2012 TTC chat

Smiler I can't wait until your scan!! How exciting!!! Did you have alot of morning sickness or just alittle? I am so sorry to hear about your sister, that is heartbreaking :( Was this her first pregnancy? DH is working quite a bit lately. He pulled two days of overtime this last week and he has some major testing on April 11th. Once that testing is complete, he is assigned to on call and scheduled overtime so I probably won't see much of him. The good news is he believes with the extra money with the overtime and his two raises he is getting next month I should be able to stay home with the kids even after my unemployment runs out if I choose to. He really doesn't want the kids in daycare unless it is absolutely necessary. But there is a huge part of me that misses working but on the other hand I would hate to miss out on the kiddos growing up :(

I want to see some bump pics from you two girls :) Do you remember mine with Madison at 26 weeks lol I was huge!!!

Mmleo how is it going? Almost 15 weeks yay!!!
Thanks ladies :flower: no my sister has kids already but they decided they wanted one more, so it's just sad it didn't work out. I'm sure she will be fine but I know it takes time. I worry about her not having enough time to herself to get over the sadness because of having to care for the kids full time, but I guess everyone deals with things differently and she won't necessarily feel the same about it as I did after mine. I'll hopefully speak to her this week and find out how she is.

Sunshine I've not actually been sick for a long time, but this weekend I've been SO tired and yesterday morning I did feel like I was going to throw up again but thankfully I didn't! I think when I feel really sick and tired it must be a growth spurt or something? I also feel sick if I don't eat enough, but that's never as a bad a feeling and goes as soon as I eat.

Wow that is a lot of overtime your DH is doing, and will be doing from April. Is he enjoying it though? It must be hard to not see each other much, but if he wants to earn enough to allow you to stay at home then I guess that makes a difference to his motivation. But I know what you mean about missing work, I think I will really miss it too! I'd like to go back to 2ish days per week after maybe 6-9 months but will have to see. I really have no clue what we are letting ourselves in for having a baby haha :)

Mmleo, yes the time is going much faster now!! I don't think about the days at all and now the weeks are starting to go by faster too. It's good but also a little scary, will be halfway soon! Can't believe it! So much we haven't looked into yet like antenatal classes etc.

My bump gets bigger after eating too :) It's usually bigger in the evening than it is in the morning. How are you feeling, apart from hating the house?! Are you still getting sick?

Aw Sunshine I remember your bump pic I thought you looked great :) I will try to take one this week and post. I won't be online much this week as I'm having to work in the office rather than at home but will try.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend x
Smiler, I am glad you are starting to feel better :) Being tired is the hardest part. I remember when I was about 30 weeks with Madison I could barely tie my shoes! I carried so much higher than I did Lane, it was weird. Unfortunately I have had to stop breastfeeding. I had a terrible urinary tract infection a few days ago and the Dr put me on some strong antibiotics I can't take while nursing. She was only nursing once a day so I just decided to stop completely. I am on these antibiotics for two weeks so I figured her not getting to feed for two weeks wouldn't be good for either of us. I am absolutely heartbroken :( With the PCOS my milk supply just never really stayed where it should have but she is 7 1/2 months so I feel like I gave her a good amount. I cried for the last two days because I was having to quit :( Other than that I just have been busy caring for the kids. So you are having to work in the office this week? How is work going for you? Is your mom really excited about the baby?

Mmleo, how are you doing?
Oh Sunshine I'm sorry :hugs: :hugs: 7.5 months is GREAT going you've definitely given her the best start, considering the PCOS and its effect on your supply. But you had enough to feed her full time when she was tiny didn't you? And they say that's the most important time. And really sorry for the UTI they can be so painful :( FX the antibiotics kick in very soon.

Yeah Saturday I just slept practically all day. I don't think I've ever done that before, without a hangover anyway haha :) Baby has been a little quiet and I've not felt as much movement but I read that when they have a growth spurt they get really tired too and sleep for days, so I guess that is just what's been tiring the both of us out. It does worry me a little since last week there was 1 day where the movements were really strong, but I guess s/he must've just been really far forwards and now maybe they're facing the back.

Hmm I don't know how excited my mum is!! She is already a grandma so I suppose it's not that big a deal for her anymore. She isn't bouncing around with excitement but she keeps saying she will come up and help anytime DH is away for work so that's nice :)

Work is good thanks, I normally work at home all the time and I do like it, but going into the office recently has been nice too. I concentrate a lot better when there are people around and I know I can't google baby stuff all day, LOL :D

So are the kids going to start nursery or anything? I know you're staying at home to save on day care but would you put them somewhere for a short time so they make friends?

Mmleo hope you are okay :)

Hello ladies.Hope u r doing good.
Sunshine-u did v well,7.5 months is super!how is Madison taking it?and how r the antibiotics working out?

It does happen with the litle ones..they just go quite sometimes especially when u just started feeling them.Ur baby is doing just fine.Hve u started wearing maternity clothes?

I just got back from having a scan,coz I dint feel any movement the whole of last night and most of tday..n he/she looks fine thank goodness.

I went to get me some pants yestday,had run out of what to wear...hve a whole new wardrobe.

Forgot to ask sunshine..how did u avoid hitting n knocking accidents on the belly when u were pg with Madison?My son fell on mine two days ago,knee first...one of the reasons I had to get a scan tday..
Smiler and Mmleo thank you both so much for the support on the breastfeeding! My goal was to go a full year but it didn't work out. I exclusively breastfed until about 5 months. Then I really had to start supplementing. When Madison started taking solid foods, I lost more and more of my supply. It still bothers me but I am starting to feel alittle better. I just have to understand it was out of my control :( She is doing great on the formula but still tugs at my shirt and that breaks my heart! Smiler I am glad you got some rest! Pregnancy is exhausting!! Mmleo as far as getting hit in the stomach, my son hurt my tummy twice during the pregnancy with Madison. From what the Dr told me they really have to hit very hard to cause damage because they have so much cushion in there lol. Just really try to watch him and be as careful as you can. My son can be pretty wild so I just have to try to keep him calmed down. I hope you girls are feeling well! My mom is coming to get me tomorrow because my husband works on Easter and she didn't want me and the kids to have to be here by ourselves. So I am baking a cake and getting ready for the holiday :)
Hello ladies.It seems everyone is been busy!I was a bit busy too with th holiday,we went away for the weekend,not my favourite as I end up up doing all the work,packing,looking after our boy n all.My husband is no expert in that area..I just wish he would admit it..lol

We came back and my son go sickv high temperature..it turns out it was nothing serious..so I ended up with no sleep for 2-3 days.He is feeling better now.

God I made 16wks!am so happy.All is well,appetite is increased,if am not careful I might regret it later..but again I feel so uncomfortable after eating,that I decided to eat just two meals..most of times I don't do diners.

Smiler+Sunshine....how long have u been married for?Me just made 3yrs in feb.
Mmleo glad your son is feeling better! It is awful when they are sick. Don't worry too much about eating. You and the baby need it for energy :) I have been married for 5 years in September. We have been together since 2003. It has been a long but good journey for us. Congrats on your 3 year anniversary! :)

I am anxious to see bump pics from you girls!! :)
Hello ladies.

Thanks sunshine,my son is fine now...God it was hard but I guess it can be harder.The bump is coming on good,I will def take a pic on Tuesday..will take two,one in the morning n one in the evening,they are so different,atleast to me.I hve also put on abt 3-4 kgs which I think is a bit much but most most of those are on my bbs I can assure u.

The reason I asked abt ur marriage..am not sure if it is the hormones getting in the way,but I just seem to be mad at my husband most of the time..am happier when he is out,kinda don't want to hve any kind of conversation with him..Hopping it is the hormones..

How r u and the kids sunshine?and u Smiler?Working from the office must be keeping u busy,I hop all is well.
Hi ladies,

sorry yeah working in the office really cuts down on my online time haha :) And we were away this weekend too so not been too great at keeping up.

Mmleo it was our 3 year wedding anniversary in Jan, and been together for 10 years. I think it is normal to go through those kinds of feelings, I went through similar but for me it was quite short-lived, maybe a couple of weeks where I wasn't really interested if you see what I mean. Even now I have the occasional day like that but it doesn't last. When it first happened I did have a little look on here and there were loads of ladies saying the same thing, and that it got better in after a while. Even if we weren't pregnant I think it's normal to have the odd times where you feel you need a bit of space, you can't be with someone every day for years and years and never feel like you're a little suffocated...at least I can't anyway!!

Wow you are nearly 17 weeks! I am 21 weeks tomorrow, over the halfway point. Eeek! I WILL take a photo next week I promise! We have our scan on Weds so I'll do one after that assuming all goes well. I'm looking forward to it but a little nervous too.

A bit late now but I hope you had a good Easter with your mum and the cake was yummy!

Hi ladies :) Hormones definitely rear their ugly head during pregnancy lol. My husband and I lost touch during the pregnancy which really bothered me but things went back to normal for us after the baby was born. My hormones were so bad with Madison. I never wanted sex, never wanted to be touched or anything. My pregnancy with Lane was so different. I didn't mind cuddling or being close to him. I guess it is true what they say about no two pregnancies are the same. I hope both of you are feeling well. I had a good weekend. We bought a new car Friday which I am so excited about!! Saturday night we grilled out and had some "adult" beverages lol. And today we just played in the yard with the kids. It was so nice to have my husband off this weekend.
Aww glad you had a lovely weekend :) And yay for the new car! So do you each have transport now? We only have 1 car and DH uses it for work most days. It's not so bad for me walking and using public transport but sometimes I think when the baby is here I'd love to be able to just jump in the car and drive to my parents for some help :D

Ooh ladies it is the scan tomorrow...I'm getting really nervous. Baby has been moving a little but not a lot the last couple of days. I'm sure s/he is just in a funny position or sleeping lots whilst they grow but it still makes me anxious! At least the scan is first thing in the AM and will get it over and done with.
Update ladies...all fine :happydance: saw baby yawning, so amazing :) And is a baby boy! I knew it :) So excited xxxx
:happydance: Oh Smiler yay!!! I had a feeling it was a boy also! :blue: How exciting!!! Boys are so much fun :) I am so glad the scan went well. Is your husband excited? Any names picked out? Ok now I want a bump picture!!! :)

My husband is mainly using the new car to go to work and back unless I need it for a dr appt for the kids or grocery shopping. His truck isn't in very good shape and he commutes a pretty good distance to work. We are planning to move closer to his work in October when our lease is up on this house and I can just drop him off at work and have the car :) We just can't afford two vehicles right now :(
Oh my God!Am hving a boy too!I had a feeling too..Congs,glad all is good with u smiler.It is funny,I had a baby gals name picked out..
Thank u so much..can u imagine two boys?God it is going o be hard...!
OMG Mmleo you found out already?! When was your scan, was it today too? I think 2 boys will be brilliant. I wouldn't mind if we ended up with 2 boys. My friend has 2 boys and they just call each other 'brother' it is so cute. And someone else has 2 boys and she loves it so much she says if she has a third she'd prefer for it to be another boy :) If we have a girl after that would be fantastic too, I would love a daughter. But I would be really happy to have another boy too - though yeah I think things will probably get a little rowdy haha :D On the way home from the scan DH started talking about what classes the kid can go to, like taekwondo or boxing!!? I pointed out girls can do these things too lol but it's funny how he immediately started saying that once we knew it was a boy. And that he has now got someone to go camping with :D

Sunshine no we can't afford 2 vehicles either, and we don't even pay for the one we've got as it's a company car! Well, we probably could stretch ourselves to have one, but it would have an impact on everything else. As long as I can get into town easily, get to the doctors etc then it's not a huge problem right now...just wonder how life will be once the baby is here. I guess lots of walking will help me to lose the baby weight :)

Right, bump photo has been taken! Just need to download it, will post it in my journal asap x
Am so excited too,am so happy my son will have a brother..I think he'll be a v good big bro.I had my scan yestday the 9th.I also have so many friends with either 2 boys or 2 girls,in fact foursome weird reason am glad am joining the club.

It was so funny too..DH had a name already...like he knew we r having a boy...
Another plus..we r going to do half the shopping we were gonna do if it was a girl..

I took a pic ystday but failed to upload it..will try to use it as my profile pic n c if it possible...happy for u smiler!
Mmleo I think two boys is wonderful! :) They will adore eachother. I am worried Lane and Madison won't get along very well lol. He already gets mad when she plays with his toys haha. So excited for you!!

Smiler your bump is sooo adorable! You are so thin! I wish I was that thin lol. I still have some weight to lose. I started a diet about 3 days ago and I am going to weigh myself Monday to see if I have lost anything. I started that low carb diet. How are you feeling?

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