2014 May Rainbows

Today I have an appointment. And after the appointment we will be announcing!! I am so excited. So tired of trying to hide it. 12weeks 4 days today.
Blah. Still sick at night. It is getting better. I actually ate veggies this week! :happydance: Not a lot, but I had a few slices of cucumbers with several of my meals. And today I had some lettuce on the sub I ordered (don't worry, it didn't have any deli on it:winkwink:) I'm feeling a little better attitude-wise. I have to try to remember that a lot of my cramps and heavy feelings come from my constipation which is really bad this pregnancy.

So good that you ate veggies! I have not had any veggies for weeks :( All I want is CARBS. Bread. Pizza. Pasta. Burgers. Pretzels. Just everything naughty. I hope it gets better in 2nd tri. I do not even like the usual healthy foods I eat. The cramps that come along with constipation are awful! They stress me out too! Glad you are feeling better :)

It was so odd. She holds up the bloody speculum and goes "I made you bleed so don't worry if it continues some. Only if it turns into a heavy flow" :dohh: She was great tho. This was the mw of the 3 in the office I had never met before since the practice changed between my last pregnancy and this one. she was very nice. When she came in I had the gown on but was still adjusting the sheet. Very mother like she just took it and unfolded it and placed it on my lap very gently. Everything was normal (even the speculum part) There was no awkard moments or anything. Every time I go in I get reminded why I chose this group of lovely ladies :) Plus it was nice they use real sheets and gowns. The doctors usually use paper.

So glad you like your midwife! I wish I went with a midwife. But this dr knows my history and everything I have been through, she ran all the tests on me after the MC's, etc. And she is really sweet. I like her. She told me not to use any medications until 13 weeks and only if absolutely necessary. So that made me feel better about her being my dr :) The bloody speculum is nerve wracking! I hate doing the pap... I had this one dr that would literally take a little chunk of the cervix for Pap smears. So glad I do not have her anymore. i dreaded my annual. Glad your scan went so well! :happydance:

Today I have an appointment. And after the appointment we will be announcing!! I am so excited. So tired of trying to hide it. 12weeks 4 days today.

Yay! So exciting to announce it! I cannot wait until we do!
We have our NT scan on monday! Ahhhhh! I am so excited to see the little boo bear again! The latest fun thing is that I hear him/her on my doppler! I get the heartbeat for a good while and then I hear like bloops, thuds, blips, and the heartbeat moves :cloud9:

Btw... is it normal to be nervous for the NT scan? We will love our baby as it is a blessing, but I am still nervous cause I have heard of false positives and we refuse to do a CVS or amnio. I just get nervous before every ultrasound I have. My BP always rises. We were not going to do the test but I really just want it for the extra ultrasound or else I have to wait until around thanksgiving. Too far!
I think it's normal to be nervous. My son is the only pregnancy I made it far enough to get one and I was on pins and needles the whole time. During the medical/measuring part of the scan the technician didn't let me watch and she was so silent and serious that I feared the worst. Then she turned and asked if my husband was here and then she brought him in. DS was very still at first and then he started to bounce around, doing one-legged kicks and oh! That was a good feeling.

In my new province we don't get NT scans. :( I'm hoping against hope that my OB has a machine in her office. But I don't want to rely on that. It will probably be 20 weeks before I see bubs again.

Congrats on the wonderful scans, everyone! Still jealous that so many May mommas are already at the 12 week mark. I just reached double digits today!
Today I have an appointment. And after the appointment we will be announcing!! I am so excited. So tired of trying to hide it. 12weeks 4 days today.

Congrats on the announcing!!! We have a scan next Wednesday (should be 12+1) and will announce after that (to some people).

We have our NT scan on monday! Ahhhhh! I am so excited to see the little boo bear again! The latest fun thing is that I hear him/her on my doppler! I get the heartbeat for a good while and then I hear like bloops, thuds, blips, and the heartbeat moves :cloud9:

Btw... is it normal to be nervous for the NT scan? We will love our baby as it is a blessing, but I am still nervous cause I have heard of false positives and we refuse to do a CVS or amnio. I just get nervous before every ultrasound I have. My BP always rises. We were not going to do the test but I really just want it for the extra ultrasound or else I have to wait until around thanksgiving. Too far!

That's great for another scan! I'm always nervous too, guess it's just part of being a mom :). We also do not intend to have any further testing even if our nt scan is positive. We've already discussed this with our doctor and basically we will just prepare ourselves if it's positive. Also our doctor mentioned that they can see more at the 20 week scan and have a better understanding of any potential issues. They comforted us that it's ok to have just the scan and nothing else because at the very least the doctor at delivery will be prepared for potential issues at birth. Good luck!
We had our 10 week scan today and it was fantastic! Baby measured 11 weeks 3 days so they moved up our nt scan. Next Wednesday. Then we will announce. Heartbeat of 165 bpm :). And so wiggly we couldn't even get a good picture!! Amazing!
NT Screening went great! Measuring a day ahead at 12w4d. Had a very nice and knowledgeable U/S tech. She even told us her nub guess (she has a 94% accuracy rate) :blue:

I was excited more than nervous, and it was a blessing to see baby doing great, as today was my former due date. I don't care so much about the blood test results, I was just thrilled to get the scan.


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Lune, glad you had a great scan!!! And that's awesome you got a guess at the gender :). How exciting!!! I'm planning on asking the tech at our scan if she's willing to make a guess :)
Yay for a great test! I felt exactly the same way about the NT test. Just happy to have a glimpse at baby and share the experience with my family <3.
Appointment went great! Got to hear the baby's heartbeat! 169! Doctor said everything was going great! She said she couldn't be happier with the pregnancy! I felt like crying! I was just so happy. Congrats to you guys with the wonderful scans!
Congrats on hearing the heartbeat!! We've seen our baby's on the scan but not heard it yet. Hoping to hear next week at our final scan!!! (Well final scan here before we are realeased from the emergency clinic). One more at 20 weeks :)
Congrats on hearing the heart beat!

afm - getting really nervous about my upcoming appointment. I'm having constant nightmares about the OB telling me the baby has died. It's just awful.
Hang in there Starry. It's so hard going along like all is well...praying for you and little one :)
:hugs: Starry

Just got a call with all my results from the NT and blood tests. They gave me mini results the day of but these are the "official" ones I guess. Everything is great! I am actually at a much lower risk for downs and trisomy than the usual for my age :D

9 more days until our gender scan! :happydance:
Wow, how are you able to find out so early? Are you getting a private scan?

We're thinking of getting a private scan as we heard our hospital doesn't tell (due to gender-based abortions) and we really want to know! But we have also heard that the technicians often tell you anyways. I'll have to ask the OB. If we can save ourselves the money that would be nice.
Yes, we are doing a private one. We had a private one with DS and it was great! I love to know early so I can plan. I hate having to do things in 3rd tri if I don't want to :haha: Plus with DS I couldn't work on his room very well. If I became too active I'd start bleeding later in my pregnancy so I want to get an early start for sure this time.
hello ladies! I hope all are doing well. I am much better not sure why. I feel calm I have a scan coming up on Thursday I am not having half the bad thoughts I was having its all kind of blank. I hope I can start to get happy about this pregnancy!
I hope the calmness is a good sign and that your scan goes beautifully. I'm with you in that I hope to start getting happy about this pregnancy soon.
Congrats on hearing the heart beat!

afm - getting really nervous about my upcoming appointment. I'm having constant nightmares about the OB telling me the baby has died. It's just awful.

I know that feeling. I feel like that every time I go into the drs office. I close my eyes and wait a second and the brace myself. I hope to be over this at some point. Sadly I know I wont really relax until I get passed 14 weeks. I know things can still go wrong but I lost my baby girl at 13.2 weeks so its hard. Im rather calm at the moment but I noticed there are times where Im okay and then other times Im breaking down worrying thinking the worst. I already know the worst so I don't know why I just don't relax I guess having now 4 angels all in a row it kind of makes me feel like its only a matter of time before it happens. Hugs and good thoughts coming your way!

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