Aww yeah I would be too! Is your test this morning?
Ladies can you be brutally honest and tell me what the first 2-3weeks with a newborn are like? There is a family wedding 12 days after my due date...I guess it's pretty silly to even consider it, right? It's a 3 hr drive away and means 2 nightst away from home. Am I mad to even think about it? If I go overdue I won't go but if he is early/on time I wonder if I could manage it...I don't know, just feeling guilty for the bad timing and hate to miss a party lol
Ladies can you be brutally honest and tell me what the first 2-3weeks with a newborn are like? There is a family wedding 12 days after my due date...I guess it's pretty silly to even consider it, right? It's a 3 hr drive away and means 2 nightst away from home. Am I mad to even think about it? If I go overdue I won't go but if he is early/on time I wonder if I could manage it...I don't know, just feeling guilty for the bad timing and hate to miss a party lol