2014 IVFs!

That's what I love this group... We always have someone to listen (read) our struggles and know exactly the frustration of having a failed IVF. I've been through 2 IUI's and 1 IVF and the feeling of not being pregnant is so sad... It's a mix of emotions that just us can really understand. And make it really hard when everyone around you is getting pregnant so easy... I have 3 that works around me... See that baby growing is so depressing (I know... I should not feel this way) but I am almost angry when someone comes to my desk and say: "I am pregnant and was not even trying"...

Izzy, Peachy, and all of you in this group... I admire all your strength and the way you always have something nice to say... Let's keep going and see if our lucky day is about to come!
guess that is all we can do, just keep swimming! Its so heartbreaking, and some people just don't get it...how could they? they chose to STOP having children and we cant even start...as if someone telling me to relax would be the convincing words my fallopian tubes needed to detach themselves from their binding and get into proper formation!:dohh::nope: well, why the help didn't I think of that???:blush:
This is very good commiseration. Thanks, ladies. Yea, pretty much all of my friends with the exception of 1-2 have had babies in the last couple years. My parents send me articles about health in pregnancy, etc... I feel pretty lucky that no one has told me to "just relax" lately... Ugh.

It's very helpful, Peachy, to be reminded that IVF is a process. Right now the silver lining to me is that an FET cycle would be easier on my body and likely cause me fewer migraines..

Onwards & upwards, as you say. :/
Flannel - sorry about the BFN. I am only on my first IVF cycle so I can only imagine how disappointing that feels. Sometimes it just seems like everyone who does IVF has success so we all feel like the first time should automatically work, if that makes sense. I think you said that you had a lot of embies frozen? That would be great going forward.

I am on Day 3 of stimming, have sort of a low grade headache that starts a couple of hours after the shots and then hangs around for a few hours but generally I have tolerated this well so far. God willing it is only a week more of injections! I also don't go back in for a scan until Saturday (Day 6) so I have no idea what's going on down in them ovaries...
I called my nurse about my migraines and she moved my blood test up from Mon. to Fri. So, I only have two days of waiting left. This is a MAJOR relief. Of course, despite the bfn, I still have hope this could have worked and continue to symptom-spot, incl. uncharacteristic cm this morning... Sigh... We'll know soon.

I'm sure something's brewing down there, 3chords! :)
Just came back from my first US. 2 follies on the right and 5 on the left... All small sizes. I never have too many follies, so I guess for me, it's a ok numbers. My body takes really slow in the beginning, and I hope I can get these numbers to go up a little.
A plaque for getting through the bfn s. Now there's a thought! The reason we get through and keep on trying is hope and for some of us faith that our time will come. Bfns and neonatal loss are hard. Very hard. But the desire to get that bfp spurs us on. With support networks like this, it makes all the difference to know that we are not alone. Let's keep smiling everyone. Baby dust to you all :dust: :hugs:
Flannel - I too had frustration feelings from our first failed IVF - we are unexplained, and everything looked great, even transferred 2 great looking 3 day embies...but bfn....
I did unfortunately have a great friend say to us 'they say you should relax and not think about it, that's when you will' - I know it was kindly said - but man I wish she hadn't said it. She also didn't get the concept of unexplained...I tried to explain we went through a specialist - and after all their tests they still hadn't found anything wrong....and then she asked about an ultrasound....:dohh:

We are gearing up to do another IVF cycle in a few weeks. One thing we decided was that I was to have no stressors from my nephews this time around - last time we kept having them overnight, or driving them to school etc...so I'll have to talk to my brother about finding someone else when he needs help for the next month or so.
Thanks, River, you're very sweet.
Blood test tomorrow. I have a mix of high hopes and dread...
Removing stressors sounds like a good idea!
Did your doc tell you to take a break betw. cycles or did you do it for your own reasons? We would do an FET next, and I'm wondering what they'll tell us about the timing of it.
Still have my migraine. At least if it's a bfn I can take my drugs tomorrow...
Had to take a break between cycles - as he wanted me to try DHEA for a couple months and see if that helps. There is no indication at this point it would be an egg quality issue, but he said he had a hunch it could be, hence the DHEA.
I'm up for trying stuff to improve my chances :)

None of ours made it to day 5, as we transferred the best looking day 3s...so no FET for us. I'd imagine you'd probably want 1 cycle to get your body back feeling better/top notch before trying the FET...
FX for your beta though - I still have hope that you won't need your FET right now :)
Hi River (& everyone): as I expected, blood test was a bfn. Spent about half an hour in tears, then did some gardening, and am now trying to look forward to our meeting with the doc on Mon. Apparently we'll probably be able to go right in to an FET cycle, so hopefully we'll have more luck with one of the frosties. Mostly right now we're just trying to continue our lives and not feel sad and sorry for ourselves all the time... You know how it goes..
Hello girls!

Nothing really major going on... Went to my scan this morning and it seems like everything is going as the last cycle. 12 follies so far ... all between 10 and 15. Retrieval scheduled to Friday. I need this cycle to be the last! I really do! Please keep me on your prayers and I will keep all of us in mine.
Hi River (& everyone): as I expected, blood test was a bfn. Spent about half an hour in tears, then did some gardening, and am now trying to look forward to our meeting with the doc on Mon. Apparently we'll probably be able to go right in to an FET cycle, so hopefully we'll have more luck with one of the frosties. Mostly right now we're just trying to continue our lives and not feel sad and sorry for ourselves all the time... You know how it goes..

Sorry for your BFN. I know how you feel... :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
So sorry Flannel, that sucks. I think you have a lot of frosties so here is hoping that the next one takes!

Miracle - I am also scheduled for ER on Friday and I also have 12 follicles right now - neat! Mine are 10-19, but most of them are 15-19 with 3 lagging behind closer to 10. Hopefully they catch up.
Yea, we do have a lot of frosties -- 10. Met with our RE today, who said he has hope for our long-term possibilities for success because our fertilization rate was so high. I guess the blast they chose just wasn't a good one.... That's the only explanation we can have at this point, at least.

I'll be on bcp for a couple weeks, and we'll do an FET in early June.

Spent the weekend gardening, which I highly recommend as therapy. :)

Thanks for the commiseration -- it helps a lot. xo
Btw, 3chords, I think those little follies will definitely catch up! At least that's what happened with me.

Good luck to you & Miracle! I think it's extra good luck that you're going in on the same day!
So sorry Flannel, that sucks. I think you have a lot of frosties so here is hoping that the next one takes!

Miracle - I am also scheduled for ER on Friday and I also have 12 follicles right now - neat! Mine are 10-19, but most of them are 15-19 with 3 lagging behind closer to 10. Hopefully they catch up.

3chords - Mine are all between 12 and 15… my RE said I have time. He'd like to see 17 to 21 on the day of retrieval… I am hoping for the best!!!

It's becoming harder every day… This week =, two of my good friends announced their pregnancies… I am happy for them, but is so hard for me to accept I am the only one with issues… :(
Hi everyone, its been awhile since I've posted but I've been lurking and trying to keep up.

Quick update: Started my FET cycle at the end of April. Currently on Lupron and Estrace. First ultrasound will be this Thursday for a lining check. If all goes as planned we will transfer 2 embryos on May 21.
Hi everyone, its been awhile since I've posted but I've been lurking and trying to keep up.

Quick update: Started my FET cycle at the end of April. Currently on Lupron and Estrace. First ultrasound will be this Thursday for a lining check. If all goes as planned we will transfer 2 embryos on May 21.

Welcome back!!! Let's do this together!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Flannel - I am with you on the gardening! We just built a new raised bed vegetable garden last weekend. Still too cold here tonight to plant anything but I think in about 10 days we'll do it. I find it very therapeutic...although we have a 4 month old puppy and he has taken to jumping in it which is a whole other type of stress, haha.

Miracle - yeah, my clinic said they want as many follicles to be between 18-22 (or even a bit bigger) so that's pretty similar to what you've been told. I already had 4 that were 19mm so I am fairly certain I'll be triggering tomorrow night. Really looking forward to it as I can very much feel both ovaries at this point and it's not he most comfortable feeling I have to admit.

Deepsea - welcome back. :)

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