2014 IVFs!

Peachy - my E2 should be low, so the rising number means that I have a cyst or maturing egg and am not properly "suppressed" to start stims.

Mas - welcome and best of luck with your cycle! :)
Tulip I'm sorry I thought from your signature you had started stims. My first cycle I was very slow to rise ( I though I might be over suppressed) Do they not have any idea what could be causing it to rise?
They didn't see anything odd in my scan Thursday and told me the E2 result later that morning was a complete surprise. They won't do another scan until this coming Thursday. Meanwhile, I think all of this extra Lupron is making me weepy.
Is it possible there was some sort of mix up? When are you supposed to start stims? I am only on my 3rd day of bcp's and I am weepy as hell. I think it's just stress. I hope Thursday turns out well. I know I don't like worrying all the time ( I do it anyways though) : )
Is it possible there was some sort of mix up? When are you supposed to start stims? I am only on my 3rd day of bcp's and I am weepy as hell. I think it's just stress. I hope Thursday turns out well. I know I don't like worrying all the time ( I do it anyways though) : )

I was supposed to start stims on Saturday (two days ago) if I passed my suppression check. Now, the earliest I will start stims is probably this coming Saturday. I don't think there's a mix up - they've tested my E2 twice and it was too high both times.
Just had another ultrasound this morning. All looking good still. Multiple follicles between 12-15mm. Tentatively egg retrieval scheduled for Friday! It was a tuff weekend, headaches, nausea, feeling extra tired. Then followed by insomnia last night so needless to say I'm very grouchy today. My clinic says this is all normal, and will only get worse....
Deepsea, those are normal side effects I've been getting & had gotten. I found that within time, your body adjusts. But with Stimming drugs, I felt like not myself the whole time & was happy to stop them when I did!
Hang in there, love! Oh Valentines day is a nice time for the kids to go to prom ;)
Just had another ultrasound this morning. All looking good still. Multiple follicles between 12-15mm. Tentatively egg retrieval scheduled for Friday! It was a tuff weekend, headaches, nausea, feeling extra tired. Then followed by insomnia last night so needless to say I'm very grouchy today. My clinic says this is all normal, and will only get worse....

Fingers crossed for Friday
Deepsea - sorry you are feeling miserable, but glad your cycle is going well! You are almost ready for ER!
Mas -welcome!

Deepsea - getting close! Fx for Friday!

Tulip - sorry you got delayed...sometimes in this journey it seems like there is always some sort of stumbling block.

Afm - ER went well this morning, they got 8 eggs! They told us if some are not mature, they get put into a solution to help them mature for a day and then maybe the can get fertilized. We'll know tomorrow how many did get fertilized. Fx it is most of them! I can't believe they got that many though! We are doing half icsi and half normal. Now I am just resting up. Had some soup, then went to sleep for a few hours, now I am up and just lazy ing around.
Deepsea what a great report!

River congrats can't wait to hear a wonderful fertilization reprt! For now just pamper yourself.
River- 8 eggs, thats great after the slow start you had!

My clinic just called and me E2 level didn't rise like they wanted so upping the menopur to 150 tonight. Guess thats what I get for complaining today :shrug:
You can feel as sorry as you want to. This is a very stressful process and it's hard. I have seen ladies with only 1 embryo still get pregnant. It really does only take one. Are they only going for a day 5 transfer? And if you don't mind my asking what is your infertility factor?

I got my first report today and the 3 embryos are developing good. ! excellent quality and (8 cells) e the other 2 considered good (7 cells). It was the day 3 report.
I am going to implant on day 5… hope they keep growing!
I had my left tubal removed. Not other issues known… :)
Mas - welcome and good luck

My AMH was below 4, but when I had initial scan, last year they saw 6 follicles, and nurse had said last week that between 6 and 10 are normal. If ICSI will give us more of a chance then I will be happy to go that way. I am only allowed one embryo to be transferred so maybe that's my concern about ICSI. It is interesting Tulip that ICSI is the prefered option for your clinic.

River FX for ER

Miracle how are your eggs doing?

How's everyone else?

I got my first report today and the 3 embryos are developing good. ! excellent quality and (8 cells) e the other 2 considered good (7 cells). It was the day 3 report.
I am going to implant on day 5… hope they keep growing! I can;t wait to all of this process is done!!!!
Miracle- excellent news! Its almost done, hang in there!!!
They didn't see anything odd in my scan Thursday and told me the E2 result later that morning was a complete surprise. They won't do another scan until this coming Thursday. Meanwhile, I think all of this extra Lupron is making me weepy.

Oh Tulip1975, I can't beleive you have to wait another week! I aint gonna lie - Lupron makes me soooooo teary. SMH! I was watching Long Island Medium on netflix and I swear, I cried on every episode! I hope you're able to start this week!!!!
Hi girls!

So, I had my very first ultrasound this morning. Today I'm on CD 4 and I have 10 follicles ranging between 9mm-11mm and few smaller follies. I have another ultrasound this Friday - hopefully my dr will be able to give me and ER date!!!! Soo exciting - I look forward to taking my shots EVERY DAY! Good luck to everyone!!!!!

Quick question - If all of my follicles end up being 17mm+ does that mean that they're all mature and in "good condition" to be fertilized?? Will only the smaller follicles have a hard time being fertilized? Sorry - I don't know much about the importance of the size...?!

MiracleAngel - good luck on your transfer!!! Have you decided how many you'll be putting back?

River54 - 8 eggs - thats a great number!!! Keep us updated!

Deepsea - I am on menopur too and it is the only medication that STINGS. I have NO IDEA what menopur does for ivf, do you know??

Good Luck everyone...!!!!
Wow - so much is happening, guys!

River - congrats on your 8 eggs - that is wonderful news!

Miracle - another good report! Fx'd for your 5-day embros!

Kelye - thanks! It's really trying to be patient! I actually had to buy another 14-day Lupron kit today.

Your 10 follicles sound right on schedule! Yea! I believe size is an indicator of maturity/readiness, so your bigger ones should have the best chance of fertilizing. Menopur is another follicle stimulating hormone (plus luteinizing hormone). I used it for IUI. It does sting a lot.
Ok, so 1 egg was just too young, and a couple didn't fertilize. So, 4 have fertilized :)
They'll let us know tomorrow the grades of them, and more of a plan on what to do. They are planning a 3 day transfer at this point. So Thursday :)

Miracle - great news on your embies! Fx for 5 day :)
exciting, River! I had 8 too & 5 survived to 3day.
i have my frozen transfer on Monday! i hope we only have to defrost one & that's all....I'm nervous about them surviving b/c I dont have money to get more eggs out of me any time soon!

Yay Miracle! So two more days :) Fingers crossed they all make it to day 5!

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