2014 May Rainbows

MrsGax, I really haven't paid too much attention--as long as it's not pink or brown! Must be fairly normal.

My constipation has finally gotten better in the last couple of weeks, though I do have hemorrhoids. What helps me the most is avoiding anything not made with whole grains. It's really hard and sometimes I have to cheat with plain pasta or a dessert but only one processed/refined grain product a day is my limit. Also, I crave fruit, and that has helped a lot. So far have managed to avoid taking Colace, though dr said it's safe and so is Miralax. Your water consumption sounds fine, so it may be other changes to diet would help most.

I know in my pre-pg life, exercise helped with constipation, but I've developed varicose veins this time around and that just isn't going to happen other than walking to improve circulation. My legs now ache all the time, even a bit when wearing the compression hose.
In first tri I was only going once every 2 or 3 days (yeah, I know) so I was drinking prune juice. That seemed to help.

And I am getting loads of discharge too. It's all part of the gig. I remember getting all sorts of kinds of discharge with my son.
So the ultrasound went great! Everything looked great! The baby was moving all around! We found out we are team... pink!!! Now just to keep it a secret until my shower. Lol.
Schultzie- congrats on a great scan! And congratulations on being team pink :). That's two precious girls, and a few rugged boys?? My mom thinks we're having a girl... Hopefully we will know in 2 weeks! Late scan as with the holidays it was hard to get an appointment.

As for discharge mine varies from creamy to thicker... Really annoying. Lol. And I do believe that water intake affects cm. 4 bottles sounds pretty good... As for the constipation, I'm the same... Lucky if I go every other day.... Although not as uncomfortable as first trimester. I'm eating more fruit when it bothers me, but lately with the holidays, I'm eating pretty badly. Lol. Although still haven't manage to gain any weight... Holding at 3lbs more than my lowest point pre-pregnancy.....
Schultzie congrats! You've been updates ;)

Ok, so I know this really isn't the place but I need a little rant :(

I cannot stand 1st time moms trying to tell me how to do things and what products I need to buy etc. I've already done this and know what works for me as a mom. I know some of you may not understand because this is your first and I'm sorry if I offend but it's driving me batty! :wacko:
I agree with you... I'm a first time mom so I'm asking people for advice but I also plan on making decisions based on what works for our family. I like to hear people's feedback but only when I ask for it. I can't imagine how frustrating it is.... I sometimes get this as a teacher. I've been teaching for 10 years and I hate when fresh out of school teachers try to tell me how to do something. I wanna shout 'you think I've never dealt with this in 10 years??!!'

Any who... Lol.
MrsGax, I really haven't paid too much attention--as long as it's not pink or brown! Must be fairly normal.

My constipation has finally gotten better in the last couple of weeks, though I do have hemorrhoids. What helps me the most is avoiding anything not made with whole grains. It's really hard and sometimes I have to cheat with plain pasta or a dessert but only one processed/refined grain product a day is my limit. Also, I crave fruit, and that has helped a lot. So far have managed to avoid taking Colace, though dr said it's safe and so is Miralax. Your water consumption sounds fine, so it may be other changes to diet would help most.

I know in my pre-pg life, exercise helped with constipation, but I've developed varicose veins this time around and that just isn't going to happen other than walking to improve circulation. My legs now ache all the time, even a bit when wearing the compression hose.

Haha.. I need to be the same way! As long as its not pink or brown, all good lol.

I think that diet is a big factor in my issues. I eat a lot of crap! Especially right now with the holidays.

So sorry you have varicose veins, I have heard they ache really bad. My vagina aches sometimes and my friend said it could be varicose veins in there... I was like really?!? But has not been confirmed and comes and goes so I do not think that could be it. I think compression stockings are great, I need to get some for next term when I am back in the hospital for clinical.

In first tri I was only going once every 2 or 3 days (yeah, I know) so I was drinking prune juice. That seemed to help.

And I am getting loads of discharge too. It's all part of the gig. I remember getting all sorts of kinds of discharge with my son.

I have never had prune juice! I will have to try it.

The discharge is no bueno, but I guess it is normal lol. As long as it is just harmless pregnancy discharge, I embrace it :)

So the ultrasound went great! Everything looked great! The baby was moving all around! We found out we are team... pink!!! Now just to keep it a secret until my shower. Lol.

Congratulations!!! When is your shower??

Schultzie- congrats on a great scan! And congratulations on being team pink :). That's two precious girls, and a few rugged boys?? My mom thinks we're having a girl... Hopefully we will know in 2 weeks! Late scan as with the holidays it was hard to get an appointment.

As for discharge mine varies from creamy to thicker... Really annoying. Lol. And I do believe that water intake affects cm. 4 bottles sounds pretty good... As for the constipation, I'm the same... Lucky if I go every other day.... Although not as uncomfortable as first trimester. I'm eating more fruit when it bothers me, but lately with the holidays, I'm eating pretty badly. Lol. Although still haven't manage to gain any weight... Holding at 3lbs more than my lowest point pre-pregnancy.....

Yay! Can't wait to find out what you are having :)

Yea mine varies as well! Some days it is watery, but today, it is thicker. Like globs... some a little stretchy like mucus, but nothing big or that I would be worried about... surprisingly knowing me haha. I feel you on the eating badly! That is my life story now lol. I have gained 3 lbs so far, I thought it was 5, but I was wrong lol. It is cause of the weight loss in first tri, it took me forever to gain anything back. It is not bad if we have not gained much yet, right?

Schultzie congrats! You've been updates ;)

Ok, so I know this really isn't the place but I need a little rant :(

I cannot stand 1st time moms trying to tell me how to do things and what products I need to buy etc. I've already done this and know what works for me as a mom. I know some of you may not understand because this is your first and I'm sorry if I offend but it's driving me batty! :wacko:

Not offended at all! I am a first time mom and although I really appreciate hearing advice, I know I will do things the way it works for us as well. Some people are so pushy with what they say. Like you NEED THIS, or the best... SAVE YOUR MONEY, do not register for baby shower, babies need nothing, etc. Look, I understand that he will probably not use every single thing we get and that I will look back and be like "yea, probably did not need that... etc", but this is our first son and we are VERY excited for him after what we have gone through, so yes... I am going to go all out for him! I am so excited for his arrival. The feeding/bottle feeding/breast tips are all coming in already too... which is cool, but some people just have a lot of nerve. You do what works for you girl! Tell everyone else to kick rocks, this is not your first rodeo. :hugs:

Does anyone take a magnesium supplement? Just curious! Read they are good to help prevent Pre E, but have not researched it much.
Mrs.Gax.... I didn't loose any in first trimester so I've only gained 3lbs. Lol. It worries me sometimes but DH days if baby is growing (by evidence of my belly) and I'm not loosing the not to worry. Our next OB visit is jan 7. Ill see if I gain any in the 4 weeks. Maybe ask about it.
Darlin - I'd hate to have first time moms tell me how to do things too! Especially if they're still pregnant and haven't actually HAD the baby yet. :wacko: Babies don't read textbooks or follow philosophies and we're all just trying our best to figure things out. Not sure why people get all up in arms on how they do things. :shrug: I ended up not reading a lot of parenting books or magazines and just make things up on the fly. If I have questions regarding health or safety I ask my son's doctor.

And regarding baby registries: register for whatever you want! If people don't want to buy those things then they won't. Simple as that! LOL And some things are not necessary but if you have them they are helpful. My mom had bought us a bottle sterilizer. It's not necessary but man, oh, man, did it ever make bottle preparation SO MUCH easier and faster! :thumbup:

I haven't weighed myself in a week or so but last I checked I had gained 13 pounds already. 10 of those from the first trimester! :dohh: But that was from snacking constantly to keep m/s at bay. So at least now I know my weight gain has slowed. I'm sure if it was too much the doctor would have said something by now. The holidays are probably going to make my weight jump quite a bit by my next appointment though. :blush:
Starry. That's how we feel about the registry. Items that friends have commented are 'nice to have' are great for a registry. We may not spend the money on it but if someone else wants to then great!!
My shower is at the end of March. Do you guys that are already mom's have any suggestions for what to put on my registry?
I missed a lot today :shock: lol

Put anything and everything you want on your registry! Even the jumbo packs of diapers. Yes, people know to get them for you but you will want all you can get :haha: They're exchangeable too if they don't buy the right brand or you need more or less of a diff size. It was my favorite gift. It freed up money later after LO was here if there was something we needed we didn't realize we needed. I just exchange a larger size box of diapers and get what I needed :haha:

I had my 20wk appt today. Measuring 21wks so right on time :happydance: Up to 168lbs :( 172 was be pre preg weight. I have to do the glucose test at my next appt :brat: I got the lemon lime this time. I had the orange with DS.

I guess I don't mind the advice but when they push it it drives me nutty. Like tell me and drop it don't be pushy. And yes it drives me insane when it's someone who hasn't even had their baby and they're trying to tell me how it is with DS! :dohh:
They gave you the drink already? The lemon lime sounds gross. I actually like the orange stuff. I had it for DS and when I went for m/c testing over the summer. Good luck with the testing.

schultzie - register for whatever you want. :) Diapers, wipes and travel change pad are good ideas. Sheets and towels and washclothes....bibs....that sort of thing. If you know you're going to a large shower where there will probably be group gifts don't be afraid to register for big items too. My mom got me to register for things like exesaucer, bathtub, humidifier, bounce seats and even a gliding rocking chair with ottoman and I actually got them!! I even got the mattress for the crib. :) I was beyond shocked and touched. People are going to be getting things like clothes and blankets so don't really need to register for those unless you have something specific in mind or simply to let them know you still need them.

Oh! A baby 'safety' kit is handy. I forget exactly what it's called but I got a little kit that comes with a nail-clipper designed for tiny finger nails, emery boards, thermometre, medecine spoon, eye dropper, toothbrush, hair brush, and comb and one of those little nose suckie things (very useful when JR. has a cold). It really comes in handy.
Diaper genie and the genie refills! Also, a swing. Both my kids loved it, just fell right asleep and I could put it anywhere. Also...links. These are plastic clips that can link together and you can clip them anywhere--the stroller, a bouncy seat, the crib, and the other end is attached to baby's toys. Not necessary, but nice: the play pen/bassinet combo.
Yeah she said they do it 24-28wks. I will be 24wks at my next appt so she told me I could pick which time I do it. I decided to get it over with. They send it home with you now so you have it to drink before the appt. The orange made me oh so sick. I got horrible diarrhea :blush: idk if the lemon lime will be any different.
I'm due for he glucose testing early February I think. Not looking forward to it. Guess ill find out exactly when at my appointment on the 7th. :/

As for the registry. Absolutely put everything. My parents would like to spoil their first grandchild and people will often go in together for larger gifts. We've got our cars eat, bottles, etc. everything. Some stores also offer a discount if you purchase things off your registry after baby arrives. It's also a great way to keep track of what you have/need :)
All this talk of showers is making me wish I was having one but I'm not on my first so no more showers for me. I have pretty much everything anyways. I just want to get a new mattress pad and maybe some new sheets as DS' are getting rather gross. Same for wash clothes and bibs. But those aren't big purchases. The big purchases will be for DS' new room. I think we're getting money for Christmas from DH's parents so we're going to be using the money for that.

These days I'm starting to forget I'm pregnant. I still get some sickness but it's not too bad but the baby has been so quiet the past week or so that unless I bump my belly into something I can distract myself to the point where I forget I have a baby in there. It's strange.
Starry, I've felt that way the past couple of weeks.... Then I pause I wait to feel baby move and am reassured that it's in there!! Lol. Or bump my belly... Mostly on the counter at work :).

We think we might also be getting some money for Christmas so that will also go towards things we need... With a niece and two nephews we won't need to buy any clothes, or random items (like bouncy chairs) as we've already been told that were in line to receive these... But we still WANT to make some purchases ourselves :)
We are getting a $100 from inlaws for the double stroller and then DH has been working overtime for other things. I can't believe all the things we need and it's another boy! :dohh: His parent's are taking DS next weekend and we are getting a date night and baby shopping spree (mini one :haha:)

Part of me keeps wishing we would go in on the 26th and our 'he' will be a 'she' :blush: I know that's not going to happen but a girl can dream right? :haha: I almost want to say "well what do you think it is?" when the tech asks if we know what we are having :haha:

I'd prob have a mini shower if it were a girl because our families have been dying for another girl among all the testosterone :haha:
I'm sure going from one to two has its own needs :)

Is feel the same if our second was the same gender. A mom that I work with was told another boy at her 20 week. She felt the tech was uncertain even though they wrote down boy. So she went for a 3D scan at 26 weeks and GIRL!! So you never know!! She's due in January. Ill let you know which tech was right. Lol

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