2014 IVFs!

I took a test today & it's darker than yesterday but only the 10miu tests.
I'm so nervous. I took three in a row lol.
And a FRER. I am 10dpo, 12 days post trigger. You ladies don't think I can still have trigger now do ya? It's be pretty strong if it were.
Am trying to post a photo but this website sucks today.

Check out on my blog! https://rainbowbabymaker.wordpress.com
Bostonkate, awesome betas! Can't wait to hear the results of your ultrasound!

Barbikins, I checked out your blog and I can see the line darker! Hopefully this is the start of your bfp!

Afm, I think I'm having some side effects from the lupron but I'm not really sure. Mild headache, mild achy muscles, very tired and dizzy. It's either the lupron or I'm getting sick....

My doctor told me to keep my heart rate below 120 throughout this process. Which I think is rubbish, but I will do my best. My DH hears this and his interpretation is no working out and to be lazy through this whole process. Thing is, exercise is my stress reliever, my antidepressant, my go to thing to feel good about myself. We've already had some disagreements over this, and I don't want to ignore his and my doctors opinion. But I seriously thought about going to the gym this morning while my DH was still sleeping so he wouldn't know. I have a heart rate monitor and would take it easy. Guilt got the best of me as I'm still sitting here in my pjs. I'll have to settle for making him go for a long walk with me and the dogs here in a bit...
I took a test today & it's darker than yesterday but only the 10miu tests.
I'm so nervous. I took three in a row lol.
And a FRER. I am 10dpo, 12 days post trigger. You ladies don't think I can still have trigger now do ya? It's be pretty strong if it were.
Am trying to post a photo but this website sucks today.

Check out on my blog! https://rainbowbabymaker.wordpress.com

Hey barb... I have been reading a lot but haven't posted yet cause I haven't officially started. I looked at your pic and I can definitely see it darkening can't wait for tmrw!!
What's the longest the trigger has ever stuck around for u?
Def looks darker - I think this is it!! I swear by those surepredict tests. They are awesome.

I got my first betas this morning I'm 16 dpt, 15 &14 dpiui and my betas were 112. They said that is exactly where they want it to be and I will go in again Monday morning and they want to see the number rise at minimum 66% which would be 185 but I'm kind of hoping the number doubles since that's what I've been reading. If all goes well I'll have my first scan Monday, feb 3rd
Thanks girls!!
Well I usually have trigger gone by at least 10 days post trigger and today's 12.
Longest was 13 and that was once out of five times.
So I'm really not sure. Also, I took a test this PM & it was a bit lighter so I'm discouraged. I know I am only 10dpo so possible it's the trigger & it's gone.
I have a FRER for fmu. Fingers crossed!!!
It could be lighter cause it's so diluted being so late in the evening:) update us in the morning:)
Can't wait for your morning test Barbi.....

I will be here to check on you

Looked at your blog post and it does look like today's one is darker...

barbikins - FX for tomorrow!! can't wait to hear/see pics/etc

sprite - good numbers - FX Monday brings even better numbers for you!

deepsea - if in doubt - blame the meds ;) It is hard sometimes to adhere to what they say - they just want everything to work out as well :) My doc said basically I can do what I normally do, though limited so not too strenuous, then when stimming, really don't do anything as the size of the ovaries enlarges alot and could twist if jumping around alot etc. They said I wouldn't feel like doing anything anyways, and even to have a glass of red wine if I felt like it.

I went in for the suppression check today (u/s and b/w) and I got the all clear to start the stim meds tomorrow night. They basically said I cannot mix the drugs, and I do have to take all 3 needles in the tummy - and that the repronex will most likely sting going in and cause some irritation - so I can take benedryl an hour before the shots to hopefully counteract that, possible ice packs and if in pain take tylenol or have a glass of wine. Consequently, I am now scared for tomorrow night. I go back Thursday morning for another u/s and b/w check.
I went in for the suppression check today (u/s and b/w) and I got the all clear to start the stim meds tomorrow night. They basically said I cannot mix the drugs, and I do have to take all 3 needles in the tummy - and that the repronex will most likely sting going in and cause some irritation - so I can take benedryl an hour before the shots to hopefully counteract that, possible ice packs and if in pain take tylenol or have a glass of wine. Consequently, I am now scared for tomorrow night. I go back Thursday morning for another u/s and b/w check.

I have been doing three tummy jabs for the last ten days. The one you talk about does sting, but only a very very little and is better if you push the plunger in slowly. Have a tissue ready to push on the area when the needle comes out and it goes immediately. Good luck.
Hi Girls, Thank you so much for the well wishes from you all :hugs:
Feeling a little better, though my ovaries feel like they have been punching bags! Still hurts to pee though! :blush: ET is now booked in for tomorrow at 11am. So, excited and nervous all at once! Start taking progesterone suppositories tonight.

nobump: our IVF clinic prefers to do 3-day transfers so that is what i'm having.

River54: GL with all your shots, at most I had to take 2 shots a day. Though you must be happy things are moving along for you! Don't get any updates at all how the fertilisation process is going, FE said to me on Friday, you don't want to hear from me on the weekend, otherwise that means things are going drastically wrong. Which I don't mind saves me stressing out and worrying about something I have no control over, since I'm such a worry wort!

Izzie: Thanks for well wishes and GL with your ER on wed how many follies have you got developing?

Barbikins: Yes, was a general, no wasn't expecting that at all to wake up in my clothes! Have been following your blog, and will keep my fx for your tests, your so brave, I don't know if I could test so early!

Congrats Sprite30 and Bostonkate, happy to see you betas are both doing so well!
Well 8dp 3dt is a bfn. That's 11dpo.
I feel down. I can't see how it will change. 11dpo is very good indication of a pregnancy. :(

Pisces good luck! So exciting to get ET!!!

Izzy that stach jab you talking about Orgalutron? Or suppressor a? It burned and itched for me. Good luck. When is ER???

River, this is exciting!!! Good luck xo
Barbi.. sounds like trigger still.

It takes 5 days for implantation to be completed after transfer....which means Fx and still time for bfp

I hope there is still hope. It seems this is the most common time bfp starts. So I'm so disappointed. And wtf with the colourless shadow line on my FRER? Annoying.
Barbs don't throw the towel in yet, it,s not over until they have tested on the 1st, implantation may not have completed yet.

Was grumpy yesterday, moving house. 5 days off injections now, got the hang off things, only side affect is sore stomach at night and some diarrhea, but could just be my IBS playing up.

Been keeping track of everyone, but one phone no internet in new house yet.
Izzy that stach jab you talking about Orgalutron? Or suppressor a? It burned and itched for me. Good luck. When is ER?

Luveris was the stingy one for me. To mature the eggs quicker.

Have another scan at 715 tomorrow morning so will hopefully know about ER by the afternoon.
Yeah I'm trying to stick with the notion that it can be early days yet.
It's just hard when statistically you know you're now at bad odds.
Man, this sucks.

Awesome Izzy, hope it's soon!! FX
No bump...I'm following your injections talk...bc I'm starting lupron in a week!

Barbi...how r u doing...did you test today?

DH and I are gonna give this AU natural ttc one last try...as I'm close to cd14. so i told him how about he give me one more shot before I start the injections...LOL.

Does anyone here have a retroverted /tilted uterus?

Reason I ask is bc in ally yrs of OB appts, cyst removal surgery, follows ups, and now fertility scans no one has ever told me I have a tilted uterus until the u/s lady last week....lol

I know it's not a big deal..1/4 women have it.

But for those of you that do....did u read online how some women say certain positions are better for ttc? (altho Dr's disagree)
Hey Breaking

MY new RE mentioned smth about my uterus but I can't recall. He made it seem it wasn't strait on. But w/e irrelivant to me now LOL
Anyway - tested & bfn :(
I have my Beta on Saturday. I don't know what to think. Most woman get their bfps with IVF by 11dpo (me, yesterday) & then its 12dpo. Well I had a STARK white FRER. Those things are very sensitive.
Anywho...there's one website suggesting that after an IVF transfer for a 3 day embryo, the HCG starts at 11dpo & three days later you're good for a preggo test. BUT everyone tests early & most people get early results. So i don't think it's much different than getting preggo on your own.
KMFX for you...:hugs:

I'm on this journey with you... from the start of iuis...and now ivf

I know our bfps are around the corner....just wish it wasn't so hard!!
I wish you the very best too, hun. BTW, whats your name? :)
I'm Barb. If you didnt already guess LMFAO

Yes we will get through this one day! I hope!!!! I just have hope.

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