2014 IVFs!

Hi, Ive been stalking this site a while now. Now feeling ready to join a group since I started BCP Jan 2 for my first IVF cycle.

Been ttc for 1.5yrs now, just diagnosed with mild endometriosis after a mc this summer. Otherwise we have no major issues, besides getting older. Will be 36 in April.

The tentative IVF timeline is BCP till Jan 21, then start Gonal F. Tentative egg retrieval Feb 12-14.
Welcome to your new journey��
I wish you the very best. Xo
Keep us posted on your journey!

I am currently waiting at the clinic for ultrasound, blood and more drugs.
I'm on CD4 of our IVF cycle.
Hah I hadn't been on BCP for some six years. It made my tummy a bit yucky :(
Here is my update at the clinic today:
I went in this morning to do Ultrasound, Bloods, get more Gonal-F/Repronex & to see the RE. I was given two doses of new drugs called Orgalutran. It’s to slow things down so I don’t Ovulate prematurely. They said they’d phone me if I have to take it today after the blood results & turns out I did. So I get the call & off I go to administer my own self injection! It had a very thin, short needle & it was a piece of cake. I inject it in my stomach, on the sides of my belly button. It’ burned for quite a bit but other than that every thing seems OK thus far. I take another dose tomorrow morning with everything else & then back for Cycle Monitoring on Thursday!
Just went out and bought some royal jelly capsules and diner coEnzyme Q-10 tables, read they are supposed to help with egg quality, willing to try anything to give me a boost.
First week back at work after hols, trying to start as I mean to go on no working late, will see how successful I am.
How's everyone else doing?
good luck with the suppliments! I fough CoQ10 upset my stomach so I couldn't do it :( boooo
Doing good here - waiting for tomorrow AM Cycle Monitoring to see where things are at.
SO, we went in for our orientation yesterday, and got the protocol of what will be happening, and had the sonohesterogram, biopsy & PAP done by them yesterday. I have what they told me is a borderline polyp, so they are trying to schedule removal for it next week, so I can continue with the IVF protocol as laid out.
I'll stop bcp Jan 20, start Suprefact in a couple days and continue that until trigger, start gonal f/repronex after the go ahead scan Jan 25, then possible ER & ET week of Feb 7th.
They said the removal was similar drugs to the ER, so I guess it'll be kinda like a dry run of that.
Barbikins how did your appointment go yesterday?

River, sorry about the polyp, but it's good that it won't delay your ER

AFM, I'm waiting for my doctor to call in my prescriptions to the pharmacy. I wish they would do it soon so I can space out the money for meds from the money for the actual ivf. Spending 2-3 thousand at a time is a little easier than 7-8 thousand at once...
Hi All,

Starting my first IVF cycle with ICSI, pick up my meds yesterday, and booked in for my scan on Friday, I start gonal F tomorrow on day 3, feels like I'm finally progressing on the LTTC path. Excited and nervous. Wishing baby dust to everyone :dust:
Hi All,

Starting my first IVF cycle with ICSI, pick up my meds yesterday, and booked in for my scan on Friday, I start gonal F tomorrow on day 3, feels like I'm finally progressing on the LTTC path. Excited and nervous. Wishing baby dust to everyone :dust:

Good luck to you. I have my suppression scan on Thursday to see if I'm ready to start gonal f. Fingers crossed I can. :dust:
My ER is Wednesday! I took my last dose of meds today.
Pisces, good luck, I did Gonal too! I mixed with Repronex.
You feeling ok this far?
BarbiKinsella good luck.

Supposed to be moving house next weekend, hit a snag sellers need to sort out some paperwork, looks like we might be moving in the middle of IVF cycle. Not sure if good or bad, will have a distraction but won't want to lift anything heavy.
Thanks Izzie and barbikins! Good luck with ER on Wed! Only early days for me, just had my first injection of Gonal F this morning, so far so good! Booked in for first scan on Friday morning. It all moves along so quickly doesn't it! Did you feel any side effects with the injections barbikins?
Thanks girls for the well wishes!!

Yes some side effects of the drugs.
By day two I was bloated for maybe two days? I could feel my ovaries. But I'm ok now. That went away. I am tired. And I find I get cloudy head/tired at some point during the day. I doubled up on my Repronex about three days ago & since then I just do t feel great overall. More tired, anxious, today I became highly irritable. Some queasiness & loss of appetite. Nothing is extreme but I defo do t feel like myself and more so today. Glad these drugs are done!!!
Good luck on Wednesday Barbikins, that just went by so quick. I'll be checking in to see how you are. Hopefully your side effects don't get any worse, it'll all be worth it.
Thanks Sprite! I had another dosage today :( Blurg lol
But you're right. will be worth it if it means I have a baby!
So I'm triggering tonight at 11pm. Doctor thinks I'll have 5-10 mature follicles come retrieval time. I hope its closer to 10!
I'll have Egg Transfer on either the 18th or 20th depending on if I get a 3 or 5 day blast.
Then I got meds for Estrogen & Progesterone. P is injections. E are pills. And hubby & I have to take antibiotics for the next 3 days as a precaution.

Wow 4 folllicles on your IUI!? I hope one of them catches! HOw do you feel about multiples? :)
Thanks for the symptoms descriptions barbikins, 2nd day of injections for me, slowly getting the hang of it. I thought I could feel twinges in my ovaries but not sure if it's just my imagination! and have felt a bit tired and dizzy.

That sounds great about the number of mature follies, you must be excited to moving on to the next stage. Look forward to hearing how it all went and good luck.

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