I am really feeling down girls
Hubby has not been able to perform all week. No lh surge yet but I expect it anywhere CD 14-17...plus I have few symptoms suggesting its coming up...wet cm, slight cramps, nausea
I cried last night while he slept peacefully
This is becoming a chore...u know they only perform 10min..it is us going to go through 9mos+labor/delivery... least u can get is cooperation
I spoke to him yesterday when he was driving us to dinner & than during dinner...made him come to bed early...than he just talk about random stuff and when I asked to be..he says I am tired...and slept
I don't know what to do. I feel like I am already out this cycle... now just leaving it on God.

Jannah k - awwww big hugs sweetie

Don't be down, there is still time, as long as you get to be before the surge you are good to go. I've got a different opk this month that says as long as you bd before the surge you are more likely to fall.
So what's the situation with oh? Is he tired really? If so here's what I would do.
Message him now and say "babe/huni or whatever you call him. I need to let you know how I'm feeling as it's really getting me down. I only have a day or so left to bd to give us the best chance of conceiving this month which means we need to bd today and every other day to catch it.
Is tha cool" then see what he says.
That way you are not expecting anything and being disappointed later and he knows where he stands.
It can still happen Missy!! Xxx