2014 May Rainbows

Coming off the pill I noticed my skin changed. And no ovulation for 4 months. But otherwise no noticeable change.

Between our heartburn and various food allergies I'm praying our lo lucks out!!! Although neither of us gets sick hardly ever. Trade off maybe?? Lol
Maybe. That would be really nice. :) Kids do get sick a lot but one with a good immune system won't get as sick as often. DH and I hardly get sick either and my DS will catch the bugs going around but he's rarely really sick to the point where he's in a bad mood and needs to lie down. He has a stomach bug right now, actually, and is still running around and laughing and begging to go outside. He pretty much only barfs at night (and I don't hear it so it's a mess getting him up in the morning).

Urgh. I pulled out our baby monitor so I could use it while DS was sick and the wire for one of the adaptors is chewed through -- there are cat bite marks all up and down it. It was one of those fancy, expensive digital monitors. I absolutely loved it! But systems like that cost $70 to $80. I have emailed the company asking for a replacement part but I haven't heard back yet. It's one of those times I wish there were baby showers for second borns. There are so many things I need and now this has been added to the pile.
Since it's been posted I've been having trouble with reflux the past couple of nights :wacko: I'd say last night was because of dinner tho. Chinese take out with a lot of deep fried things :haha:

We are lucky DS is fairly healthy. When we get really sick like with that bug we have him go stay elsewhere. I was really afraid with his heart and lung issues he'd get every cold etc. but he does pretty well.
Starry, bummer about the monitor :(. The one were looking at is basically a camera with a router type thing. It allows you to download an app and use your phone as the monitor viewer. There is also a hand held monitor for babysitters. And you can add up to 4 cameras. Perfect for when I'm doing home care :). It's pricy though at about $400. Hoping it's gifted to us, not sure if we will spend the money if it's not. Lol

I actually slept well last night! So refreshing after several nights of being up every hour. We did set up the comfy chair in our bedroom with blankets and pillows in case i needed to sleep sitting up :) hoping it won't come to that, at least not this early! And only a few days until v-day for us... Monday, will be a great day :)

AND DH felt baby boy last night! So wonderful to share that feeling with him :)
Aw, that's so wonderful that your DH could feel the baby. It's a good time to help them feel connected to the baby.

darlin - Mmm....Chinese food....now I have a craving for some chow mein. lol
Yeah. It's also the first time he called baby by his name (or intended name).
Hope you ladies are all doing well. I have been so busy between kids pregnancy and appts Im drained. My kids just got over being sick thankfully i havent caught anything yet knock on wood. I do have to get iron through Iv since my levels wont stay up. I hope it ties me over until this baby comes in may. I have had a few scares but all is well. I hope you all are doing well with your pregnancies or for those trying i hope you get a sticky baby soon and those suffering I am truly sorry sending hugs to everyone.
I wish you ladies the best of luck however my perfect angel was born sleeping last weekend. We named him Alexander and he was an exact miniature of his older brother. We are waiting for answers as to why labor started so early. Thank you so much for your support over the last 4.5 months. All the best.
I'm so sorry SweetV :hugs: :cry: I hope you get some answers.

I hope you don't mind I updated the main page :hugs:
SweetV so sorry to hear this news :(. Praying for your LO and that you find some answers. I hope you are able to find some peace.

SweetV - I am so sorry. :cry: I hope you're able to get some answers and find some peace and healing in the days, weeks and months to come.:hugs:

Felynn - I hope you get your iron levels figured out and that you don't have to deal with any more scares.
24 weeks. V day. I'm in awe :). Our littler trouper is still here :)
SweetV I am truly so sorry! I know there isn't anything I can say to make you feel better but I will be praying for you and your family!
Sunny - congrats on reaching V day!

Darlin - congrats on passing the glucose test. It's always nice to put another worry behind us.

afm - I feel like this pregnancy is draaaaaaaaaaaaaaagging. Is it spring yet???? LOL I'm trying to find other things to distract me but not much is coming to mind. My sister is coming for a visit in March and I'm super excited but that feels so far away still. I guess I can look forward to my birthday in February. I just have to decide what I want to do. I'm thinking a nice restaurant: either The Olive Garden or Red Lobster....
Starry I feel like it's dragging too but at the same time can't believe we are in double digits already :haha: Once we hit that it has slowed waaay down :dohh:
Oh, oh, SweetV, I'm very sorry and saddened to hear this. :cry: Alexander is just a lovely name. It's so hard to bear these things when you want to try to understand why...I hope you'll eventually find some answers and peace. Take good care of yourself. :hugs:
Darlin, congrats on the pass! I still haven't had mine yet.... Next ob appointment next Tuesday, guessing I'll get the info then.... Doesn't leave me much time to book it though.... I think it's 24-28 weeks and I'll be 25 at the appointment.

Starry, hang in there... I'm praying that spring comes soon! My winter coat is not fitting so well these days :/

I will be 37 weeks at my birthday, so thinking of just having family over and ordering in some food. Lol.
Sunny - do you have to book your own glucouse test? When I was still in Ontario during my pregnancy with DS I'm pretty sure my OB's office booked it for me. I haven't had to book anything for this pregnancy either.

I don't get mine tested until I'm 28 weeks so not this upcoming appointment but the one after that. I'm just happy that there is a lab next door to my OB's office and I think they really only get clients from that office as it's never ever busy. The technicians are usually standing together and talking when I come in. We're in and out no problem. I had a glucouse test done there this past summer and the hardest part was chasing DS around while trying to guzzle down the orange drink.

Still not close to double digit countdown for me. *sighs* My winter coat is barely fitting too and I know winters out here don't end until April. Yikes! We've had 4 seperate blizzards this past week. Though I still look like a fatty in my coat and not pregnant.
My coat doesn't fit either :blush: I keep looking for a clearance one but I can't find one :dohh:

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