thankfull,thinking abt the whole hing makes me want to just enjoy the journey,I know it so soon bt..if all goes well,this could be the last baby for us.I need to be happy!Lets be happy!U r 16wks,a few months ago this seemed like a dream...
Hi girls! Hope you are both feeling well. I ordered a heartbeat monitor with Madison and I loved it so much. I listened to her heartbeat every week. It wasn't expensive either. I found it online. There is nothing more precious than hearing that little heartbeat. I miss being pregnant sometimes :) As for me I am still trying to get this baby weight off! Madison only breastfeeds a few times a day now and she mainly drinks formula and eats the jar food. I feel so guilty that I am not exclusively breastfeeding anymore but she is almost 7 months and her two teeth don't feel very good on my boob haha!

Are either of you having any cravings?
Sunshine that's so funny you say that about missing being pregnant, I was thinking just last night that I really must try to relish the 2nd tri because 3rd will be very tiring, and then the baby will be here! And then that's it! No 'pregnancy card' to pull out to get DH to put the kettle on, lol.

Aww don't feel bad about not exclusively BFing :hugs: She's had plenty of the good stuff so don't beat yourself up about it. I don't blame you for not wanting to be bitten on the boob haha :D

No I haven't got any cravings, have you Mmleo? WHen I was in 1st tri I had a real need for junk food for a little while but that went away, and I've never wanted anything weird. Did you have weird cravings?

Haha Mmleo good plan...though ours is better! Every time we've moved we've always had our friends help, then we cook them a thank you dinner in the new house :) But not sure they'll be up for it again this year as all have kids now. Our next door neighbour does removals so maybe he'll give us mates rates :)

And yeah! Def let's be happy :D
I don't hve any cravings..more the things I hate..like the smell of cigarettes,coffe,frying oil,fresh fish...I don't crave bt I don't eat everything.

Sunshine-I c where u r coming from...no one want those lito teeth there.
The other day my son came running asking to breast feed,After seeing his nanny doing the same to her daughter..I couldn't even dare!scary thought.

Smiler,am sure ur neighbour will agree with u on that.Hve u started looking for a new place by the way?maybe u told me and I forgot..diner for ur friends sounds like a small price to pay..but I don't think u'll be up to it either...I remember just hating hosting p'ple when I was pg with my son.too much work!!

Well,I made it to 12wks,it feels good..a bit scared I believe it is normal..I can't wait to get there in the morning.Pliz say a little prayer for me,everything goes well.

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