2014 May Rainbows

No. But it is an improvement. Apparently this hospital used to not tell at all. It's been only very recently that they started. My friend had a son about 3 years ago and they wouldn't tell her but a year and half later they told her for her daughter.
Boo they won't tell you! Our OB appointment is one week after our scan if they won't tell us. Hoping little one cooperates and they tell us :). We are so excited! And being New Year's Eve we will be seeing friends and can surprise them :). Perhaps I'll wear a pink or blue shirt depending and see if anyone asks ;)
We have our next mw appt on wed the 18th. I can't wait. I'm starting to get excited about my appts. Counting down tot hem helps things go faster and then our next scan is the 26th :happydance: Hopefully his brain looks better and my placenta is moving up!
I hope the scan goes perfectly and everything is the way it should be.:thumbup: I do hear that the placenta usually goes up.

My next appointment is on Monday. Really anxious to hear that heart beat again. I'm still so paranoid all the time. And I *should* be having an appointment the Monday after my scan so I really only need to wait 4 days to find out the gender. (though I'm hoping for a technician who sneakily will show me anyways...I do hear that they do that from time to time)
Darlin, fingers crossed for a great scan! And I've also heard that most of the time the placenta moves up. Mine is also low but doctor said they don't even think about it unless its still low at 20+ weeks. And even then it could move. Also the main thing if it stays low is a c-section would be scheduled.

Starry- yay for hearing the best sound in the world (well I guess before you hear them cry for the first time). Hoping you get a sneaky technician ;)
yeah the csection is the issue. Plans were to vbac and if I get a csection I won't be able to really care for my toddler and will need 24/7 help for the 1st 2wks at least :(
Am I the furthest along of everyone on here? I always feel like I am so far ahead of everyone :dohh:

I'm not far behind you, only a couple days I think ;)

I have an exciting announcement ladies!!!

I have been given ownership of this thread which means we can update the official edd's & genders! :happydance::happydance:

My updated edd is May 3rd, hopefully be finding out pink or blue at scan on tues!! I'm thinking perhaps pink :)) xx
Darlin, for sure... I'd like to avoid the c-section as well. My doctor was trying to let me know that the placenta low would harm the baby :) but for to be avoided if possible :)
Nats I updated you :)

I know it's all so stressful. I'm excited for his birth and him to be here but Idk how he's going to get here and there are just so many reasons I dread another cs.

If anybody needs updates I may not be quite as quick to get to them this weekend because my week is basically just starting today :haha: This is my last weekend to finish Christmas things, DS needs a haircut and to see Santa and I have a bunch of orders to do for my dessert business. Busy busy over here! I promise I will get to them as soon as I can tho so just post them as usual and I will catch up when a get a minute :D
So super duper excited! Might be getting a new lens for my camera and/or a new camera too! I dabble in photography and told DH I'd really love to be able to take professional quality pictures of Avery and Logan. I have a fancy camera now but it's pretty outdated and has the crappy factory lens. The flash isn't the quality I'd like either. I've got a few bog orders coming in from my dessert business as I mentioned before and I told him I'd give him that money to purchase it as my Christmas present. I really hope I get it! :happydance: there's some pretty good deals going on right now too!
That would be a wonderful Christmas present! And don't worry about the updates. Christmas is a busy time for all of us. I'm going to have ALL the inlaws over for the holidays. Yippee...... It's not too bad though as they keep telling me to not worry about the food as they'll be bringing loads. My MiL is bringing a turkey. But I find being around them kind of stressful and I'm so hormonal so I'm stressing over whether or not I'll be nice! LOL They all mean well so I feel terribly that I find them so annoying. DH knows how I feel and keeps telling me it will be OK. And I am learning to let the silly things slide off a bit more. I used to take it all so personally. But it's still not a natural instinct so it's tiring. Dh just goes on his laptop the whole time and goes "uh huh, uh huh". LOL They all leave the day before the scan so I don't have to worry about them wanting to tag along.
It is super busy! We are hosting my Dads family Christmas tomorrow. About 50 people,, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. it's potluck but were doing the turkey, stuffing, gravy, etc. there's so much to get ready. We raced to get the nursery organized so there's a place for the kids to play. Can't wait till its over!!! I live seeing everyone but its so much work!!!!

Then it's pretty mellow for us as DH is Jewish. We celebrated Hannuka with them a couple of weeks ago. Just my parents house on the 25 for dinner :)

A new camera would be wonderful! I've also dabbled in photography.... Love it :)
I still think there should be some rule that states the pregnant lady shouldn't have to host the family reunion. She can do it next year. Even though I'm really not going to have to cook anything, I do need to help with some things and I'm trying to get desserts ready. I have zero motivation though so we'll see what I actually get done! I've done 3 batches of cookies and want to do at least 2 more. Maybe 3 as my mom said to make brownie cookies. Just make brownies but then cut them into cookie shapes. That will take about 45 minutes including prep and baking. I have big plans to make some coffee cake (I have a really good recipe), some pound cake and some red velvet cake but I know that those aren't happening. MiL will probably bring a trunk full of cookies and treats. She always does.

I still have to do Christmas shopping and try to get some cleaning done. Yet I really could sleep all day. I'm so, so tired all the time.
Starry I would love to sleep all day :haha: Those 1hr naps when DS naps just aren't enough :dohh:

We aren't hosting anything just a lot of running around. The 21st we have to drive up to the inlaws to celebrate their family Christmas with all of DH's siblings and their kids. Then Christmas eve is at my dad's like always. We do Christmas morning as a little family at our house and then off to mom's for Christmas night/dinner. Plus on the 17th is my mw appt and then 26th my scan.

My weekend just got a bit crazier. DH has an interview tomorrow night. I guess the way this guy does interviews is not typical. He has you go out for a beer in a more relaxing environment so tomorrow night (after he's been at work doing overtime) he's going out to meet with this guy. I guess one of the people he works with has 2 jobs and does this as their primary job and got him the interview. Idk. He described it to me and it sounds awfully far fetched and a little too good to be true but he is excited. Something just seems awfully fishy about it all. So I won't get as much help tomorrow as I thought with LO to do what i need to do and we have to put off his haircut and Santa until Sunday :(
We debated hosting this year or next year with a 6 month old and I chose this year. I still have some cleaning and laundry to do. Mostly our bedroom since no one has seen our house yet they will want a tour :/ and our aquarium needs a cleaning. My parents are coming around noon to help :). Otherwise I've got done the dessert I had to do and so on :). It will be a very long day though as people often stay till midnight or later. But I can sleep all day Sunday!!!!

Work is long being 8-6 :/ but DH has been amazing at getting dinner ready, etc.... Helps a lot!!
Sunny - glad you're getting some help! And at least they're not overnight guests.

afm - pregnancy insomnia strikes again! Up since 5 this morning. Urgh!
It hit me hard last night too. Figures :/. Bed at 10. Asleep at 11:30. Awake at 1:00-3:00 ish. Wide awake at 7:30. Gonna be a LONG day.

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