2014 May Rainbows

Yeah, I am glad we have universal health care but there are some things that could be better. I don't know who would all pay for it though! It's definitely great for routine care. I'm glad we don't have to weigh the costs of a doctor's visit versus how serious we think that infection/cold is. We just go and get it checked out.
For sure!! Can't imagine debating going just because of cost. I've been lucky and always had insurance through work or my husband so at least prescriptions are covered!! And just found out that the GD supplies are covered under our insurance :)
That's a relief! I'm glad you won't have to pay it all out of pocket.

Not having benefits these past few years has been rough. Anti-nausea tablets were not cheap. Our local pharmacist took pity on me and only gave me a half prescription so I wouldn't have to pay the $120 up front. I ended up not needing to get the other half filled as one tablet a day was more than sufficient.
I luckily qualified for special healthcare while pg and everything is covered until my postpartum appt.

Ladies I am SO excited! I got offered a free booth at a wedding show on the 16th. I can't wait but I am worried about being on my feet from like 9am to 4pm :( If I was working still and used to it I think I'd be ok but I'm just not sure. It worries me. At least DH will be there to help me and we have a sitter.
Would it work at all for you to have a stool or folding chair to sit on? You're at the point in your pregnancy that it's obvious you're pregnant and I don't think anyone would begrudge you sitting from time to time.

And congrats on getting the booth!
That's super exciting!!! I agree about bringing a chair, definitely.
Hey ladies. Had my 4d scan on sat and my little lady is doing perfectly! So reassuring to know. Thought I'd share her pic, ( she looks just like her big brothers) xxx


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Congrats Nats!! That's such a neat picture to have. We debated the 4D scan but it would cost $100 for 10 mins here and we'd both have to miss work (the one near us charges more on the weekend!).

We agreed that if they couldn't tell us the gender we'd go, but apparently our little man is NOT shy ;)

I can't believe how far we've all come!!! Would love some new belly shots and to hear from some of the ladies we haven't seen in a while :)
Lovely pic nats!

I am really hoping LO is head down. I felt something up high and was grabbing at it (seemed a little too wide to be a head) and afterwards I got some good movement in my ribs. I hope they're kicks! :haha:
My LO is still rolling around to her heart's content. I don't really care at this point as there is still awhile to go. I refuse to worry about it. ha ha She does love to lie low and transverse though. Nothing like feeling her head grinding on one hip bone as her feet dance on the other. I've been waddling for weeks because of it already which has garnered some laughs from my friends. When sitting I often have to lean back with my legs spread apart. Looking forward to when I'm full term and/or overdue. So attractive.....
Ours has mostly been head down. But lately wondering if he's moved. Keep feeling what might be a head up near my ribs.

He might actually be transverse too... I get kicks like that and can't sit upright. Lol
Saw doctor yesterday, almost no weight gain since last time, but still measuring right on target (I'd gained a lot early on).

I complained about the chest tightness, breathlessness and lightheaded feelings, and the pelvic pain. Doctor recommended a week of rest at home, wrote me a note, and will see me in a week. She even told hubby to take me out to eat that night! She's one of the most caring doctors I've ever met. I still have some work to wrap up remotely, but I'm so relieved. Stress of full-time work is taking its toll.
How lovely to have such a caring doctor. I'm glad she was able to give you a note for a week off work. Now you need to remember to take advantage of that and truly rest. Put on some comfy pants and soft slippers and read or watch TV all day.

afm - saw my OB today. No GD. :happydance: And everything else looks good too. She's sending my info ahead to the hospital so they know about me in case little one comes early (Not that there is any specific issues in that regard). Also got the "OK" to make the road trip out this month to see the inlaws. They had wanted to come down for Easter but I find their visits stressful and I"ll be practically full-term at that point so...no....it's just easier for us to go there. And I'm dying for a change of scenery. This cold winter has kept everyone indoors and the cabin fever is intense. Also, a distraction from how slow everything is going would be nice too.
Monymony, glad you're getting a rest! Take advantage :) good that you're also measuring on par,

Starry, good plan for Easter! And yay for no GD!

AFM tomorrow I meet with the specialist regarding my sugars since Friday... They've all been below the recommended, but I've also had to restrict my carbs quite a bit to get those results.... Not sure what they'll say.

As for work, worked 9-6 today without a lunch break :/. We had a swimming trip, yay march break, so a quick 15 min walk to catch the bus, 1 hour of supervising 5 children in the pool, followed by more walking back from the bus.... And had to stand on the bus both ways. Ugh. Feeling it now.... Super tired and sore :/. Heading to bed, nice and early!
Good to hear no GD, Starry! And yes, I rested for a lot of the day. But couldn't resist getting a few little things done around the house, though nothing strenuous. I ordered my son around as soon as he got home from school!

Sounds like an exhausting day, Sunny. You deserve some R&R--and a massage! :)
So I had a good appointment with the endocronologist. My weight & blood pressure are great. Sugars are good :). I go back in 2 weeks to ensure I don't loose weight on the altered diet and for a growth scan to ensure baby is on target. Likely go every two weeks for follow up and growth scan :). So I'm all good and managing very well :)

So kind of excited for biweekly scans again :). Hoping they'll deliver a week or two early, which is common for GD :)

How's everyone else doing??

And my SIL has now asked for phone numbers to certain guests invited to my baby shower. She sent an evite to the shower but it was quite vague and she used my maiden name. Crazy
Glad things look good! :thumbup: I hated having to back track with my shower and help my sister out with all the RSVP's and things when she did my shower last time. It was so frustrating.

MonyMony: I need to see your doctor! :haha: I wish mine would recommend to DH I rest :haha:

Having horrible leg pains :( I get them from time to time since my spinal last time. I tried eating bananas and things to get it to go away and it hasn't so that's how I know it's just the nerves acting up.

So busy today. I've got a lot to do but I'm pretty excited. When and bought somethings last night so DH could help build me a shelf for my show. This is much harder to do pregnant. I can't wait to just be comfortable again. I can handle being tired and pulled 6 different ways but the body aches and nausea are killing me :(

We officially have less than 2 months to go! Where has the time gone. I kinda hope he comes a little early just so I can ensure I labor on my own and don't go too overdue. At the same time I am totally not ready and want all the time I can get! :haha:

Our 1yr wedding anniversary is coming up soon. I will be so big tho (37wks) we won't have a sitter and honestly not a lot of extra money. I was thinking of just doing a nice dinner at home and exchanging gifts. It's paper for the 1st so I wanted to make some "Open when..." letters and make them all pretty. I could include some like "Open when Avery arrives" and stuff for the next year milestones. I really wanted to go somewhere as a family but we just won't have the money sadly :(
Darlin, I think a nice dinner sounds good for anniversary--with candles!

I totally get the wanting it to be over, and the fear that there's not enough time to prepare. I go back and forth several times a day.

Blah. Well, after one decent day at home, today was terrible. I was up at 5am (couldn't sleep) and spent the ENTIRE DAY working remotely, from 6am onward. I couldn't seem to answer emails fast enough and I'm still behind on putting out fires. It's after 5--do I take off for the evening or not? Plus I've felt really crummy and achey all day, and DH, though home because it's spring break, was no help at all. It's like he just forgot I was in the house and completely miserable and was off doing his own thing. He didn't even offer to reheat leftovers for lunch. Of course I am feeling rather sorry for myself right now...so perhaps I'm a tad unreasonable.
Id try not to get too worried about it. Maybe he just wanted to let you get your work done and you seemed busy? sometimes DH will think like that and figures if I need something I will ask when I am ready for it :shrug:

I am struggling with the whole idea of the anniversary. I mean could we do something? Yes. Should we? Idk. We were supposed to go to vegas before DS came. I decided to be "responsible" and we didn't and boy do I regret it. I'm afraid that will happen again.

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