2014 May Rainbows

The tech said she is 99.9% sure it is a BOY! She said "oh yes, ALL BOY... alll boy! You can go shopping." She just can't say 100% in case of extreme gender disappointment and people suing haha. She showed us the boy parts and boy nub angled up in several shots... it is more of a penis than a nub... baby is much bigger than last week already! So exciting :) We got a 10 minute DVD of baby bouncing around and her showing his parts. I told DH... watch it be a girl at 20 weeks... bahahaha... The tech was so sure of herself and his little thing from last week has grown a little... Just so crazy! I cannot wait to have another US at 15 weeks, then 19 weeks... so in love. :cloud9:
Congrats MrsGax!!! Will you go shopping or will you wait? I can't wait to see ours again at 19 weeks.... 6 week count down! Lol

I've posted my 12 week scan pic in my journal and taking guesses at gender based in that and various other tidbits if anyone is interested in guessing ;)
Congrats mrsgax!! Do u have any other scan pics of around twelve weeks? Nub shots? I would love to compare to mine xx
How far was baby measuring? I'd say if you were closer to the 14wk mark than the 13wk mark then you have a boy for sure! Here they do gender scan with a money back guarantee!
Thank you all! I believe I am closer to 14 weeks cause baby was measuring 2 or 3 days ahead at NT... I totallly had a dream that it was a girl last night hahahaha! :haha: I am in denial. It is cool though, I will wait to shop for sure... just cause I am a skeptic :) So fun though! My friend swears they are right every time... I still think it is crazy lol. My friend talked me into it anyways haha.
It's so exciting that our group is already having gender scans! I would also love to see some pictures from 12 weeks to compare :). I have a feeling that we are having a girl but don't want to bet on it until after our 19 week scan :)
It's so exciting that our group is already having gender scans! I would also love to see some pictures from 12 weeks to compare :). I have a feeling that we are having a girl but don't want to bet on it until after our 19 week scan :)

Lol... I wish I had patience like you do!!! I just really wanted to see baby again so I went... it is 2 miles from my house haha. I will go one more time for DH b day to make 110% sure he is a he... I believe the 4 techs that have told me... it is just so nuts. I was expecting them to say like "well... we think this..." Nope. So sure of themselves. Place has great reviews.. but you never know. We are excited though! I am excited for all of us!!!! :happydance::cloud9::baby:
How exciting, Mrs Gax! I would be a skeptic at this point as well so I'm with you on waiting to do any shopping.

I don't have the option of a scan until 20 weeks unless I go for a private scan. There is a place in the city that does them but I think you have to be 16 weeks and you need to book well in advance as it's really the only place that does it. And I don't want to book in advance until I know the baby is OK. And it's $100. Now that I've heard that the hospital does tell you the gender (they used to not do that) I don't see the point. I'll just wait. I'll have to live vicariously through everyone else! :)

Since this is baby#2 we don't need to buy any of the big ticket items. But we do need to buy DS a 'big boy' bed. I found a mattress outlet that sells mattresses cheaper than any of the department stores. We already have a bed frame and mattress but the mattress is nearly 30 years old. That is so gross in my mind. No way will I let DS sleep in it. But the frame is fine. It's a basic metal frame. Nothing fancy. Maybe I'll pick up a bed skirt to hide it's ugliness.
I wouldn't even know where to go for a private scan here :/. We're just waiting until the 19 week scan and hope they can tell. A parent where I work is expecting her second and her 19 week scan said boy but tech noted it was unclear. So at 26 weeks they went for a private scan (in 4d) and were told girl. I'd be so confused!! Lol
We had our gender scan today! I just thought I would update and let you ladies know we are having another little boy! :cloud9:

The tech said she is 99.9% sure it is a BOY! She said "oh yes, ALL BOY... alll boy! You can go shopping." She just can't say 100% in case of extreme gender disappointment and people suing haha. She showed us the boy parts and boy nub angled up in several shots... it is more of a penis than a nub... baby is much bigger than last week already! So exciting :) We got a 10 minute DVD of baby bouncing around and her showing his parts. I told DH... watch it be a girl at 20 weeks... bahahaha... The tech was so sure of herself and his little thing from last week has grown a little... Just so crazy! I cannot wait to have another US at 15 weeks, then 19 weeks... so in love. :cloud9:

Congrats to the ladies on team blue!!

We could have found out the gender at 13 weeks, which is when the results of our CVS test came in (all normal). But although my husband, would like to know, I'm just not sure yet. Since this is my last, I kind of want to do it the old-fashioned way and be surprised at the end. We have our big ultrasound scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving, so will need to decide before then if we're going to find out.

As for professional photos, we only did it once because it was so expensive. For a two-hour shoot outdoors, about 12 small prints (5x7 or smaller), and disk with 100 images, it was about $550. And she was a friend!
Mony mony, that's a better deal than I'm finding! I'm looking at $30-$500 for just the 1 hr maternity session and a 2-3 hour newborn session. No photos or digitals included :/

I've found on my parents city some better deals where for about $500-$600 we can have both sessions and all photos on a cd. No prints but we can do those for pretty cheap. DH is a graphic designer and knows all the local print shops.
Finally 12 weeks. (according to this ticker at least, they all seem different). :) Still really scared. My first loss was at 12+3 so every little twinge and cramp is sending me into a tizzy. Monday still seems so far away. And there isn't a guarantee she'll be able to find a heart beat as it is sill kind of early. I'm going to beg for a scan if that happens. All this waiting is killing me.
Congrats on 12 weeks starry and fingers crossed the doctor finds that beat!!
When are you spilling the beans at work? I will be 15 weeks on Monday. I want to share so badly, but on the other hand I want it to be my secret for a few more weeks. Can't decide! :shrug:

I am not showing yet, maybe people will just think I'm getting a little thick around the middle. I've only gained 1lb but clothes are getting tight and I did have a little pouch to begin with so baby is pushing it out!
I had to spill to my boss around 6 weeks. Because of complications I had weekly blood tests and bi weekly scans all through the first trimester that interfered with my work schedule. I made it known to my coworkers after my 12 week scan. We are now telling family and friends as we see them and after a big family event on dec 14 we will post to Facebook for everyone else :)

Missed keeping it a secret between DH and I but us gotta do what ya gotta do.
Finally 12 weeks. (according to this ticker at least, they all seem different). :) Still really scared. My first loss was at 12+3 so every little twinge and cramp is sending me into a tizzy. Monday still seems so far away. And there isn't a guarantee she'll be able to find a heart beat as it is sill kind of early. I'm going to beg for a scan if that happens. All this waiting is killing me.

Yay!!! So happy you are at 12 weeks :) I am praying for you this week extra. I know how stressed you must feel. Big hugs! Can't wait for monday! I will be praying that dr finds heartbeat and I am sure he/she will... I wish they would just do a scan anyways! I am a visual person. I went to dr today and all they used was doppler... I was sort of bummed... I just love seeing baby. Can't wait to hear about monday :)
Honestly, I'm feeling really down. I just feel like I'm going to miscarry. It's so tough to be optimistic. I'm just glad the OB isn't making me wait the standard 4 weeks for my next appointment. I want to believe this is my rainbow but right now it's going to take the heart beat for me to feel better. It doesn't help that I'm so achey. I've never had a normal pregnancy before so I have no idea what I should or shouldn't be feeling.
Anybody losing weight? I'm still losing. Mw said they wanted me to gain some by my next appt but I don't want to feel like I am overeating to gain it on purpose. I'd rather let things take a natural coarse since the weight you gain is supposed to be like fluids, placenta and baby. I'm eating just fine and even tho I still have ms it's manageable with my meds.
Honestly, I'm feeling really down. I just feel like I'm going to miscarry. It's so tough to be optimistic. I'm just glad the OB isn't making me wait the standard 4 weeks for my next appointment. I want to believe this is my rainbow but right now it's going to take the heart beat for me to feel better. It doesn't help that I'm so achey. I've never had a normal pregnancy before so I have no idea what I should or shouldn't be feeling.

I am sorry girl. I was extremely achey last week. Like really achey and just laid down most of the time. This week is MUCH better. I do not know if that has anything to do with it, but I feel like the baby went through a growth spurt cause my pants are fitting less and my tummy is bulging. We are all here for you, just try to keep positive. I know it is hard. We can't help but worry. :hugs:

Anybody losing weight? I'm still losing. Mw said they wanted me to gain some by my next appt but I don't want to feel like I am overeating to gain it on purpose. I'd rather let things take a natural coarse since the weight you gain is supposed to be like fluids, placenta and baby. I'm eating just fine and even tho I still have ms it's manageable with my meds.

I lost 6 lbs from week 5-10 and just went in today and only gained 1 lb even though I can finally eat properly again. How much are you losing? I do not think it matters unless it is like significant weight loss. Also, fluctuating weight has a lot to do with our fluid status. When I have been bad on drinking my water, I lose some lbs which shows that I am not well hydrated and vice versa.
Starry- hang in there. I've been really achey down low in my pelvis and told its growing pains. Also my upper back as my ever expanding bust puts extra pressure on. Try your best to stay positive but do cry if you need to. Remember you can't 'worry yourself to miscarry' so just hang in there.

Darlin- I'm 13 + 3 and gained a pound now. Still not eating much. I wouldn't worry unless you're loosing lots. I've read some women don't gain or show until near the end of trimester 2! Everyone and every pregnancy is different. I was told so long as I stayed hydrated and wasn't having dizzy spells/ fainting it was ok. Baby will take what they need :)

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