2014-2015 baby club!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nanninoo
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Thanks for the welcome everyone

I'm part of other threads but it seems once those ladies had there group of girls going it was hard to join and be a part of y'all are awesome !!

I love clomid so far since it got me ovulating now just hoping I bd the right times eek just didn't like the after O side effects but as of today there gone which I'm glad cuz there similar to pregnancy symptoms so it woulda made it hard to symptom spot which I'm addicted to

I'm excited to be able to test with all you lovely ladies I think it's fun to be on near same days as others

Hoping these good vibes get us all bfps February :happydance:
Hey Nanninoo

I'm cd12 no sign of o other then ewcm, OPK neg :(

So we are close but we were both late too. This is really worrying me, I do t want to miss the boat. I'm sure I couldn't of ovulated earlier then cd10 could I?

Any ideas when you think you might o? Xx
Tiff I know exactly how you feel clomid isn't the nicest and gives me a hard time I seem to get frequent headaches which is annoying and I also experience cramping and sore breasts so it's hard to tell the difference between pregnancy or not :dohh:
I also know what you mean regarding the big threads many a time I've tried joining in with big group of ladies but seem to feel an 'outsider' unless I joined from the beginning...this group is definatly different it's a good vibe and nice and welcoming :)

Phoenix I think your ovulation is just round the corner hun I don't think you have missed it what's your cycle lengths usually like? What cd did you get a +opk last cycle? Your getting EWCM which is a great sign and they usually say that shows a couple days before ovulation...I have no EWCM but I'm guessing thats down to clomid drying me out so I'm using the preseed to help in that department

I got a +opk last cycle on cd14 I then experienced major cramping cd15 so I'm pritty sure that's when I ovulated the next day so I'm hoping that my ovulation timing will be similar this cycle too we shall see

so I do have a question I've seen a lot of people say you usually don't ovulate until 7 days past your last clomid pill well I got positive only 6 days and pretty sure I woulda gotten it only 5 days after because I ovulated right after I got positive , is that normal? Is that to early after clomid ?
Phoenix & nanino: don't panic. I have gotten +ve opk cd14-17.....u could be off by few days.....if oh is going to cause probs..wait till +ve opk and than start bding so u don't wear them out...
I don't know if I will bd tonight ..guests just left...hubby with his guy friends and I am already in bed....sis in law came with her kids...and hubby cousins came with kids..I felt so lonely....but I know God is watching & will give me my baby soon...
TIFF: clomid gives false +ve opk right after u finish clomid???they say usually u will get +ve opk 6-7 days after last pill...seems like u r okay...
I am done for this month girls
Hubby & I bd but he didn't perform..ended up sleeping
I am so tired of this. ..just feel like I am out this cycle
He had time to sit with his friends & family...I did everything to please him from cooking 3meals to serving all guests...
I dunno what to do:(:(
Am I ever gonna have a baby?:(
Tiff I would say you did ovulate like Jannah said as long as it wasn't a couple days after your last pill 5-7 days after is perfectly fine I got my +opk 8 days after my last clomid pill last cycle and then I had lots of cramping the next day. You have a very good chance of conceiving.

Jannah :hugs: hun, I'm sorry your oh isn't being very supportive I think all men (well most) are like this mine for sure is too an he can be a pain in the rear I think men just presume 'it will just happen' but it's not that simple unfortunately and we need them to preform on the important days as we only have a small window every month to catch that egg! Sigh!
This is how my OH was like last cycle not performing on the crucial days that I needed him to an going to sleep I was totally miffed off by it and I was upset but I expressed how I felt and he understood how it made me feel so maybe talking and expressing how you feel may help.

Don't lose hope Jannah your defiantly not out yet there's still time! Can you not sit hubby down and express how you feel if they see your are upset they usually listen and understand but not all men are sympathising because they are MEN!

I'm cd 12 today an got my first high reading on cbfm hoping I peak In the coming days. We have been bd'ing every day recently for the past few days x

I really hope so, my cycle was 26/28 usually pretty much like clockwork until last month where I was 5 days late and no brown stuff before AF.
Not sure what that will do to this cycle.

I got my only +OPK last month on cd11 nothing any other month however I drink a lot of water and I know that will affect it, this month I avoid water around test times and bulk up on it when it won't affect it. Eg test at 10am drink until 12 then test at 3pm then drink water again all arvo and evening.
Test this am 2 lines but the neg line dark the test line faint. Oh well maybe it will be a few days out this month, I just don't want to wear oh out especially as it's best to bd before o not after.

Don't worry I use preseed too - just helps out.
I really wish I get signs of o like cramps as I literally have no idea!

Jannah k oh sweetie, don't give up hun! You ovulate up to 1.5 days after the surge AND the egg is viable for a bit afterwards too, grab him today instead.
There is still hope!!!!! Don't feel loney hun it WILL happen.

Big hugs :hugs: xxx
Ooh Jannah K :hugs:, don't count yourself out yet. Technically all it takes is one :spermy:, you did BD once, so if you ovulate on CD 14-16, you still have a chance.

I BD yesterday, did the pillow under the bum for 30 min and went to sleep immediately afterwards. Still no sign of EWCM though.

I wish there was an o dance I could do to trigger it. The TWW is torturous, but the waiting to ovulate period is just plain stressful. I do envy those who get pregnant without even trying.
Tatemp I did too but I'm not convinced the pillow/legs in the air makes a huge difference. I know 15 mins just helps as that's what they recommend for insemination patients but any longer then that I'm not sure. That said I bd on wed and did the pillow thing for 30 mins then straight to sleep, then last night I stayed like it for 40 mins then laid on the sofa for the evening.

I only noticed ewcm last cycle but some people can only notice it by physically checked if you get my drift.

I wish I could make o happen soon even if the OPK doesn't pick it up!! HATE waiting for these things!!!!!

I too wish it would just happen without trying.

Hopefully this is our month xx
Hi all
I am so down that I don't want to do anything.
Hubby left for work wanted me to give breakfast & start car but I pretended I am sleeping. They are so good in pretending they are okay.
He spend an hr with his guys and did hookah pipe. He came to room wanted massage and sleep. Why does it have to be about them?
Shouldn't we feel relax around o?
Isn't 2ww stressful enough? Isn't waiting for o stressful?
He is so okay playing with sil kids... never says to me about wisibg for kids....how can it just happen? This is every month pattern. I am tired of telling him...if he wants baby he needs to make some effort or is it just used to having a mom and wife who doesn't even let him sneeze..
I am just not going to ask him no more. If he wants to tonight all good otherwise I am done begging him...I just dunno how so many girls magically get preggo???!! I feel like 2.5 years I didn't get preggi is not because of me...it was more because of his performance & unable to time....
I am having ovulation cramps as we speak going to have Reggie release by tom I think....have to check opk if smiley face solid...
Dunno what to pretend in front of hubbt...am I okay with his treatment? Or am I upset?
If I am not OK than I will have to talk which will go against me and time. If I stat silent, guilt may kick in at him tonight....I just don't want beg him no more so I chose the silence route...
Love u girls
If I didn't have u...wouldn't know what u will do. Cannot share with family such private stuff.....
Just tested still flashy opk. I should get solid by this afternoon..I usually have day & half flashy.....
Only time we bd was Thursday...if I could squeeze in tonight or tomAM..I should have higher chances..
Not going to complain to hubby coz than ego will kick in..I will be told I got attitude....have to really bite my tongue because I really think he was unfair...
Hi all
I am so down that I don't want to do anything.
Hubby left for work wanted me to give breakfast & start car but I pretended I am sleeping. They are so good in pretending they are okay.
He spend an hr with his guys and did hookah pipe. He came to room wanted massage and sleep. Why does it have to be about them?
Shouldn't we feel relax around o?
Isn't 2ww stressful enough? Isn't waiting for o stressful?
He is so okay playing with sil kids... never says to me about wisibg for kids....how can it just happen? This is every month pattern. I am tired of telling him...if he wants baby he needs to make some effort or is it just used to having a mom and wife who doesn't even let him sneeze..
I am just not going to ask him no more. If he wants to tonight all good otherwise I am done begging him...I just dunno how so many girls magically get preggo???!! I feel like 2.5 years I didn't get preggi is not because of me...it was more because of his performance & unable to time....
I am having ovulation cramps as we speak going to have Reggie release by tom I think....have to check opk if smiley face solid...
Dunno what to pretend in front of hubbt...am I okay with his treatment? Or am I upset?
If I am not OK than I will have to talk which will go against me and time. If I stat silent, guilt may kick in at him tonight....I just don't want beg him no more so I chose the silence route...
Love u girls
If I didn't have u...wouldn't know what u will do. Cannot share with family such private stuff.....

Oh sweetie :hugs:

He's a bit cheeky isn't it? Massage!!!! I'd have slapped him!!
You need to be considered it should be a mutual relaxation especially ttc.

He needs to understand the process it takes to get preggo so he understands the impact of his actions or lack of them when it comes to bding! Most men don't like to talk about baby's even if they want them so don't worry about that bit. Surely you wouldn't be trying for a baby if you both didn't want one.
2.5 years of this? Have you been to a doctor together to discuss things? Maybe that will help with his understanding of how it works.

Why don't you not say anything? You have already told him what it means to you the other day. You don't want to nag coz it makes you feel pants.

That's what we are here for hun, I know it's defo something you can't discuss with family they don't need that much info plus it would be embarrassing. My family and friends have no idea that my oh has ED.

Try to relax huni it's not good for you to get stressed ttc (easier said then done, I know). He's being a plonker :hugs:
Hi all
So today was flashy smiley day2 checked am & Pm..
On clomid I would hardly get flashy...

Spoke to hubby but he was irritated and didn't want to talk about it as he 'was tired ' yet manages to sit downstairs with guys and doing hookah pipe 'to relax'...I am told that he needs massage when he comes to bed..I said only if u bd with me by AM....he said we will see how we both feel....in all honesty, I can never be tired enough to say no to bd...

Hru all?

Thanks Phoenix for your msg...I read it few times through out the day...xoxo
Jannah I'm with Phoenix on this one a massage for serious?:growlmad:
How can he feel irritated shouldn't it be the other way round I would be mad if that was my OH jannah he's being totally unfair with you and selfish to expect a 'massage' you should be expecting bd and you certainally shouldn't be asking him over and over again he should be performing knowing it's your fertile time.
Men can be so heartless and selfish at times! :hugs:

Cd 13 for me still high readings on cbfm so far been bd'ing days 10,11,12 and will carry on until I get my peaks I'm feeling a lot less stressed this cycle as I did with my last. I felt like bd'ing became more like a chore last cycle and me and oh we're tired by the end of it all but I'm feeling a lot more relaxed this time around.

Hope you girls are ok
That's great nannino!!!
So last night when hubby came to bed asked me why I am sad...I tols him we are not getting younger...everyone got kids and I wanted multiple kids but at our pace we may not...i m like dont bd all month with me but give me the 4 days of the month so we can have a baby...I think he understood...he is like this week was busy & tiring but we can work on it moving forward...I also said to him u chilled with your guys last two nights when u could have bd with me ..and if u were so tired u should have slept lol
In any case, it worked ..we bd this AM...I hope its solid flashy today...we have to remember it takes only one sperm to fertilize...I bd one high fertility and 1 peak today(I hope)...I don't think we can do more this cycle as hubby has diff work schedule next two days...maybe I will squeeze one on Tuesday most likely after o....tonight we will be busy with Superbowl...guests over....
How r u tiff? Phoenix? tatemp?
Oh I'm glad he listened to you Jannah that's great news you bd'ed I hope you get your peak today or tomorrow keep us posted
Hey Ladies

Jannah k great news that it finally sunk in, I hope you don't think I was too harsh before? Fingers crossed this is your month.

Nanninoo yeay!!! Good news your feeling better this month, hopefully that brings you good things when the results are in :)

Me I'm not getting +OPK yet and started to worry I may have missed it but surely I couldn't have o before day 10? Today is cd14!!!

I'm a tiny bit worried about this as oh has been on form this week bding every other day but it could become a it chore like if my + OPK doesn't happen soon.
I've been period pain cramps today which is random, I wonder what that's about???
Not feeling my most optimistic this month oh well xx
Okay so I just checked and its flashy smiley...really hope solid tonight... too much for this cycle lol
Gluck all..
Phoenix no worries!!
Phoenix don't worry Hun I'm sure you will get your +opk soon last cycle I got it on cd14/15 and the cycle I concieved my son I got it on cd 16 so there plenty of time yet and if your getting cramping that's a good sign of ovulating soon.

Jannah I also hope you get your +opk soon!

Good luck ladies x

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