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2014 May Rainbows

I have been doing some research and am taking extra folic acid and fish oil. What's funny is, yesterday when I told my mom I was expecting again, she told me my grandma was told to take fish oil after having several m/c's in a row and she had my uncle. Fish oil is supposed to help make healthy eggs and sustain a pregnancy. I'm crossing my fingers that helps me like it did my grandma!
I know how you feel. In Ontario we see our gp until 6 months.... Then ob. And same with only 2 scans at 12&20 weeks. I'm going in next week (5 weeks) to talk to my gp as she knows my history to see if we can work in a 'dating scan' earlier as my cycles have been inconsistent since our Mmc. With your losses Starry have you been able to see a specailist yet?? We are scheduled for October 10th but of course get out BFP the month before lol. Hoping that we don't end up at the specailist with another loss :(

Keeping you in my thoughts!

Where in Ontario are you from? I have had scans at 6 weeks with my last 2 pregnancies and an OB at 12 weeks with all of my pregnancies. With my DS I had a scan at 12 weeks 16 weeks and 22 weeks. I never had to ask for them they were just given. Come down to TO!
With how I was treated with my multiple mcs and the birth of my son, from both the OB's and the hospital, I have chosen a MW this time. My first appointment is next week (8 weeks 2 days). You can also request a dating scan from doctors in Ontario between 6 and 10 weeks. I was offered without asking my last 2 pregnancies and have multiple friends that have had the same.
Still dealing with pretty bad cramping ladies :( I've never had cramping like this without bleeding so its weird to me that I'm not bleeding.
Still dealing with pretty bad cramping ladies :( I've never had cramping like this without bleeding so its weird to me that I'm not bleeding.

I had a few nights of very intense cramping and it made me sweat in early pregnancy and we made it to the end of our pregnancy, think it may just be stretching?
It just others me because I was fine until we went to the zoo and my whole belly tightened up like it did with Braxton hicks in 3rd tri with DS. I'm still dealing with that plus some bad back pains. Feels totally different than the growing pains I've had. Literally feels like I've been punched right around my belly button.
It just others me because I was fine until we went to the zoo and my whole belly tightened up like it did with Braxton hicks in 3rd tri with DS. I'm still dealing with that plus some bad back pains. Feels totally different than the growing pains I've had. Literally feels like I've been punched right around my belly button.

:( Feel better....
Darlin - you can get BH earlier with later pregnancies. And some pregnancies are more sensitive than others. Maybe this is one where you can't do as much as you have in others. I hope you feel better soon.

I'm a pregnancy weakling. I'm often in pain, bleed and just too tired and weak to do very much. Some ladies glow during pregnancy but I definitely feel like it's very hard on me. I put my feet up a lot and let some of the chores around the house slide a little. I'm actually jealous of the pregnant ladies who can run around and vacation and swim and do whatever they like. Modified bed rest gets very, very boring.
Still dealing with pretty bad cramping ladies :( I've never had cramping like this without bleeding so its weird to me that I'm not bleeding.

I've had that before--it's stretching, painful though it is. As for the contractions, that can also happen super early. Sometimes it's because you're dehydrated--try drinking a full glass of water next time.
I've had stretching with DS and this isn't the same. I've been trying to stay hydrated but its not doing much to help. Think it's just one of those things you just gotta deal with.
I know how you feel. In Ontario we see our gp until 6 months.... Then ob. And same with only 2 scans at 12&20 weeks. I'm going in next week (5 weeks) to talk to my gp as she knows my history to see if we can work in a 'dating scan' earlier as my cycles have been inconsistent since our Mmc. With your losses Starry have you been able to see a specailist yet?? We are scheduled for October 10th but of course get out BFP the month before lol. Hoping that we don't end up at the specailist with another loss :(

Keeping you in my thoughts!

Where in Ontario are you from? I have had scans at 6 weeks with my last 2 pregnancies and an OB at 12 weeks with all of my pregnancies. With my DS I had a scan at 12 weeks 16 weeks and 22 weeks. I never had to ask for them they were just given. Come down to TO!
With how I was treated with my multiple mcs and the birth of my son, from both the OB's and the hospital, I have chosen a MW this time. My first appointment is next week (8 weeks 2 days). You can also request a dating scan from doctors in Ontario between 6 and 10 weeks. I was offered without asking my last 2 pregnancies and have multiple friends that have had the same.

Hey!! I'm in Oakville. My gp asked last time if I wanted a dating scan but said that if we wanted the 12 week screening scan it wasn't necessary. I'm guessing with our loss she will allow both. As for the OB I don't mind waiting on that as its much harder to get appointments with him and none after hours. I will have to see a specailist though because my thyroid levels were off last time so my doctor wants an endocrinologist to monitor me. Both of my SIL had multiple scans but that was to to problems. Ive been told that if everything is good then just the two (or three if I push for the additional early dating scan). My doctor likes the natural approach so I think that may be part of it. Also there are no ultra sound machines at the office so I have to go to a clinic
Welcome to all the new ladies! We're glad to see you here!

Hippielove-could I get added to the front page? I can't remember if I posted my due date or not earlier (thanks to baby brain) but I'm due May 19th.

Floridamomma-I hope you have a good scan today! FX you get good news! :hugs:

Starry-hope things stay this way for you. Glad you are defo feeling pg and no spotting so far. I'm only 5+2 today and I've typically m/c between 7-9.5 weeks so I still have to get through the worst part.

I saw the chiropractor on Monday after taking pain relievers all weekend for my sciatic nerve pain. Diagnosis-I had strained my hip flexors (the muscles you use to sit) REALLY bad and they had pulled my right hip out of place. A simple hip adjustment and some minor stretching exercises relieved my nerve pain but I spent two days laying down flat on my back and doing light walking to help stretch those muscles back out. He's not treating my mycoplasma (or anything other than minor adjustments) for the next two months because I'm so newly pregnant. He doesn't want to add to my already high risk pregnancy by having me detoxing. But I'm still feeling hopeful and the twin idea has waned. I DO have fraternal twin brothers and a few other factors that increase my chances slightly but I'm back to thinking this is just a single baby.
Well, my doctor has agreed to book me for an early u/s and she is going to put in a request with the OB who did my m/c testing to take over my prenatal care right away. I really hope both requests are accepted! In the meantime, she said I had to let nature take it's course. And to an extent I understand. The doctor said I would have had my hormones and progesterone tested and since I never heard back I guess that means they're normal (I would have liked to have had definitive proof, though).

I woke up quite nauseous this morning and could only force down a plain piece of bread. But now I'm starving. I ate a large piece of cheese and some grapes and am craving a greasy, cheesey pizza. lol My last two pregnancies I loved anything with salt but this time I feel really sensitive to salt. Everything tastes crazy salty. But I'm not really craving sweet either. I want cheese.
Me!! Due May 31st! ( 2 days after my Birthday!) ( got my BFP yesterday 3 weeks and 5 days along!)
Hi all, can I be added please? I'm due 29th May.

Thought I'd give a little back ground. My DH and I went through IVF/ICSI in October 2011 due to very severe male infertility and in July '12 I gave birth to our beautiful son. We then somehow managed to conceive in Feb this year, but I lost our bean at the beginning of March. Just a few days ago we found out that we are expecting again (we can only think that his count and quality are miraculously close to normal now!) and we're praying with all our might for a very sticky rainbow!

I'm so nervous this time, much more than I was with DS or our angel.
Got my second scan tomorrow. Feeling very nervous!! I am praying my bean has survived!! Will update tomorrow, how's everyone else doing? Any news from Florida? Xx
Welcome, wifey! It seems you and I have the same due date! :flower:

nat - good luck with your scan tomorrow. :hugs:

afm - trying not to worry but it's starting to creep in. I didn't wake up nauseous this morning and my back aches. I know it's still very early and some aches are normal. I know this. Yet I still worry and obsess.
Nats-good luck on your ultrasound tomorrow.

Starry-I think anyone who's had a miscarriage (much less recurrent miscarriages) will worry at every little thing. I know I am and I have had no signs of anything-no pg symptoms but no miscarriage signs either. I'm in limbo...

Wifey-welcome and congrats on your amazing BFP! It's just another sign that children truly are miracles, isn't it? I conceived against the odds this month too and I'm hoping/praying/crossing everything to keep this babe tucked in snug until May.

Bah...Still no word from the dr's office about my hCG results from Monday. Hoping that no news is good news but I'd still like to know how fast my numbers are rising, you know? And the dr knows I wanted to know for peace of mind...*Sigh* If they don't call by noon, I'm calling them.
I went to the dr yesterday for the same thing. I had no symptoms since last week. That is exactly what happened with my mmc and I was starting to panic. They sent me for blood work and an ultrasound. I was so nervous waiting for the us as it was the same room I had found out about my mc last year. Half way through they turned on the speakers and the room filled with lo's hb. I started sobbing. Went back this morning for the official results and they have moved my due date from May 5th to April 30th. My little parasite is doing fantastic and my NT scan is booked for mid October. :cloud9: Dr. said lack of symptoms was my body telling me my hormones have started to level out.
I wasn't getting updates :( Just came back and there were a ton of posts.

Nats- I hope it all went well :hugs:
Starry- I think that's totally normal
Dairy- I would have called the next day :haha: I'm so impatient. I know they get it back next day so I always call before they get to me in their call list.
SweetV- That is amazing! I teared up reading it. Absolutely love it!

:wave: Welcome to the newcomers :)
SweetV - congrats on the amazing scan! And that's great that your dates were moved up. That means your rainbow is coming that much sooner.

afm - haven't really felt nausea yesterday and so far not much today. I had quite a bit around my bfp so feel a bit confused. I'm forcing myself not to worry. I still have my strong salt aversion and I am feeling periodic stretching sensations throughout the day. I didn't really get those with my last two pregnancies so I knew something wasn't right.

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