2014 May Rainbows

I know the decrease is gradual but I am really hoping the worst is behind me. Last night I was quite gaggy again whenever I moved but I actually felt well lying still. A few days back that would not have made a difference.

Right now dh and I are debating whether or not to travel out to the inlaws. We were going to go but the day after we told them we were coming I found out I was pregnant. With my history I didn't want to risk anything so we cancelled. But with the perfect scan we are reconsidering. However, if I'm still sick I'm not sure I want to make the 9 hour drive. I'm feeling well enough that if we leave first thing in the morning I should be fine as I'm only really sick in the evening. But do I want to be sick in someone else's house when I have so much phobias and anxieties about sickness in general? If it was just his parents I may be willing to put up with that as it's been a year since we've been there. But his brother and his kids will be there too and those kids don't have much respect for the need of quiet. They are very loud and scream a lot which won't do my migraines any good. But I feel so guilty for cancelling. Dh doesn't want to do winter driving and baby is due in spring so it could be a long, long time before we could get out there again. And the in laws aren't afraid to lay on the guilt sometimes. And I'll be the bad guy. Dh always stands up for me but it still isn't fun.
Personally I wouldn't go. 9 hours? Ugh. They can always come to you too.... I understand the guilt though. Have you told them yet you're expecting? Maybe they will be more understanding?
I agree with Sunny. My inlaws try the same guilt trip occasionally and they only live 10 minutes away. If they want to see us so badly make the trip here (which they never do). They constantly expect us to drop everything and come there. 2 working parents plus 2 kids with school and multiple extracurricular makes that very difficult. Catch 22 though as when they do come they complain about how messy the house is and demand that I quit my job to take better care of their son. Bah.... 9 hours, I wouldn't be making the drive. I'm the same way about not wanting to be sick in somebody else's house including my parents and I grew up in that house lol.
Dh's brother has suggested they all come down here after Christmas. DH's brother has friends nearby so they would stay with them. I would be 20 weeks by then so hopefully not sick but I would have to be hostess.

I really don't think the 9 hour drive would bother me as I'm not sick during the day at this point. It's the evenings when everyone would visit. dH thinks they'll be very understanding. The main concern is my own anxiety over being sick. Would I be comfortable? Their house is nice but small so I couldn't get away and hide if the kids were too overwhelming.

I've actually been the one pushing to go because it could potentially be another year before we're able to go there as I don't want to do any travelling with baby until s/he has had at least first round of shots. And we'll probably go to Ontario first because I really want to see the pandas at the zoo while they're still there. :haha: (and my SiL is having a baby this winter and I want to see my new niece while she is still a baby) DH actually is no good at keeping contact with his parents so sometimes I wish they knew how much I'm pushing him to behind the scenes.

Since I have no complications with this pregnancy, I think the drive would be safe. That really would be my main concern. last time we went I had jsut miscarried. I thought the bleeding was over but a few hours into the trip I started bleeding very very heavily again. I thought I was going to die and we were in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully, the bleeding stopped on its own by the time we arrived but if I thought I was going to miscarry I would not do that again. When I had hematomas with my other pregnancies the doctor told me driving was dangerous.
I am so sick and tired of waiting to relax. NT scan isn't until 9 days. :coffee:

Any news for you all?
I won't get and NT scan because my insurance won't cover it :(
I'm not getting an NT scan either as my new province doesn't do them at all. I most likely won't get another scan until 20 weeks unless my OB does them in her office. But I don't think that is standard procedure so I'm not holding my breath. But out here I think they start using the doppler a bit earlier so I'm hoping I can hear the heart beat at my first visit in about 2 weeks.

We're still contemplating the trip but we're making our final decision tonight. I've started to throw up now so we're leaning towards 'no' but I had also stopped taking my Gravol because I was feeling better. :dohh: So I'm going to try taking my Gravol today and see if that helps. Even if it doesn't I still want to go because I've been stuck in the house for weeks and I just want to get away. I'm also craving a Tim Hortons' breakfast sandwich and we always stop at one along the way (the nearest one to us is 1/2 hour away so I can't just get them at any other time). I know, I want to travel just so I can have a sandwich.:haha:
Had my 12week scan today, everything was perfect :cloud9:! HB was @ 160.
Starry. I've been craving things!! Mostly sweets & fruit but saw a commercial for tacos the other day and so we are having that for dinner now :) lol

Hopin4abump. That's great news!!!

I've been fortunate and am getting scans at 6,8,10 & 12 weeks. I thought all of Canada offered the screening scan at 12 weeks. In Ontario the doctors push for it!!
Sunnyleah - yeah, I spent most of my pregnancy with DS in Ontario and the 12 week scan wasn't required but pretty much everyone got it. My OB also gave us a scan at our first visit because he wanted to be the one to confirm the due date. My gp also automatically referred us to the OB. Here, I am only going so soon because of my history. Of course, now that means I get the honour of driving 1 1/2 hours for 10 minute appointments.

And here, they don't call them ultrasounds. They are "fetal assessments". I had to have a late scan with DS because there was a risk of reduced growth. When I showed up at the hospital asking for the ultrasound department they gave me the strangest look. I guess ultrasounds are for everything EXCEPT pregnancy.

At least in Manitoba they give us all the diapers and supplies we need at the hospital. They even had pacifiers! My OB in Ontario had given me this HUGE list of stuff I needed to bring to the hospital so I faithfully packed my bag and then the nurses at the Manitoba hospital just laughed at me. I didn't use any of it.:wacko: I had the messiest room in the ward.:haha:

I've been taking my Gravol all day and it's making a HUGE difference. I guess I still need to take them. Makes me feel a little better about going on our trip. I still plan on sleeping the whole time while we're there. They just want to see DS anyways. :winkwink:
Interesting about the supplies provided. I've heard of some provinces sending home a box of the first months supplies. And the box can even be turned into a bassinet!! Crazy. Or maybe that was France?? Lol. I've noticed my mind slipping a bit these days. And INSANE dreams!!!

Funny about the terminology too? Like they couldn't figure it out??

I would have been with my gp until 6 months and an OB at that point, even with our previous loss. But I had spotting at week 5 this time and my doctor recommended this clinic for early pregnancy issues (it's actually a fertility clinic that does double duty). The staff keep forgetting that we weren't existing clients and assuming we know stuff. Lol. Then they remember that we are EPAC patients. Guess that's the acronym for emergency cases! But I'll take it with all the extra care we're getting!!
They did figure it out when they could see I was the size of a whale. I was 34 weeks at the time and I got so huge.

I really do appreciate the extra care I'm getting too. It's not as much as some of the other ladies here but it's more than the "see you at 12 weeks" I've been getting before. It's helping me relax a little.
Had my scan today and everything was perfect! They bought me forward so my dd is now 3/5/14
I really am happy and feeling incredibly blessed xx
Hello ladies. Had my 9 week scan yesterday and every thing was fine. Baby was kicking and waving at us. So magical!

Midwife on Monday. First time I've ever seen one in 4 pregnancies. Nuts!

Congratulations to the ladies with great scans!!! I have a good feeling about May :)
Hello! Hi everyone! I want to join! Sooo I did not know that this thread existed for some reason lol. But I am pregnant for the 3rd time... and the 3rd time is the charm :) I just know it. With my first pregnancy, baby never grew past 5 weeks 5 days, and my 2nd pregnancy w/twins.. one was already vanishing at the 7 week appt and the other one was measuring 6 weeks 1 day with a hb under 100 and a VERY jagged irregular sac. I was also spotting and the rest was just misery. I was so very sad... as I know you guys have all experienced the heartbreak with a loss. It is awful. Especially when it made me feel like I was not able to have a baby or that I would never be a mother. When I got pregnant this time... I cried. I was CONVINCED I would just MC again. But I had a better feeling with this one. More symptoms, but they ALWAYS come and go. So that stressed me out. Then we saw baby at 7 weeks 2 days measuring perfect with hb of 147! We just saw baby the other day at 10 weeks 2 days measuring great with a perfect hb between 172-180. I have a doppler and it has brought me SO much peace. I am so very thankful for this little one. I am in love and so excited to become a momma. I still feel like it is a dream :cloud9:
MrsGax, congrats!!

So sorry to hear about the losses. Glad to hear you've been getting lots of reassurance and great news.
Hello! Hi everyone! I want to join! Sooo I did not know that this thread existed for some reason lol. But I am pregnant for the 3rd time... and the 3rd time is the charm :) I just know it. With my first pregnancy, baby never grew past 5 weeks 5 days, and my 2nd pregnancy w/twins.. one was already vanishing at the 7 week appt and the other one was measuring 6 weeks 1 day with a hb under 100 and a VERY jagged irregular sac. I was also spotting and the rest was just misery. I was so very sad... as I know you guys have all experienced the heartbreak with a loss. It is awful. Especially when it made me feel like I was not able to have a baby or that I would never be a mother. When I got pregnant this time... I cried. I was CONVINCED I would just MC again. But I had a better feeling with this one. More symptoms, but they ALWAYS come and go. So that stressed me out. Then we saw baby at 7 weeks 2 days measuring perfect with hb of 147! We just saw baby the other day at 10 weeks 2 days measuring great with a perfect hb between 172-180. I have a doppler and it has brought me SO much peace. I am so very thankful for this little one. I am in love and so excited to become a momma. I still feel like it is a dream :cloud9:

Your story is very similar to mine! Welcome and I hope this is your rainbow baby:hugs:
Welcome MrsGax!! I've seen you around and so excited to see you here!! I'm sure this is your lucky charm!! :)

I've also had some extra following this time around and it's so reasurring :)

Good luck!

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