2014 May Rainbows

Good Luck Sunny! I'm sorry you got the double wammy :(

I was really scared about the gd not because of the diet control etc. but I am not able to be induced :( It scares me that something is going to go wrong and I won't be able to be induced and will need an immediate cs.

We had our 31wk appt yesterday. Everything went well. We've had a big mess trying to sign up for our natural childbirth class but we made it in because of cancellation! :happydance: Also our next appt on the 17th has to be with the doctor to formally go over all the risks etc. associated with the vbac and to give our formal consent. I can to 42wks and we have to go ahead and schedule a cs for then. Funny because exactly 42wks is May 16th which is DH AND my Dad's bday :haha: How funny?
Thanks Darlin. That crazy about the back up cs date!! What a busy time!!! Lol

The doctors main concern was that we could end up with a big baby and as I'm not big a possible cs. So it's not a health concern it will just affect delivery :). I'm hoping that if baby is too big then they will enduce two weeks early! We will likely discuss at our next appointment at 32 weeks. He mentioned that we would have a better idea of an estimated weight/ size at that point :)
Can you get a second opinion? I know things are different in Canada but the whole big baby thing/mom being too small can sometimes be a big myth. Spinning babies website gives some great insight in pelvic shapes.sizes and so does Ina May. I always find it very interesting reading about these things.

I just sent in our info for the childbirth class. I'm SUPER excited! :D Also found the bookcase for Avery's space. I find it odd calling it his room/nursery since it is literally a closet :haha:

We've also started calling baby by name on occasion. Very crazy!! Or referring to his things :). We are in the home stretch!!

I did some reading about GD babies. The issue is that their shoulders become disproportionate in size to other parts of their bodies and can result in being stuck. It's not just a 'big baby'. Because it's the shoulders the doctors can't use forceps or vacuum if baby is stuck because it's too much pressure on their neck. I'm hoping that he won't be that big. Also they will hopefully induce early if he is to avoid cs. My OB is a very minimal and natural approach doctor so he is also trying to avoid intervention :)

We can absolutely request another doctor anytime. I know many who have. Some doctors due to volume will only see patients living in a certain area code, but usually you can find others. My family doctor would refer me if I was looking for a second opinion. :)

I'm very much a 'take matters into my own hands' kind of person so I do a lot of my own research :)
Sorry about the GD, Sunny. :( I hope diet will be enough to keep it under control and that your baby doesn't grow too big. I can't see why the doctors wouldn't let you induce early rather than a later section. I personally wouldn't want to risk the possibility of baby being "too big" as a potential myth or not. My mom was supposed to have a section with me for that reason but I was born the day before. So yes, she did deliver me but my mom said I had torn her insides apart and it took all the modern medicine at the time to not only save her life but to make it possible for her to carry future babies to term. My head was disproportionately big, I think. :blush:

afm - still waiting for my GD results. I went to a lab closer to home so it will probably take longer for the results to get to my OB. With my first test I had it done in the lab next door to my OB's office so I got the call the next day.

We also got some money for our birthday from my grandma and we used it to buy some things for DS' new room. We got some CARS bedsheets, a CARS lamp and a waterproof mattress pad. We've already ordered the mattress and should be able to pick it up next week. My parents offered to help paint the room the next time they come over. That won't be until the baby is born but we plan on having DD in our room for a few months anyways so that buys us some time.
Yes, early induction is what I meant as far as if they catch it sooner then it should be ok to deliver vaginally still rather than cs.

The cars room sounds adorable Starry. My little brother has a cars room :D I thought about redoing DS's room to fit both boys but I think they will be a little young to share and we don't plan on being in this home too much longer only a yr or two.

We got our new black kitchen appliances today! :happydance: They look awesome! It's so nice to have a working filtered water dispenser :wohoo:
I'm hoping that if baby is. If they will opt to induce, but I've also read that god babies lungs sometimes develop slower, so we would risk complications with that :/. I'm sure my ob will keep on top of what's best for both me and baby :). Another thing to consider is that I have a low blood pressure, so risk of loosing too much blood is higher than the average person... Something to think about when considering surgery... Apparently they often do an ultrasound near 40 weeks to see if baby is getting too big with gd... Here they won't induce until week 41.5/42, except is medically required... So that scan would determine if it was medically required, I guess :). So much information! Lol.

On a plus though, my neck is feeling better today! Had a couple of good. Days, then did a bunch of sorting & tiding our basement (we moved in a year and a half ago, and haven't gone through all of the boxes yet!). I think I over did it, because last night was HORRIBLE!!! I only slept an hour or so at a time, in between hours of pain, that shot up my neck, and through my head. Ugh. Ob today said there's nothing he can give me, other than just taking Tylenol. He did ok me taking the max daily dose as needed for the next few weeks until things get sorted and did say that the massage would help. Can't wait till Thursday night!

Also super excited to get started on some fun sewing projects for the nursery this weekend! DH is at comicon all weekend, so I'm on my own! Pulling out the sewing machine and getting as many projects done as I can :). So excited!
Loosing too much blood is not fun :( I lost too much on the OR table and actually ended up passing out. That was with reg blood pressure tho. I have a ton of sewing and things the need done too :blush: So behind :dohh:
Starry- fun theme for a boys room! I can't wait for that stage ;) I'm already excited about planning birthday parties! Lol

Darlin- new appliances are always great! I remember in our old house, the appliances were so old, that our first year, in our first hour required us to replace all of the major appliances.....we got so excited every time we got to pick out the next one, and then when it was delivered. DH and I joked that that's how we knew we were finally grown up lol. Not buying the house, or getting married.... It was being excited about household updates/ new appliances. Lol

I forgot the ob today said that so far baby isn't really that big considering my sugar levels, so hoping we keep it that way!
Terrible about passing out! I tried to donate blood once, and they took my blood pressure 3 times, 2 different nurses, with two different stethoscopes, then they looked up my height/weight/age and what it should be. Then told me to go see my doctor and they wouldn't let me donate. Said I'd pass out.

Pregnant it's been between 100-105 over 65-75 (normal is 110-120 over 70-80).
My OB with this current pregnancy hasn't given me any specifics about anything. She just says things "look good". I often think that knowledge is power but she's probably had too many patients obsess over numbers needlessly.

I would like to donate blood one day but I've had so many issues with iron levels I would have to get a doctor's appointment before I could even consider it. I don't know if I would pass out or not. My DH went once when he was younger and he said he and his friend were having a race to see who could fill their bag the fastest (squeezing their fists and arm muscles). Boys. ha ha

For my son's room I would still like to order a CARS light switch cover from Etsy and we found some wall decals at the dollar store. My mom is making a quilt for the bed. It turns out my son is obsessed with Toy Story and loves Buzz and Woody even more than McQueen but I had already asked my mom to do a CARS blanket otherwise I think I would have switched to a Toy Story room instead. He'll still love it though.
DH has a horrible aversion to having needles prick him. We don't know why. He can be stuck just fine but when they pull out the needle after drawing blood he goes white and basically has a seizure! :shock: When he 1st developed his bell's palsy they had to put special drops in his eyes at an appt and it happened then too!
Men. Lol

My doctor doesn't usually tell me anything other than 'everything's great' unless I ask or peek at my chart. Lol. The nurse does weight and blood pressure then leaves the chart on the counter :)
Anyone having problems finding a decent diaper bag that won't break the bank? I'm really struggling trying to find one that is big enough and under $50 :( With the 2 a reg bag won't cut it. I bought one of those changing inserts with extra pockets and a wipe carrier etc. Thinking maybe I should just make a boxy square tote the size canvas bag and then have the changer and a make up type zipper bag in it? At least then it would be the colors/patterns I want and i know it would be big enough.
No clue about the bag. I'm still wondering what to do in regards to that. I'm hesitant to add to our list of purchases to make as DH tends to worry about the budget. But I'm not sure how we'll handle two little ones with the one we have. We already pack it to bursting whenever we have to go into the city. City trips are always day-long so we need enough diapers, wipes and a change of clothes in case of accidents. Never mind the snacks, drinks and a few toys. If I need to use bottles again that adds to the list as well as all the blankets for spit-up, etc (ds was a puker so I needed at least 3 or 4 blankets per trip). Right now it's really looking like DS won't be potty trained by the time the baby comes.

If the city weren't so far away I would probably just get a second cheap and small bag. But I don't want to have to lug so many bags around all the time. But it's one of the issues I've put onto the back-burner.
I kept putting it off too thinking I'd just get another cheap bag and we'd just have 2. Now after doing my pinterest search I fell in love with this bag :)


I need to hurry up and finish some other projects for his nursery space then I can start the bag.
Oooh, I like that bag, Darlin. A diaper bag is one of the few things I actually do have already. Have been researching baby carriers and pretty much settled on the Beco Gemini organic cotton carrier. It has most versatility in terms of positions and is one of the better ones for avoiding hip dysplasia.

Sorry to hear about the GD, Sunny, but sounds like you're informed and there will be a plan in place!
I've registered for a pricey petunia pickle bottom bag :). Costs about $180. One item I will purchase if it's not given to us. Many items we will either do without, look for second hand or go cheap if they are not gifted but that isn't one :). Lol. I love that Pinterest bag though!!! Gorgeous!! My SIL has a small backpack for her older children and the diaper bag for the baby?? Option?

As for the Gd I've got two appointments to go to :/ my boss isn't impressed but I can't avoid it. I hate making waves but this is not optional!!! I've been VERY accommodating since I started working here over a year ago. Never called in sick, no complaining, did whatever they asked, worked whatever shift they asked. So annoyed that she's 'annoyed' that I need this time. She's been pretty good, and made arrangements for me to go to whatever appointments I have, but I also book the majority of my ob visits on my break time. Ugh

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