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2014 May Rainbows

Fraternal twins are hereditary through the moms side. Identical can come from the dads.
according to LMP my EDD is May 3rd. I have a feeling im maybe a week behind as I was a week late when I got my BFP. :)
I'm not doing to good today :( We had the zoo with the grandparents today and my back is killing me and my belly is extremely swollen, hard and sore. So weird because I didn't get this til much later with Logan. I'm afraid I really over did it and it might bit me in the ass. I feel like I should have been more careful :(
I'm not doing to good today :( We had the zoo with the grandparents today and my back is killing me and my belly is extremely swollen, hard and sore. So weird because I didn't get this til much later with Logan. I'm afraid I really over did it and it might bit me in the ass. I feel like I should have been more careful :(

Take care of yourself! Have a nice hot shower and put your feet up if you can. My job is so physically demanding that I know where you are coming from. I usually feel the worst when I get home and finally sit down then all the aches and pains kick in and I feel bloated and sick too!

Get some rest Darlin!!!:hugs: I hope you feel better tomorrow!
Hello ladies!! May I join you? I am so sorry for all of your losses and so excited for your current BFP's!!! I just had a positive hpt on Saturday at 13dpo so today I am 4+1 :)

Feeling nervous and excited!!

A bit about me....

Married October 2011.
Started trying may 2012
BFP August 2012
Mmc @ 12+5 at scan October 2012
Trying again December 2012
Chemical may 2013 (on Mother's Day weekend)
Specialist appointment October 2013
BFP September 2013!!

My current EDD is may 25 2014!!

I had spotting with my first pregnancy at 10&11 DPO and my chemical at 9 DPO. Nothing this time and currently 15 DPO. Also higher temps!!! Hope these are good signs!!

So far tingly bb's, nauseous when hungry, tired, gassy
Hello ladies!! May I join you? I am so sorry for all of your losses and so excited for your current BFP's!!! I just had a positive hpt on Saturday at 13dpo so today I am 4+1 :)

Feeling nervous and excited!!

A bit about me....

Married October 2011.
Started trying may 2012
BFP August 2012
Mmc @ 12+5 at scan October 2012
Trying again December 2012
Chemical may 2013 (on Mother's Day weekend)
Specialist appointment October 2013
BFP September 2013!!

My current EDD is may 25 2014!!

I had spotting with my first pregnancy at 10&11 DPO and my chemical at 9 DPO. Nothing this time and currently 15 DPO. Also higher temps!!! Hope these are good signs!!

So far tingly bb's, nauseous when hungry, tired, gassy

Welcome and congrats.
Hi, ladies! Another newbie here! :) I got my bfp this morning at 10dpo so still early days yet. This is my 5th pregnancy and I'm hoping for my second rainbow. We lost our first pregnancy, had our son but lost his twin, then had two losses in a row. So all of our pregnancies have had a loss of some kind. :cry: I'm trying really hard to be happy and hopeful.

I'm 30 and DH is 32. We'll be married 5 years this December. Our son is 2 and we have a cat. I have bled in all of my pregnancies so I am expecting quite a few scares. The good news is the line on the hpt is as dark as the line I got with DS at 10dpo (yes, I kept the tests:blush:) and I've been nauseous for several days already. I really, really hope this is it as I have had two miscarriages and an angel due date at the end of May. Now I'm due at the end of May again. But they say bad things come in three and I've had three bad things. Now it's time for good!

Hey, Sunnyleah! I remember you from the Canadian Thread in the TTCaL forum. Congrats on your bfp!!!

Congrats to everyone! I'm hoping we are all on our way to our rainbows!!
My dh lives in horror of twins and they very much run in my side of the family -- both my father's and mothers -- though I don't have twins who are very closely related to me. The closest is second-cousins. But we already had conceived fraternal twins even though only my DS survived. So it is possible. And I think dh is scared because of karma. His brother's FiL is one of triplets so multiples were very much a possibility for them so my dh was constantly taunting his brother that they would have triplets. My BiL does have 3 kids but they were all singletons.

Oh, my EDD would be May 29th so I'll probably end up with a June baby as they tend to go late but you never know
Had my scan, I am officially 6w but I know I O'd on cd17 so little less than that really. The machine was grainy but my Dr was very pleased with the size of the gestational sac and the yolk sac. She said the little bean was right up against the wall so hard to see, but measuring right on time. So didn't get to confirm a heartbeat but it's no worry at this point. :cloud9:

First sigh of relief until the next appt in 2 weeks.
Nice to see you Starry!! Fingers crossed we all get those rainbows!!!

We have a lot of twins in my family as well. Fraternal boys mostly on my moms side...every generation. Also DH is a twin (although that won't impact us) and I have cousins on my fathers side who've had twins. Crazy :). Our first pregnancy was a singleton fingers crossed this one is too. Don't really want twins :) cute but overwhelming!!
Had my scan, I am officially 6w but I know I O'd on cd17 so little less than that really. The machine was grainy but my Dr was very pleased with the size of the gestational sac and the yolk sac. She said the little bean was right up against the wall so hard to see, but measuring right on time. So didn't get to confirm a heartbeat but it's no worry at this point. :cloud9:

First sigh of relief until the next appt in 2 weeks.

Glad your scan went well! It's still early for the heartbeat. I'm sure baby is doing great! :hugs:

I am curious what my scan will be like at 9wks in the office. At my ob in the beginning of my pregnancy it was a very grainy outdated machine. Then when I switched to the mw they had a very nice us set up in their practice. Now that they moved practices I'm not sure what to expect. Before they had a specific tech but now the ob in the practice has to do it. I hope it's still a good machine.

:wave: Congrats and welcome to all the newbies
Just wanted to comment on the twin talk... I am getting curious now. As bad as I have been feeling and the problems I had going out yesterday and being active compared to DS really makes me wonder. Not to mention the weird dreams I've been having. There are twins in them but Idk if they are MY twins :haha: May just be all the talk lately though. I also had a dream about c-section but it wasn't me. Sadly no gender dreams yet :(
lune_miel - congrats on the encouraging first scan! I hope the next scan shows a strong, healthy bean!

darlin - at least you're getting scans. I'm going to have to BEG for a scan in the first trimester. Out here you don't get a scan until 20 weeks. So frustrating. I used to live in a different province and got to see my OB by 10 weeks and my OB would always give a scan on that first visit. Then there was the 12 week scan. But the province I live in now you see your GP until 30 something weeks and my previous pregnancies I would get no extra special treatment in spite of my history. I see the doctor on Wednesday and I am so nervous I will get the "nothing we can do...see you at 12 weeks" treatment again.
Thanks :flower: Starry I sure do hope you can get an early scan!

I understand that "there's nothing we can do" but the reassurance of knowing that you don't have a blighted ovum or carrying around a mmc for weeks is deserved by all of us.
Exactly. I've been to the ER so many times now with pregnancy-related issues that I'm tired of the "we can't do anything" shtick. I know that! But I'm freaking out, so could you please have some compassion??!! I totally plan on playing up the 3 m/c history. And I do legitimately suffer from an anxiety disorder so reassurance could really help me. My last two pregnancies started to go badly by 8 weeks. If I have a healthy scan at 8 weeks that would take a huge load off of me. I had a sponatneous m/c at 12 weeks the first time but at 6 weeks I had some spotting and it's hb was very low (under 100). The baby recovered but I lost it anyways. I have since read that a low early hb usually means m/c even if the baby seems to recover.
I know how you feel. In Ontario we see our gp until 6 months.... Then ob. And same with only 2 scans at 12&20 weeks. I'm going in next week (5 weeks) to talk to my gp as she knows my history to see if we can work in a 'dating scan' earlier as my cycles have been inconsistent since our Mmc. With your losses Starry have you been able to see a specailist yet?? We are scheduled for October 10th but of course get out BFP the month before lol. Hoping that we don't end up at the specailist with another loss :(

Keeping you in my thoughts!
Hey Ladies

I'm in Ontario too, I have the choice of either joint care, at the gp until about 6 months or right to the ob. I was high risk my first pregnancy so with my last one and with this one, I go see my gp (today :)) and then she refers me right away to the ob. I make an appointment with her for around 10 weeks in case I don't get in with the ob by then.

I also have a short cycle (21-25 days) so I get a dating scan. Just be sure to tell them that your cycle is irregular and so you'd like a dating scan. I've never been refused! I book the scan myself, I just need to bring the requisition with me. So I think I'm going to book for next week sometime. For me I definitely need the dating scan since this is the first cycle after my loss last month.. I actually had a bfp Aug 6, started bleeding Aug 9... then bfp Aug 28... so who knows!!

But I have to say I am very lucky, my best friend is a family doc in the same clinic as my gp.. so she always says if my gp doesn't give me a scan she will!!!

Well hope everyone is feeling good.. my MS is getting going... hoping it's not too bad this time.. I had my lo (14 months) at the park and almost vomited... it was close.. yikes!! with my 1st DS I had MS the whole pregnancy.. 2nd DS only for 4 months.... hoping this one is even shorter!!!

Take care ladies.

When I was living in Ontario I was sent straight to my OB at 10 weeks. With my son, since I had issues, I was also seen by some high-risk specialists at McMasters Children's Hospital in Hamilton. They were awesome! I have nothing but high praise for them. I also had one of the highest-rated OBs in my hometown. But DH got a job in Manitoba and we moved there 7 mos pregnant and I had my son in Winnipeg. I now live in a very rural area and I'm getting the impression there isn't going to be much, if any, help for me. :(

I did see a specialist and get some testing done but those came back normal. The specialist said she wouldn't do further testing unless I have another m/c and she didn't offer any plan or 'treatment' for my next pregnancy. It's in God's hands now.
Oh starry that's difficult. Lets all pray that this little bean is stuck with super glue :)

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