2014 May Rainbows

Work sucks sometimes. I was always there during my whole pregnancy never called off but had issues with bleeding with DS when I was too active. Mainly things where I had my hands over my head. Well I worked front desk for a salon and dusting the shelves was a regular chore. They got so mad when I would start and not finish it (even tho it was mor than most of the girls did) and they were really pissed when I was put on mat leave early and on moderate bed rest. They literally tracked me on fb and anytime I said I did anything gave me shit. I went and sat in a movie for my sister's bday (so I was sitting the whole time) and they gave me hell for it.
Luckily all of my co workers are very supportive. They tell me to sit down or slow down and take over various tasks. And my boss has been accommodating. I just don't like her facial expressions when I tell her I need the time to go to appointments and such. It makes me feel like I'm letting everyone down. Or causing more stress for her to try to cover me. So I've just decided to keep reminding myself how little time off I've requested up until now :)
Blah. I remember being a career woman. In my mind, health issues are non-negotiable and everyone knows that doctors only operate during working hours. If I needed to go to an appointment I needed to go. I had always tried to make sure I caught up with everything and it was only ever an hour here or an hour there. I couldn't imagine what a job would do with me now when a 10 minute appointment requires a 2 hour drive each direction. LOL I can't believe managers give people a hard time for legitimate needs. Appointments while pregnant are not surprises....everyone has to have them. And you have the right to them. She may complain but she can't keep you from them.

I resented it whenever a manager would make it seem like I owed it to my company to always be there or somehow have some sort of passionate loyalty to them. They didn't own me. I chose to work there and I could chose to leave (in a manner of speaking...I had to pay the bills of course...). I made sure to do the best work I could possibly do but my life was my own.

No surprises then, that I'm very happy as a SAHM. lol ;)
My job is a bit different as we need to maintain staff to child ratios. So if I'm not there someone else has to be. Still not my problem. They should have supply staff available. Most of my appointments are during my break or I book them for when I'm not counted in ratio with the kids. These are the exception as it's March break lots of extra kids. But I can't chAnge the fact that I have to go. My previous job had an assistant supervisor that was available to cover staff for appointments and such. This place nothing. So frustrating. I plan on staying home after mat leave and taking in a couple of kids for the $$. Can't wait.
I agree that it's the workplace's problem and not yours. I hope your manager doesn't dump her stresses onto you needlessly.

I have got to eat better! My weight gain is so atrocious and now with my GD scare you'd think I'd learn. Nope. My willpower is nil. Right now my justification is I want to eat all the treats and goodies I want before I have to stop. But really, I haven't heard back yet so I'm guessing I passed. I had heard the next day with my previous test.

I do have a lot more fruits and veggies in the house and I'm back to making more healthy meals but I'm still eating the sweets and extra portions in between. Today I was really bad. I'm going over my photos from this weekend and comparing them to how I looked a month ago and it's just...well...it's just bad. Some of the gain is natural as I just get big when pregnant (my mom did too) and I haven't changed my habits since first getting pregnant. My weight gain had plateaued for months so I guess I thought I was doing OK overall. It's just that in third tri it all catches up with you.

Hopefully, chasing two kiddos around will help me slim down. And that the silly cravings will go away (they did with DS).
I'm still quite low on the weight gain. At 11lbs now. Only gained 1-2 lbs this past month. I'm guessing it'll pick up now but we shall see. My belly has grown quite a bit so I must be loosing weight elsewhere to have not really gained. I'm ok with that! Lol

One of the owners at my work comented yesterday how my belly has really 'pooped' lol
Ha ha, a "pooped" belly. Makes it sound like the belly is really tired.

I think I"m most self-conscious about the weight that is starting to show in my face. It was the same with my son. All through the first and second trimesters all the weight went into my belly but by the end it was in my face and hips and butt. And my belly is so, so huge and I know it's only going to get bigger. I'm already out of breath most of the time. And I've already gotten the "whoa, your baby is going to be huge!" remarks when people find out I'm not due until the end of May. The thing is, I got this big with DS and he was only 6 1/2 pounds so I have no clue how big or small DD will be. I lost 20 pounds right after having him so my mom thinks a lot of it is water retention. But the rest still took months and months of strict dieting and exercise. *sighs* The price we pay for our rainbows.....

I have been so whiney lately. I know that. But no amount of positive thinking is really helping. End of May feels so impossibly far away and I can not see it as being quick. I want to cry every time I realize I have to get through all of March, and then all of April and then ALL of May and I could even go into June. And I've been having so many horrible, horrible nightmares as of late. They're all random so I can't even figure out what may be triggering them outside of pregnancy hormones.

I'm really, really hoping that going to appointments every 2 weeks will help speed things up. This waiting for 4 weeks gives me a lot of time to worry and feel like nothing is progressing.
Sorry *popped* lol.

I hear you about things seeming so far away still. I keep a countdown to mat leave and a count down to edd. Lol. I'm also looking forward to 2 week appointments! Thought the same thing. Lol. My first time was to be now, but ob is on vacation 2 weeks from now so I have to wait 3 :(. Boo

I actually was a tad excited at the GD diagnosis, thinking they don't let you go over due because of it! Lol. That's so horrible, but a nice light at the end of a shorter tunnel ;).

A few people have commented about my belly seeming big, but doctor said it's not really so I'm good with that. A tad on the big side, but well within normal he said.

I have my first appointment with the diabetes clinic tomorrow morning,.... Curious as to what will happen there. Another one next Wednesday.

Super excited to get started on my sewing projects this weekend! Anyone else started any baby projects yet? I'd love to see pictures :)
Hey ladies I have a question... I was at the doctors today and was told I was measuring big and need to have a growth scan done next week. I am 30+3 today. At my last appointment at 28+4 I was measuring right on. Do any of you guys know why I would be measuring big now? Should I be concerned?

I just wanted to say that picture of the family tree is very cute! Love homemade gifts! Always my favorite!

Also, I agree that it seems like it is taking forever now since I hit 3rd tri! Just want it to be May!
I know I was warned that gestational diabetes will likely cause our baby to grow faster in the third trimester. I'm sure they are just being thorough. If they feel baby is getting big, then you might get to meet them earlier :)
I wouldn't be too worried about belly size. I was measuring small and so was DS on the growth scans etc. towards the end even tho we were right on time until like 35/36wks. They freaked out and almost took him early but he was perfect at 39wks at 6lbs 6oz :)
Growth scans aren't even accurate all the time. My SiL was given one because she was way overdue and was told her baby was 7 1/2 pounds so they let her go longer and my niece turned out to be 9 1/2. Whoops. ha ha

Now I know why I've been feeling so down and weary and miserable. I have caught a terrible stomach bug. :( Dh an DS are sick too though they seem to be on the road to recovery. I haven't been this sick in a long time.
Stomach bugs are awful while pg :( I felt as if i was dying in December when I had mine. DH has one again now. Has been off work 3 days this week and isn't allowed to go back until Tuesday according to his doctor. Hoping we don't catch it too (Me and DS) Hope you feel better soon Starry
Starry- Sorry to hear you are sick :(. Boo.

Darlin- I'll keep my fingers crossed that it passes you (and DS) by.

AFM- had the GD info clinic this morning. Oh joy. I get to prick my finger 4 times a day for the rest of the pregnancy testing my blood sugar :( it's expensive too!!! Hoping insurance covers the stuff, it's $5 per day just to test the blood!!! So restricted on food now :( ugh. I go next Wednesday after writing down everything I eat and testing my blood from now till then. The specailist will tell me then if I need insulin. I was warned that the appointments at the hospital with the specailist tend to involve 2-3 hours of waiting :(. Just what I need, to miss more work. Possibly have to go weekly! On top of biweekly OB appointments. How will I keep up!?? At least there's only 6 weeks of work left and 10 weeks of pregnancy.
All I have to say is WTF!? :saywhat: I've increased my water intake and been more active and what do I get to show for it? Sore swollen feet :( I haven't been swelling at all this pregnancy! I thought I got lucky because I did really bad with DS but guess not :dohh: Trying to keep active and stay on my ball so that this one stays head down and maybe will engage properly. Also hoping staying active will help slow this weight gain and make labor easier :thumbup:
Starry- Sorry to hear you are sick :(. Boo.

Darlin- I'll keep my fingers crossed that it passes you (and DS) by.

AFM- had the GD info clinic this morning. Oh joy. I get to prick my finger 4 times a day for the rest of the pregnancy testing my blood sugar :( it's expensive too!!! Hoping insurance covers the stuff, it's $5 per day just to test the blood!!! So restricted on food now :( ugh. I go next Wednesday after writing down everything I eat and testing my blood from now till then. The specailist will tell me then if I need insulin. I was warned that the appointments at the hospital with the specailist tend to involve 2-3 hours of waiting :(. Just what I need, to miss more work. Possibly have to go weekly! On top of biweekly OB appointments. How will I keep up!?? At least there's only 6 weeks of work left and 10 weeks of pregnancy.

If it becomes to be a problem could you just take an early mat leave? I know it is different in each country.
I don't think GD qualifies for sick leave and you can't start mat leave until 8 weeks before edd. So at least 2 weeks till then. And I'd hate to go early just for a weekly appointment. DH has a huge project scheduled to be done a couple of weeks before baby so would love to be working while he's busy with that. He won't have much evening time to spend with me and I would go stir crazy.
Yikes, Sunny, I didn't even think about the costs of GD. Do you need to send the results in everyday or is it that much to rent the machine to read the results? And I really hope your work doesn't give you a hard time. We can't control all the health issues that come up and you have to take care of this. I mean, your manager lives in Ontario just like you do and should be well aware of the realities of our health care system.

I couldn't imagine being on bed rest all day by myself. When I was put on bed rest with DS my dh happened to be on unemployment at the time so I had some company. And with this pregnancy he has been working from home so he is at least available if I really need him.
I couldn't handle bed rest!! Ugh.

As for the cost, the clinic provided the little tester machine but we have to buy the test strips for the reading. They cost $1 each. I need 4 per day. Then you have to buy the needles for the pen that pricks your finger to get the blood sample. We record everything in a little book they gave us. The specialist will review it weekly, hence the appointments. :/. I understand the necessity but didn't realize the cost. If I need insulin then that's a prescription auto injector pen so cheaper. We have insurance but not sure if it covers everything. Also it's only 80% so we still need to pay some cost either way. It just seems like everything is costing so much! The physio for my neck is $50 per week.... It will be reimbursed by insurance but we have to pay up front and wait for insurance.

At least my neck is much better, no more daily pain/ headaches. Still some but much duller and less frequent. And my blood sugars today have been normal. I've been super careful with my diet so hoping it will eliminate the need for insulin.
Yeah, that's how the insurance I had through my work worked too. It usually only covered 80% and even then we had to pay up front and wait for reimbursement. Though, I guess people at our work started going for massages too often so it wasn't long and our insurance refused to cover those anymore. I was really disappointed by that.

Manitoba is a NDP province so they're more willing to give hand-outs which is helpful as DH's work doesn't have benefits of any kind. When DS needed a corrective helmet for his flat head syndrome that was fully covered whereas Ontario's OHIP doesn't cover it at all and Blue Cross only covers half of it....once again with the reimbursement plan so you have to pay upfront. It would have cost us $3000. It makes me curious how much they'd cover for GD treatments here.

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