2014 IVFs!

Thanks for the symptoms descriptions barbikins, 2nd day of injections for me, slowly getting the hang of it. I thought I could feel twinges in my ovaries but not sure if it's just my imagination! and have felt a bit tired and dizzy.

That sounds great about the number of mature follies, you must be excited to moving on to the next stage. Look forward to hearing how it all went and good luck.

I have the same symptoms! Bit dizzy & tired. But functional.
I defo felt my ovaries. Especially when I went to the bathroom.
I'm feeling them again today.
I had to increase a dose of meds & when I did that, symptoms increased. Now I deal with queasy & no appetite. Overall just don't feel well. And tired!

Yes I'm really excited!! I'm nervous about ER because the stories don't sound nice. But, I'm excited!!! I've not been able to TTC for three months!

So, are Gonal-F all you have to take for stimulators?
Are you doing your own injections? I couldn't do it. I have my DH doing it.:haha:
Thanks Sprite! I had another dosage today :( Blurg lol
But you're right. will be worth it if it means I have a baby!
So I'm triggering tonight at 11pm. Doctor thinks I'll have 5-10 mature follicles come retrieval time. I hope its closer to 10!
I'll have Egg Transfer on either the 18th or 20th depending on if I get a 3 or 5 day blast.
Then I got meds for Estrogen & Progesterone. P is injections. E are pills. And hubby & I have to take antibiotics for the next 3 days as a precaution.

Wow 4 folllicles on your IUI!? I hope one of them catches! HOw do you feel about multiples? :)

Nice, 5-10 follicles is awesome. Of course the more the better. Yay for triggering tonight that's awesome, so far the subcutaneous shot wasn't bad at all. It's those muscular ones that have me nervous but ill def do whatever I have too lol

I was a bit nervous about having so many follicles but I had 2 on the left with no left tube so I'm not so worried about those and I had 2 on my right 20& 17 and with dh having his MFI I figured two chances would be awesome. We ended up doing 2 b2b iui's one on Friday and one on Saturday. We were at 6 million sperm, 51% motility on Friday and 8 million with 72% motility on Saturday so I think this really is a best case scenarios for an iui attempt. I'm catching myself feeling quiet positive about it but I'm trying not to let myself get too excited bc I don't want the heartache. I'm just glad to be doing something proactive.

We really would prefer not to have multiples but they do run in our families so if it happens that way no one even blink
Wow multiples are in your family too!? Dang girl! LOL
Well I hope what ever it is, you get what you want :) I wish you the best!
I'd be too nervous with that many eggs!
We're only transferring back in 1 embryo! No twins here, thanks.
Wow multiples are in your family too!? Dang girl! LOL
Well I hope what ever it is, you get what you want :) I wish you the best!
I'd be too nervous with that many eggs!
We're only transferring back in 1 embryo! No twins here, thanks.

We're only doing a one embryo transfer too. Don't think I could cope with twins!
Saw consultant that removed my polyp today, says all was ok with the lining of my womb and polyp nothing to worry about. Now moving on 25th, start injections on 22nd, so should be ok, will just have to concentrate on not being grumpy.
Good to hear how you are all progressing. Clinic will only transfer one embryo for me as it NHS, with low AMH level will be happy to get one egg.
Saw consultant that removed my polyp today, says all was ok with the lining of my womb and polyp nothing to worry about. Now moving on 25th, start injections on 22nd, so should be ok, will just have to concentrate on not being grumpy.
Good to hear how you are all progressing. Clinic will only transfer one embryo for me as it NHS, with low AMH level will be happy to get one egg.

We were nhs last time, but had the option of transferring one or two. Strange how different places have different rules.
Wow multiples are in your family too!? Dang girl! LOL
Well I hope what ever it is, you get what you want :) I wish you the best!
I'd be too nervous with that many eggs!
We're only transferring back in 1 embryo! No twins here, thanks.

Yeah for sure if end up doing ivf with ICsi we are only transferring one back. But I kinda felt like the odds are against us with iui so I was willing to take my chances ha, I'll have a heart attack if we get twins ...lol
I dont want multiples so that's one factor for us.
But also I am high risk pregnancy so our doctor doesn't recommend it either.
And I agree!
Hi Ladies!

I'm new to the forum, but the comments on this board have been really helpful!

I am in the early part of my 2WW.

I did stimulation with follistim and hcg for 7 days, and ganirelex for 4. My e2 levels were skyrocketing! By day the morning of day 5, e2 was 1087. By day 7, over 2000. By day 8, 3700. So I did an ovidrel trigger on the evening of day 8.

Day 10 ER: 20 eggs (17 mature). Split ICSI/Natural
Day 11 Fertilization report: 8ICSI/7 fertilized; 9 Natural/2 fertilized
3Day: 9 embryos going strong!

On Friday, January 10th, we transferred 2 "perfect" 8-cell embryos with no fragmentation.

I'm no 4DP3DT and going insane!

I am also a POAS junkie. I POAS yesterday (3DP3DT) and it was negative, so trigger is out of my system.

I POAS today (4DP3DT) and it was negative. I KNOW it's early, but I'm so worried it didn't work because of the negative!

Here for support and to provide support back.

37 YO with unexplained infertility (could be male factor)
IUI #1 Oct. 2013: :bfn:
Straight to IVF
IVF #1 Started 12/29
- 3DP3DT :bfn:
- 4DP3DT :bfn::sad2:
polyp removal is tomorrow morning. Hopefully all will go well, and I'll have a decent day off :) Start injections tonight with Suprefact. Looking at the calendar, I hope the days will just fly by!
We are going to be doing half ICSI and half normal. Seems this is what is recommended because we are unexplained. OH feels better knowing that is why.

GL tomorrow Barbikins!!
polyp removal is tomorrow morning. Hopefully all will go well, and I'll have a decent day off :) Start injections tonight with Suprefact. Looking at the calendar, I hope the days will just fly by!
We are going to be doing half ICSI and half normal. Seems this is what is recommended because we are unexplained. OH feels better knowing that is why.

GL tomorrow Barbikins!!

I hope it goes well! We did split ICSI/normal, too. Since it was our first round, I'm glad we did because we know our fertilization rate. But it was hard to see a lot of eggs go unfertilized as a result. Still, I think it's the right call!
ncbabydust - congrats on being pupo! It is pretty early to test - so I wouldn't worry about the neg :) What a great number of embryos you got! FX for you!
Thanks, River54. We were glad to have excellent ones to transfer and 7 to freeze. But we were also too nervous to let them go to blasts... I think I'd be less stressed out right now if we had! Alas, 9 day countdown to beta.
I have the same symptoms! Bit dizzy & tired. But functional.
I defo felt my ovaries. Especially when I went to the bathroom.
I'm feeling them again today.
I had to increase a dose of meds & when I did that, symptoms increased. Now I deal with queasy & no appetite. Overall just don't feel well. And tired!

Yes I'm really excited!! I'm nervous about ER because the stories don't sound nice. But, I'm excited!!! I've not been able to TTC for three months!

So, are Gonal-F all you have to take for stimulators?
Are you doing your own injections? I couldn't do it. I have my DH doing it.:haha:

Yes, I'm only on Gonal F for stims, also doing my own injections, I was really nervous about it, as previously I couldn't even look at a needle when getting blood drawn for tests. The fertility nurse was really good about it she let me practice with a empty insulin needle, so I could get over the phobia of sticking a needle into my gut! I'm using gonal f pen so the needle is really fine. Though the Orgalutran and ovidrel needles look thicker, which I haven't got up to yet!
:flower:Good Luck and Welcome NC Baby Dust! How exciting and nerve wracking! Will keep my fx for you too!
Barbikins, Good luck with the egg retrieval tomorrow!

NCBabydust, Congrats on pupo!!! Keep us updated on the poas progress

AFM- I'm scheduled to start Gonal F injection on the 22, but was just informed my doctor is in the military reserves and has orders for the end of February and will be out of town. Still not sure if this will affect my cycle or not. The nurse told me she would call tomorrow when she goes over the schedule again. I was tentatively scheduled for er around Feb 12-14 and then et Feb 17-18. Im pretty sure she said that he will be gone the last 2 wks of Feb.... I'm trying to just relax and let things happen, but darn it. My gut says that things will be pushed back till March.
Sounds like several of you are in the injection phase. It's not fun, but after a few days, it gets better! One thing that really helped me was to stay on a high protein diet with lots of coconut water. The more hydrated, the better.

ER wasn't too bad... the day of and the day after I had some moderate lower abdominal pain and cramping, and it was hard to get up and sit down. But I'm now 8 days past ER, and the symptoms are gone.

Of course, now I'm in 2WW impatience. With the stimulation cycle, you're in the office almost every day, and you get constant feedback. With the 2WW, it's just like reading tea leaves.

Like today... I'm 5DP3DT and I think I see the faintest, faintest line on the HPT. Of course, it could just be an evap line... it's driving me crazy!

I'll keep POAS until beta!
Hi ladies,

Hope I can jump in.

About myself:
I'm new here and just finished reading all that you guys have posted here. Didn't understand everything but managed to get a hang of terms. I had the hycosy test this morning which was not too bad, will have to be getting on with IVF treatment so I'm here trying to prepare mentally from all your experiences.

Feeling that I'm closer one step after the hycosy, but talk about injections and side effects I'm getting too apprehensive.

Please can someone be kind enough to
brief me about what my next step would be after getting my results. I'm feeling stupid that I forgot to ask the consultant !!!

Many Thanks in advance & baby dust to all.
Hello! Just a quick message from me today.
Druggy Magee here :)
Actually I'm a tiny bit groggy but feeling good. I have bad cramps when I walk around. Got home about an hour ago. Just finally got to eat some food!
I was totally drugged so I don't recall much but I did have moments when I felt pain. DH said the gave me more drugs when that happened. I don't remember anything else. I even awoke at the recovery & said "where am I?" Haha. I walked back to recovery & do t remember it.
I got 8 eggs retrieved. I was hoping for so much more. But I just hope I can have a few to freeze. I'm a bit nervous about that!
I will get a call tomorrow and each day for embryo updates. So weird. They are at a lab lol. Little buggers :)
Hello! Just a quick message from me today.
Druggy Magee here :)
Actually I'm a tiny bit groggy but feeling good. I have bad cramps when I walk around. Got home about an hour ago. Just finally got to eat some food!
I was totally drugged so I don't recall much but I did have moments when I felt pain. DH said the gave me more drugs when that happened. I don't remember anything else. I even awoke at the recovery & said "where am I?" Haha. I walked back to recovery & do t remember it.
I got 8 eggs retrieved. I was hoping for so much more. But I just hope I can have a few to freeze. I'm a bit nervous about that!
I will get a call tomorrow and each day for embryo updates. So weird. They are at a lab lol. Little buggers :)
Barbikins -

So glad that ER went well, and 8 is great! Fingers crossed for excellent fertilization and development.

Try to rest up today, and drink plenty of fluids -- my doc recommended salty soup and protein for day 1 and 2 post ER. It worked like a charm, and a week later, it's like it never happened!

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