2014 May Rainbows

I have had iron issues in the past so it wouldn't shock me. I've even had to take iron supplements on top of my prenatal in the past. Today, so far, I'm doing OK but it's still hard to motivate myself to do anything. Bad habits, I suppose.

My sister is coming for a visit in a few days and our house is a disaster! She is allergic to our cat and I normally scrub the house up and down, bleaching every hard surface and vaccuuming every bit of fabric but now I'll be lucky to make the house borderline hygenic. To make matters worse, DH locked kitty in our room yesterday and we were in the city ALL day and of course she peed in there. She peed in our dirty laundry pile and that smell is so hard to get out! And once kitties pee in the house it is so hard to get them to stop. So annoyed at the extra work. And has DH brought up the vaccuum so I can get the smell out even though I've been asking all day? Nope!!
The breast pump thing is awesome! Mine covers it too. If they give you a hassle about it saying you need a script when you try to pick it up just have your dr. or mw right one saying you are engorged. That's what mine told me ;)
That's great about the breast pump!

Bummer about cat pee it is awful. We have one long and one short haired cat. The short looses hair constantly everywhere. The long hair is forever puking up hair balls. We have all hardwood floors but he always runs to the carpeted stairs or one of our area rugs :wacko:

AFM have to do the longer glucose test :(. Just missed. They want the sugar under 7.8 and mine was just over 8. Tomorrow will be another fun day. Although the receptionist commented that usually when it's that close women usually pass the longer test. Fingers crossed!!
Luckily, all insurance has to cover a breast pump under the affordable care act beginning this year.

I also just failed my one-hour glucose test, but passed the three-hour exam last week. It just made me feel so ill to have only sugar in my system for 12 hours. But the good news is most don't end up having GD.

My iron levels were getting low, so now on a supplement every other day (so as to prevent constipation). But also trying to eat iron-rich foods with lots of fiber--cereals are good for that.
I know a lot of women who failed the short test but passed the long one. It seems pretty common. I felt AWFUL after my gd test. I got the shakes and was super dizzy. It was horrible!

I am really concerned with labor and not eating. I get so sick not eating. When I had DS I went basically 24hrs without eating and it was horrible. I really hope that's not how it is this time :( I wasn't even allowed ice chips with him.
Thanks ladies. I've also heard that most women who fail the one hour pass the longer one. Not looking forward to the 10 hour fast followed by 2 hours of sugar water :(. Felt aweful after the first test. Even the receptionist commented about how much they are messing with your sugar levels with that test. That's why you can't leave the lab, some women apparently pass out or vomit!!
Sorry you didn't pass the first test, Sunny. It looks like I'll be having to take the 2 hour test too. Got the call today. Apparently, my levels are within the normal range but are still on the high end of normal. Blah. Have to interrupt my time with my sister this weekend. I guess I could have booked sooner. I forgot there are still two days in the week but I already told my OB I was going in Monday. Whoops. I'm going to the lab in the nearby hospital so I can just show up but if my OB isn't expecting me to go until Monday they won't fax the requisition until then. I'll just plan on being there for when the lab opens.
Yeah it's not fun all these tests. My level was 'just above the range they like to see' :( found out that several friends and my sister in law all had to do the two hour test and none of them had gestational diabetes :) fingers crossed for good news on Tuesday!!

On the plus side, I'm no longer doing any kitchen duties and guess what, despite being told by my doctor and physio that my job had nothing to do with the sore neck/ headaches I've not had a headache since!! Lol. I've been more aware of my neck posture and occasionally doing the stretches but I'm convinced that my job was at the minimum making it worse!!

I'm still going to take advantage of insurance covering physio, acupuncture and massage though :) can't hurt ;)

Well off to my test. Hope I don't pass out from hunger!!! Ugh
Hello ladies! So blessed to be in 3rd tri! I haven't been on much bc part of me was unsure about this pregnancy. After having losses I didn't want this taken from me. I know it's still possible since I have 12 weeks left but I feel more confident my prince will make it. This pregnancy has been way different then my other pregnancies. My baby has been very active.

I had an accident I fell 3 days ago on ice went to l&d, good thing I went I started having contractions. I tried drinking more fluids then they did iv but had a hard time gettinh it in, it was very n painful. I was still having contractions they started to calm down then picked back up. They ended by giving me a shot to stop them and it worked. My blood and urine test all came back fine. They even checked me to see if I was leaking fluid thankfully I wasn't and they checked my cervix. Open a finger tip which they said isnt a concern since I have giving birth before.

I continue to see mfm every 2 weeks my afi is still elevated, baby is big. I get checked for gd next week.

Hope all is well with everyone
Welcome back :) glad they were able to stop your labour! What a scary thing falling like that!

I'm also still aware of the possibilities but feeling much more confident now in third trimester :). I believe most of the women here will have an idea of how you're feeling :)

Good luck in the GD screening test! A few of have already had to do the longer one. Lol it wasn't much worse than the first. Lol.

AFM having done friend drama :/. A good friend of mine lives a couple hours away and usually it's me visiting her. She has a 3 yr old and doesn't drive. Well she offered to come visit me next weekend for a quiet girls weekend of crafts and movies. Then she tells me she wants to bring her new boyfriend. They've been dating 4 months and I didn't even know they were togethr let alone met him. She currently still lives with her last boyfriend but I've known for a while that they were sharing the apartment like roommates. So my DH is away that weekend for a comic book convention. He will be home to sleep but that's it. So I said that being 6 1/2 months pregnant and DH being gone I didn't feel that it would be ideal for her to bring her new boyfriend. That we should arrange a weekend where all four of us could spend some time together. Now she's upset with me. Carrying on how everyone lives this guy so what's the problem. When I said it's not that I doubt what he's like (although her track record isn't great) it's more that I was not expecting to entertain all weekend someone I've never met especially when DH is away. So she's like, oh I would've taken him to see some local sites and window shop, so you wouldn't be entertaining. So now I'm confused!!!! WTF?? I've invited her to bring him when she comes for the weekend for my baby shower in a few weeks saying that DH will be around and we have so things planned but nothing big, and now I haven't heard from her in several days :/. Ugg.

Am I being nasty not wanting this guy to stay at my house in this situation??? Or is she over reacting?
Heck no! You hear of too many horror stories on the news. No way would I let a strange guy stay with me without DH around. She is being silly. Even if he is a great guy that is just awkward. I don't think it's ever fair to expect someone to entertain a stranger as an overnight guest.

And welcome back, FeLynn. I was just wondering about you. Glad you're starting to feel a bit better about the pregnancy. And Im glad the doctors were able to stop your contractions. Guess your body had bit of a shock after the fall. I know I'm terrified of falling as everything is so icy out here and my centre of gravity is so out of whack.
:wave: welcome back Felynn! Glad they got it under control. I know i have read some horror stories this pregnancies and I need to start avoiding them better :blush:

Sunny I went through a similar thing with my sister. She had a new bf or whatever and I had never met him and wanted him to stay with us at our house. Had it been before we had kids and were still just in an apt then yeah fine whatever. I wasn't comfortable letting a stranger in my home tho when I had children (even if he wouldn't be here). She got pissed!!! I said maybe next time after I had met him. we were all coming back after a night of drinking so everyone would have poor judgement any how. It just didn't feel right. Nothing ever came of the relationship and it was later forgotten but she was pissed off at me for a bit.
Feylynn, that's very scary! I'm glad it turned out all right. I slipped on the ice during 5th month with my last pregnancy and threw my joints out of whack for the the rest of the pg. But luckily never had contractions start early.

Sunny, sounds like your friend isn't thinking of things from your pov and probably just want to get away somewhere. Hopefully she won't be miffed for too long, but you have to do what feels comfortable for you and your family right now. I have a hard time even thinking of entertaining guests for dinner at the moment, let alone a whole weekend.
Thanks ladies.... I didn't think I was being unreasonable but she got so upset. I feel like she bailed on our girls weekend and completely changed the plan without even asking me and is now upset that I don't like the new plan. She actually already made alternate plans for that weekend :/. Then she invited me to drive an hour to meet her and him and another couple (who I semi know) for lunch. Awkward. Ugh. I said maybe not for lunch, as that's quite far to drive for lunch, but she has yet to reply.

I'm now looking forward to a quiet weekend to myself to start some nursery projects and watch some good chick flicks :). C'est la vie.
I need a quick opinion...

We are going to DH's hometown next weekend to celebrate his parents 40th Anniversary. I made this for them. I will get a nice frame and mat it as well. It's his parents full name to make the trunk, his and his siblings first and middle name to make the branches and all the spouses and grandkid's 1st names to make the leaves. I scanned it so the paper doesn't look very nice :( Idk where the lines came from.


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Thanks! I was really worried it would look just cheesy and stupid :( I get really embarrassed giving homemade gifts to people other than my family but I really loved the idea when I saw it on pinterest.
I think I might need to do this for my parents!! I love homemade gifts. For most new baby gifts I sew or crochet something and give it with a gift card but DH and I have often found a cool picture, altered it on the computer and framed it for my parents :). He's done it for me too. Great gift idea, especially for parents who don't 'need' anything. Lol

We've started giving my parents 'experiences' like tickets to events or exhibits too with a fun framed picture. For Christmas we gave my mom two little framed sea creature pictures with two tickets to the new aquarium in Toronto :)
Darlin - that looks so nice. I'm sure they'll love it.

Sunny - I love 'experience' gifts. It's so easy to accumulate clutter. I love being able to make memories.
And cue iron iron supplements and gestational diabetes :(

So I'm starting the iron tomorrow and waiting to hear from the diabetic clinic for an appointment. Ugh. My ob thinks we should be able to control my sugar levels with diet, so we shall see. Fingers crossed.

And no sleep, again.... This neck thing is driving me crazy. And my ob said I can't have anything other than Tylenol. :(. So I'm not getting any sleep with this pain.

On a good note, baby is fantastic! Heart rate 135 today. Strong and clear. And he's only very slightly on the big side (a big side affect of gestational diabetes). So hopeful that with controlling sugar levels he won't be huge. Lol. I'd much prefer to be induced than to have a c-section. So here's to hoping!

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