2014 May Rainbows

I honestly felt like out class was almost like a community college course. We all giggled and laughed together but there was no huge movement to "be friends". Not sure how they will be for you. Our class we paid $80 for 2 and had to miss one. it was a special class for our mw's clients.
Darlin- it very wise to keep him out of daycare if his health is somewhat compromised. I would start introducing him
Slowly to groups of children to prepare his immune system for school though or that first year could be very rough. You know, some small group activities :)

So many parents are shocked at how frequently their children get sick the first year they are in school, but if you help his body prepare it won't be as bad :)
Ps I posted some pictures in my journal of finished projects for anyone wishing to see :) just click the link to my pregnancy journal in my signature :)
Darlin- that sucks :(. I know a lot of cities charge $150 for the 5, 2 hour classes (which is what we're taking). There's also a weekend class but that fills up like crazy!!

DH and I are both quite outgoing so hoping to connect with at least one other couple :). Give me someone to hang out with on mat leave too :)
My belly looks so funny. He sits so low and my belly button literally points down :haha: I think it's just odd shaped because of my cs.

Getting an icky cold since DS had croup :( He still has an icky cough. Keeping an eye on him. Not sure if he went to sleep or passed out on my today. He was in his high chair. Fine one minute and then the next I look over and he was face first nose to tray and arms out to the sides :cry: He's never EVER fallen asleep sitting up like that. He was ok when I woke him up tho. Color was good and breathing ok. Going in on Mon to talk to his doctor about having a breathing treatment on hand for emergencies at home and getting an allergy test done. I also will be buying a pulse ox monitor. Just the one that clips on your finger but measures pulse and oxygen levels.

How is everyone? 34wks in just a couple of hrs for me! :D GOSH I feel like I was happy to hit 27wks just yesterday! :wacko: He could literally come ANY time now!! (Altho I would like to make it to at least 36/37wks 1st)


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Darlin - your bump is just lovely! I don't even see any stretch marks! It's a little droopy but it's not saggy (like mine, ugh). And you're getting soooo close!

And your poor little guy. :( I hope he feels better soon. It's so hard to watch when our little ones are doing poorly. The one time my son had croup they sent a double dose of steroids home with us but other than that we could only give him Advil for the fever and pain or take him back to the ER. I hope his doctor is able to do more for him! Having to go to the ER every time is a pain.

afm - I keep meaning to do another bump photo but never get around to it. Still feeling a little badly myself but my regiment of anti-biotics is almost done so hoping to feel better once the side effects wear off.
Darlin That's scary about ds. But glad he seems ok. Definitely question that at the doctors.

Starry I hope you feel better once meds wear off. Antibiotics always make me feel terrible :/. Have you been taking acidophilus at the same time? I find it helps :)

Your bump picture is cute Darlin!! My little guy is sitting low too :). Sometimes I feel like I need my hands to hold my belly up!! Lol. And I'm only 31 weeks ;)

AFM doing well. Lost 1/2 lbs since being on this diabetic diet. I see the doctor again next week, we will see where at then and what she says.
I've been eating pro-biotic yogurt and I find that has taken the edge off.

And losing weight while pregnant....must be nice, lol. My diet is SO not GD-friendly. I've been slacking the last little while again. I go on health kicks then one or two bad days and it's so hard to get back on track.
I've been glad to not have gained much weight until this point, but the doctor does not want me loosing weight. I might have to go on insulin and eat more if I'm loosing weight. Really don't want to do the insulin. And my sugars have been high these past few days, eating a little less careful :/. Didn't take much to put me over the limit for sugar levels.... We will see what they say on Thursday next week.

Honesty I'd rather gain more weight (not crazy amounts, but more than 11lbs) but have more flexibility in my diet. I'm eating the same things over and over, and anytime I stray my sugar goes up :(. Missing out on the old "eating for two" misconception. It's so hard to not eat what I want or crave. So frustrating :(
I'll bet. I hope you don't have to go on insulin. I find regular healthy diets rather boring as it is. Couldn't imagine having to go on a diabetic one. And with two picky eaters in my house I know I'd be cooking two separate meals.

I hope your body finds a way to regulate itself and you can start adding more foods again just to spice things up. Is your dh following along with the diet or is he still eating his own thing? (I think I'd make dh eat his snacks in a darkened closet)
DH has dinner with me but otherwise we eat on our own. We're both at work during the day as eat at different times for breakfast. Kinda frustrated with him though as on weekends he'll eat whatever not even making a effort to keep it out of my sight. Like tormenting me :/

Had to snap at him a few times about him saying 'yummy.....' Knowing that I'm struggling to not have any junk food. :/. Not even semi junk stuff. Ugh
Ugh, men. It takes them forever to catch on. I hope he realizes how hard this actually is for you. It took my dh a long time to accept that I just can NOT handle onion rings when I'm pregnant. We went to a restaurant when I was pregnant with DS and he ordered onion rings even though I told him I thought they smelled gross and made me sick. As soon as the plate came to the table I started to gag and I literally had to run out of the restaurant. And I couldn't come back in. We had to take the food to go and eat at home. It was so humiliating but he finally realized I was serious about my onion ring hate. I barely tolerate the smell when I'm not pregnant.
So true. I think he's starting to get it
I also have food allergies and every time we go to his family for dinner he wants to bring pie for dessert, which I can't have. I often request something else and he just turns it down. We're going tomorrow for his moms birthday and there will be cake there (which I can't have). So he tells the family that we will bring pie too. I flipped!!! He's like what's the problem. So I told him, it's a birthday and there's cake. We don't need pie too. It just over steps the cake. Then I told him, besides I can't have either!!! If we bring any dessert it will be something I can eat!! So we are bringing gluten free brownies, because they are small I can just have one or two (the little two bite kind)..

Hopefully he remembers next time!!
I got my cs confirmation in the mail yesterday. It was confirming that at 42wks if Avery doesn't come on his own then we will go ahead so the date is already set. I have to stop eating AND drinking at midnight :( cs isn't until 4pm. I told DH I want him to continue to et and drink but he is NOT allowed to do it in front of me and we will be getting a sitter for DS 1st thing in the morning because I will be super grumpy :haha: That was the hardest thing about the cs with DS was no eating or drinking. It made me so sick and gave me an awful migraine :(
Hoping to get Avery's room finished tonight! Here's his name sign that I finished tonight :D


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That would be aweful!!! My SIL didn't eat for 3 days when my niece was born. Scan on a Monday showed baby not growing. So they pumped my SIL full of steroids (she was only 30 weeks) then said nothing by mouth in case of an emergency cs. They monitored her until they finally delivered my niece on Wednesday at 3 pm!!! Insane!!! I would go mental. Lol

I hope Avery comes before that!!
See and it makes absolutely NO sense to me at ALL! Women need those nutrients the most when in labor. I understand if my cs is scheduled I get it. But when they aren't "sure" and just don't let women drink or eat in labor I can't stand it. Part of why I want to labor at home as long as I can so I can snack. I also told Bret I will have small bits of water, ice chips and hard candies during labor whether they like it or not. I understand to keep it within reason and not drink like it's going out of style but you need to keep your strength!
Are any of you ladies having pain down below when you stand? Is this normal? I hurts every time I stand up but it does go away after a while. And walking also hurts. Just feels like pressure. I get nervous that it feels like baby is down low.
not all the time but yes i do get it every now and then
Darlin, our prenatal class has talked about staying at home as long as possible and snacking! So excited for that :)

Schultzie, I haven't really but I hear it's common....

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