2014 May Rainbows

Welcome, coffee cake! From your ticker, it looks like you had a good 12 week scan. :flower: PAL is such a weird place to be. We're happy to be pregnant again and excited for our new little ones but we also miss our little angels. I really believe there is room in our hearts for both our angels and our rainbows. I miss all my rainbows dearly even though I wouldn't have my son nor this current baby if I had carried any of my others to term.

afm - insomnia strikes again. I can't stay up past 9 (tried it this evening and threw up:wacko:) but I get insomnia in the middle of the night. So annoying.

And my sickness really is coming back. :nope: I was only sick in the evening before but now I'm nauseas in the middle of the night and when I first wake up and I'm gagging well before noon. My doctor has given me a prescription for anti-nausea tablets and she says they're more effective than Gravol so I'm going to give it a go.
Coffee cake- welcome!! Sorry for your loss, it is such a strange place to be pregnant after a loss. It's hard to be really excited or to believe its really happening but at the same time I'm so happy to have another chance!! We also have the same due date ;). How exciting!!

Starry- I'm quite the opposite at this point... Feeling much more like myself (aside from constipation) but I've also been on anti nausea pills for 6 weeks!! Lol. Finding I can stay up past 9 but not much. And no matter how tired I am I wake up really early and can't get back to sleep :(. Usually 5 or 6 am. Annoying!! Hopefully the new pills work quickly for you, it sucks to still be sick after so long :(

AFM feeling better, no weight gain yet but pants are getting snug so guessing ill be showing in the next couple of weeks. Then I will need to buy some maternity clothes :). My jackets are all too snug already (they are more fitted than the pants I've been wearing- as only my 'fat' and stretchy pants fit now). So DH and I are going to some second hand shops today to hopefully find a coat. Can't bring myself to spend $200-300 on a new coat to wear one winter (3-4 months). We're telling people now as we see them and will post on Facebook after seeing some family mid December. It's making it feel more real now that we're telling people!! Never really got to this point last time. Only told a handful of people. I feel like a kid a month before Christmas- like its never gonna get here!! Lol
@Sunny try Old Navy if you can't find anything used. They don't have the best selection but they had all their winter jackets on sale and they are pretty comfy.

I unfortunately work until 10pm so I have been dealing with insomnia for weeks. I can't fall asleep at night but I am having a horrible time getting up with DS in the morning. I long for my bed all day but when I finally get there I can't seem to sleep. So annoying!!!
Sunny I got some great mat buys off of walmart.com. My jeans were $16 and fit just as good if not better than the expensive brand name ones I bought last pregnancy. Idk if they will have it in Canada or not :shrug: it's worth a look tho.
I thought Old Navy in Canada didn't sell maternity anymore? It's not on their website. You have to go to their American site. And I don't ever recall seeing maternity in their stores even when I lived in Ontario. The ones in Winnipeg don't, that's for sure. I wish they did as I really just need some basic shirts and sweaters. Everything I find at Thyme Maternity is designed for office wear and is so expensive. I'm a SAHM so I mainly need comfy clothes. I would like maybe one nice outfit for church and dates (once I feel up to that). All my nice maternity wear is for summer weather. Though I don't have shorts. Manitoba winters are long so I might not need to get any though I do recall regretting not having any when I had DS.

I'm not quite showing yet but I showed my belly to my mom over Skype and she said I look like I'm at that stage where people will be asking "is she, or isn't she?" LOL Makes me feel a little bit better about the pregnancy.
Thanks everyone... I'm not sure about old navy either ... I will look though! And walmart in store has a maternity section that I will explore :). I work in childcare so also looking for more comfy style than office :). I'm thinking a pair of jeans, a pair of black pants and one other bottom.... Then some shirts...

Starry- I think I'm at the same stage... Thickening in the middle but not really a belly yet ;). So things are tight, but not really feeling the maternity pants yet lol.

As for a jacket if I can't find a second hand one we will just grab a cheaper one that's too big :). Was hoping for something that doesn't look like a big poncho on me (I'm fairly small framed and short).... I usually buy petite clothes....
Poked my nose back in quick to add I absolutely LOVE Target's maternity line. They have really flattering clothes, are pretty decently priced (especially if you find things on sale) and their nursing bras/camis fit me way better than Walmart's. Not sure if you have Target in Canada but you can order online I think.
Hello ladies!
I've finally plucked up the courage to come back on here! I'm 13+2 today with pregnancy number 4, baby number 2. I finally feel in a place where I can start to be excited about this pregnancy and baby. I've already got a noticeable bump so there's no hiding this is happening now! We've seen baby 3 times over the past four weeks, twice due to emergency scans following small bleeds, then Monday for our dating scan. Congratulations to everyone here, looking forward to getting to know you all!
x x x

Hello and welcome :) Happy to see you are doing so well! I am getting to a happy place as well. Very blessed and thankful.

And I'm just so achey. I have no idea what are good aches and what are bad aches. I feel like I"m starting to get a bit bigger besides the bloat so I'm hoping that means the aches are growing pains. DH pointed out that my organs are shifting around and that it can't be all that comfortable. The worst though, is the gut-rot feeling I get after I've been constipated for awhile. Only a bm clears out that feeling. It's so ucky and makes me so miserable.

I am so achey too! Just achey pelvis. Sore, little pains, little cramps, etc. We had sex the other day and I felt the cramping for real! I was a little nervous, but everything was fine and nothing bad came of it. But it is just so sensitive down there! Sneezing hurts!

Hello all, just dropping in here. I'm due on May 20th with my rainbow. I miss my little bean and think of them daily.

Hello! Welcome :) I miss mine as well and I think of them too. Looking forward to seeeing all of our rainbow babies in May :)

AFM feeling better, no weight gain yet but pants are getting snug so guessing ill be showing in the next couple of weeks. Then I will need to buy some maternity clothes :). My jackets are all too snug already (they are more fitted than the pants I've been wearing- as only my 'fat' and stretchy pants fit now). So DH and I are going to some second hand shops today to hopefully find a coat. Can't bring myself to spend $200-300 on a new coat to wear one winter (3-4 months). We're telling people now as we see them and will post on Facebook after seeing some family mid December. It's making it feel more real now that we're telling people!! Never really got to this point last time. Only told a handful of people. I feel like a kid a month before Christmas- like its never gonna get here!! Lol

glad you are feeling better! I am feeling better this week too! The permanent hangover went away about a week ago! :happydance: My pants are also getting tight. Do they have those band things that you put around your pants to keep them up? I have been using a hair tie as my pants buckle lol. Yay for telling people! We are telling people now too! As we see them and then I am sure they tell someone else and then you know, it just gets around. But I am excited! No posting anything on social media for a few weeks at least. DH has to feel completely comfortable lol. He is the weird one, plus, I want to know the sex of the baby!

When are you all finding out the sex of your baby? Ever since the tech told us the baby looks boyish, I have been OBSESSING over 12 week potty shots (even though I know they are not reliable)... cause it looks convincing as a boy... but it could just be swollen girl parts.
Old Navy's stopped for a while I think. I find them at the bigger stores but not the small one's like the one that is in the mall close to my house. I was at an Old Navy yesterday and bought 2 maternity tank tops to wear under clothes and around the house and it was the most comfortable decision ever! I also showed hubby a maternity sweater that I put on my xmas wish list. It's a smaller section but it's bigger than either of the Walmarts near my house. Walmart only has 2 racks and not a very good selection.
I have to be honest I got most of mine second hand. They are way to expensive to only wear for a couple months and I'm pretty lucky to be pregnant in the same season that I was with my DS and still have all the clothes from the last go round.
It just pisses me off if drs only knew how it would affect us just for them to try rather then say no we can't hear this soon on Doppler! I rather they try they never know bc if my dr doesn't I may just take my butt to er and say I have cramping! I hate to lie but his words the last tone I was I his office in 2012 were if you get pregnant again we will do everything we can to help it stick so he better keep to his words! I think if I lose this baby it will destroy me!
Poked my nose back in quick to add I absolutely LOVE Target's maternity line. They have really flattering clothes, are pretty decently priced (especially if you find things on sale) and their nursing bras/camis fit me way better than Walmart's. Not sure if you have Target in Canada but you can order online I think.

I will have to check target,, it's new to canada just about a year ago maybe,.... Due to my bust size I really struggle with tops & bras :/. Usually have to go to specialty shops... It sucks but oh well....

I've been somewhat achey, but mostly in the very low abdominal area... And mostly when getting up, reaching for something or twisting.... And my one shoulder is really sore... Strange, not sure what it's from....

My regular pants no longer fit... Wearing my 'fat pants' so no buttons, etc.... They are like old lady pants..lol. Mostly corduroy or stretchy jeans. Lol.

We will find out the gender around 19 weeks... So December 24th...lol. Not sure when the ob will schedual the scan... I was going to ask the tech to guess at our 12 week about gender but they had such a hard time getting the measurements we didn't have time...our little bean is super wiggly.... I've also been looking at scan pictures to guess but our picture is kinda fuzzy in the potty area...
Old Navy's stopped for a while I think. I find them at the bigger stores but not the small one's like the one that is in the mall close to my house. I was at an Old Navy yesterday and bought 2 maternity tank tops to wear under clothes and around the house and it was the most comfortable decision ever! I also showed hubby a maternity sweater that I put on my xmas wish list. It's a smaller section but it's bigger than either of the Walmarts near my house. Walmart only has 2 racks and not a very good selection.
I have to be honest I got most of mine second hand. They are way to expensive to only wear for a couple months and I'm pretty lucky to be pregnant in the same season that I was with my DS and still have all the clothes from the last go round.

I'm jealous that you have Old Navy's with Maternity! I'll have to check out the local Walmart the next time I'm there.

I'm pregnant again the same season as I was with DS but some of my old ones were worn so often they have worn through. And I wouldn't mind a few more shirts in circulation so I don't have to do laundry as often. Right now I have 2 short sleeved shirts and 2 long sleeved shirts. I have 3 dressy tops (1 long sleeved, 1 short sleeved and 1 tank), 2 tank tops and 2 pairs of pants. I would like to have a sweater and maybe 2 pairs of jeans and another shirt or two. Winters here are colder than it was when I was pregnant with DS in Ontario so I would like more warmer clothes. Though I plan on stealing DH's hoodies as much as possible.
I steal a lot of hubby's clothes too. Luckily I have a uniform for work and I bought the pants second hand. I tend to lounge at home in sweats and oversized sweaters so I only need a few items for when I'm out.
This morning I had a bit of a scare. I ended up in the ER. I woke up with some pain in my lower abdominal and when I went to the bathroom there was a little bit of blood in my underwear and when I wiped. They did an ultrasound and got to see the baby moving all around so I was told that everything is good. The doctor said it was probably just from the uterus getting bigger and moving from behind the pelvic bone. Still very scary!!!
Schultzie- oh my that is very scary! I'm glad to hear everything is ok and not to worry! And how nice to see baby :).

AFM I've taken the leap into a pregnancy journal! Anyone who is interested the link is in my signature (along with my ttc journal link)... I've posted an inquiry about gender predictions and would love some feedback!

So far all of the online quizzes I've done say girl... Interesting :)
Well second hand and winners a bust on coats... I've discovered that to get one big enough to have room for belly to grow (and my ever expanding bust, which is impressive even pre pregnancy) everywhere else is huge!! The sleeves, etc. so guess I'm gonna have to cave and invest in a maternity coat that fits. I've found some online for under $150. So yeah
when I was pregnant with my DS I borrowed a jacket from my friends husband. It was just a larger size and it worked just fine.
Have to agree Target maternity line is worth checking out. Last Friday got one of those bebands that will hold your old pants up unbuttoned, as well as work for the maternity pants that are still too big. Got bra extenders so I don't have to buy all new bras, and two pairs of black stretchy maternity pants that should work for months for $20 and $30 each. So not a lot of investment for items that will be very versatile.

After so many weeks of unending headaches and morning sickness, which got worse as recently as 14 weeks, finally beginning to see light at end of tunnel. Have more energy and the Zofran seems to be more effective than it used to be. Went to a movie for the first time in months last night. I can't wait to finally start getting house in order for the holidays, and then to start planning for baby. Hang in there, those of you who aren't quite out of the woods yet!

Agree it's such a relief to have begun telling friends and family. I have such a big bump this time around already, it would be hard to pass it off as anything else. Plus everyone is so happy and positive that it can really be a mood brightener.
I will definitely check out target! As for bras my cup size has already gone up quite a bit so extenders aren't an option. I'll have to check out the ones for pants though!

Anyone planning on maternity & newborn photos? I've started looking and everything in my area is expensive! Looking at $300+ just for the two sessions! Then you have to buy prints or digital copies,.... Crazy!
Photography is expensive. My sister does it on the side and if she is to make any profit from having to constantly update her equipment she has to charge loads. But since she does it on the side everyone wants her to do it crazy cheaply. It's a tough spot to be. If you have any friends who have a photography hobby they might be willing to do it for a bit cheaper than the professional studios. I know my sister would also give breaks to people who agreed to have their photos added to her portfolio. Or, you could find a studio your friends and/or family would recommend and mention that you were recommended to come there. We got a price break with our wedding photographer that way. She even threw in a free engagement shoot.

afm - my OB wanted me to switch to the prescription anti-nausea tablets. Forget what they're called....diaclyctin....or something like that. Wow....those are INSANELY expensive. I nearly died when I had to pay for them (no drug plan). But man, they are effective! Gravol has nothing on them. They do make me extremely sleepy though.

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