Aww Sunshine I'm sure in time Lane and Madison will be great friends
All kids fight, I just hope that if we have another one, then our two will be good friends when they're adults. My brother and sister used to fight like cat and dog but now they get on great. DH has a sister too and now they're adults they're good friends 
Haha thank you for the compliment!! I think that photo makes me look slimmer than I really am
Before I got pregnant I was a bit overweight - could've done with losing half a stone maybe but I never bothered lol. But I am actually really pleased with my weight gain so far. I've gained just under 9 pounds and I'm 21 weeks so I think that's ok.
How are you finding the diet, is it easy to do?

Haha thank you for the compliment!! I think that photo makes me look slimmer than I really am

How are you finding the diet, is it easy to do?