2014 May Rainbows

All of this is new to me. DS never engaged because he was breech. LO has been mainly on my right side but keeps trying o lay on my left now and it gets really uncomfortable when he is on that side :(
I found out today that baby is head down, facing my back but 'floating' lol. Glad he's not engaged yet, I'm not looking forward to that feeling!!

That makes sense that they send samples in time for edd :)

Did anyone else have low Papp-a at your 12 week nt blood work up? Apparently I did and now they are watching the placenta as it could fail earlier than full term??? My ob said it was low but ok at my 17 week (first time I saw him after 12 week stuff)
I'm sort of having a bit of a freak out ladies! I can't believe that there is so much to get done and I am panicking that none of it is done! I really need DH to put up the shelf and put the crib together. I wish he'd just do it. I also can't believe all the packing that needs done, there's so much to be washed and my house is a wreck and not ready for company. Someone will be staying at our house with Logan when we leave so it has to be tidy at all times now. Idk what to do. I am in a major freak out. I hate it. I can't believe we will be 35wks on Friday. We literally have a month left. Where has it all gone?
:hugs: Maybe try taking it one task at a time. Each day do one thing. When you're doing laundry anyways do a load of baby's clothes in between the other loads.

I'm having a hard time identifying with the panic I'm seeing in all the threads I'm a part of. I'm still so much "meh, I'll get to it later" or "there is loads of time". I'm such a last-minute Charlie! I think I work best under pressure anyways. But I do know I need to at least get my hospital bag ready and have something packed for DS so he can go to the sitter. And we need to arrange a sitter. We had one, but now she's pregnant and only due a month behind me and our back-up is pregnant too and due at the same time. Our neighbour has offered so I need to get back to her but I want to make sure she is OK with a potential 2am wake-up call. :haha:

OB made me decide today about whether to VBAC or not. I wasn't prepared to make a final decision yet. But I am going to VBAC. I can't believe it in a way. I hate trying new things. ha ha But I just couldn't justify scheduling a section when things are going so well. My hospital will induce me in spite of my previous section but they will wait until I'm 42 weeks so odds are I'll have gone into labour before that anyways.
Yay for VBAC Starry! :happydance:

I was ok with being behind until I realized I have less than 6wks left. Then I serously panicked. I know when I had my c-section at 39+2 I was contracting so Idk how soon he would have come on his own. I also am at risk for preterm labor because of my thyroid issues and the mw said even with a cs your body usually progresses sooner and quicker with your next babies.
I'm definitely feeling the panic!! It started around 30 weeks when I had 10 to go (keeping in mind that possible early induction due to GD). So I made a detailed list on my phone so as I get tasks done I can delete them. Makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere. Lol. Still so much to do though :)

And life keeps getting in the way. Lol. Birthdays, friends, work, appointments, etc. I plan on scheduling one task per day of mat leave starting with top priority. I will continue with the tasks until either they are all done or baby arrives :). It's the best I can do. I've also made a separate list of 'after baby is born' just to remind me so I don't stress about forgetting anything :)

Good luck!!
I know the panic will set in for me at some point but right now I'm still at the stage if she were to come it would be way too soon so I don't really want her yet. I know I want to get the infant car seat in the car and the bags and bassinet all ready by 35 weeks. I figure that is a good deadline. Our washing machine is broken right now so can't get ahead on washing the baby stuff anyways.

While I hope this baby's labour goes faster than DS' (especially the early labour part...that was 3 1/2 days!) I don't want it to go too fast. I need to last the 2 hour drive to the hospital! My friend said she barely made it with her second so this time around they're going to the local hospital. They do epidurals now (they didn't when I had DS) but they still don't always do emergency sections and they don't have an NICU. No way am I getting transported an hour by ambulance in mid-labour for an emergency section or have my baby zipped off to another hospital an hour away. Also, the local hospital has no OBs and with my history my GP didn't want to touch me with a 10 foot pole! ha ha
Omg! and I was panicked about a 45min drive! :haha: And that's with no traffic. If it's rush hr it could take over an hr :dohh:
Oh my gosh! Those are long hospital treks! We are about 10 mins away, 15 with traffic! It's almost laughable in comparison. Lol

We are using the bassinet on our stroller with a specail wood stand but DH mom is buying the stroller. She's been telling us for months she's getting it. Now she says she's waiting until April. But this stroller has to be ordered. Not sure how long the delivery takes :/. It's making me nervous. If baby came early we wouldn't have it.

I've almost finished sorting the hand me downs so next I'll wash the 0-3 month stuff so it's ready. After our shower I will buy whatever essentials we don't have yet, but otherwise we should be good. Most of my list is annual cleaning jobs (like windows, sorting the back yard after winter, etc) or organizing the house. I want everything clean and tidy. Lol. Also I want to make a bunch of meals for the freezer but none of these things will affect baby. :) more to make life easier in those first few months.
The whole need to get stuff done ASAP has set in! It must be the nesting feeling people talk about! But I really have to wait til the shower is over which is on Saturday then I can get all the items I still need. Started having labor dreams! Kinda freaks me out!
Does anyone else feel like lo doesn't have enough room in there? I never felt like this with DS but this time he is so active especially at night and I wake up so a hey and sore. It feels like he is huge. It's giant tummy roles that give me alien belly. Idk if that's the difference in a breech and head down baby (if he still is) but it rly hurts.
It does feel like a tight squeeze in there but I got that with DS as well. Only difference is this one likes to flip around more than DS did. He went head down fairly quickly and this one is all over the place. OB says I'm measuring right on target so I don't think she's abnormally huge.

31 weeks today!


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Absolutely out of room already here! It's painful. But I keep feeling the stretching and itchy skin, so I know babe is still growing, and so am I.

I'm also a little worried about how everything will get done. Nursery is a complete disaster still. The only thing that is assembled is changing table. We found out two days ago that our crib is irreparably broken, so we'll need a new one. A friend promised hers, but I have no idea when she's going to be done with it, so I'd rather just get one but hubby objects. The portable bassinet we were given smelled like smoke, even after washing and airing out, so we had to get rid of it. I guess if the baby comes early, we'll have to use the stroller's bassinet!

Still need a carseat, still haven't done the baby laundry, etc., etc. I feel as though my life is busy enough with full-time work and two other kids that there's no way we can get ahead. While I'd love to go a couple weeks early because I'm so miserable physically, I keep hoping I've got another month at least due to pure logistics!
Well our LO is also quite cramped in there. Lol. Just found out this morning he's weighing 4lbs 5 oz. 50th percentile for gestational age. So perfect. I feel every movement now as he's squished. Lol.

Hating the whole gestational diabetes thing. Especially with my gluten allergy. Basically cried all the home after seeing the dietician and doctor today. Ugh. Loosing weight (down 2 lbs in 2 weeks) so they want me eating more carbs, but keep saying how we can see how the gluten free carb options are spiking my sugars. So frustrating!!!! They need to make up their mind if they want my sugars in target or my carbs higher. I'm thinking I will spend the next two weeks eating what they want and they can then deal with the higher sugar levels when I see them. Baby isn't big so no worry there. And they suggested chicken breast as a bedtime snack. Seriously???? Wtf?? Anywho, rant over. Time to try and figure out what I can eat for lunch before I have to go back to work in 30 mins :S
Hey ladies :).

Just thought I'd check in as we haven't heard from a few in a while. Some of us are due VERY SOON!!! only a few weeks until the first of May and our birth month!!

What's on everyone's agenda these last few weeks before the babies start arriving??

I have our baby shower next Saturday, which we are super excited about :)

Otherwise I have three weeks of work left- unbelievably excited for that!!! Lol

Then just preparing the house, working on all of the baby projects I want to finish, etc :)

We were given 10 diaper boxes of baby clothes last week which I have now sorted by size, and weeded out the stained/ damaged stuff. So we are pretty set for clothes up to 12 months size :). They are folded and in bins in the basement :). Feels good to have that sorted out and to not NEED to buy clothes :)
We're fairly sorted for clothes up to at least 6 months too. I have some larger sizes as well but I don't need to worry about those just yet. I don't have much actual things planned before the baby comes but I do need to pull the final pieces together. The main thing is getting that washing machine fixed. I want to wash the covers for the highchair, bouncer chair, exe-saucer and playmat. I probably won't worry about pre-washing the baby clothes. We'll see how long it takes for the part we ordered to come in. lol

My mom has been complaining a bit that she doesn't know when to book her plane tickets so I have finally told her to simply do what she did last time--book them for about a week after the due date. With DS it worked out perfectly. She arrived the day I was discharged from the hospital so we didn't have to make an extra drive into the city and we got the full two weeks of her helping around the house so I could heal. I think my dad is going to come for a few days too. Last time he didn't come at all and came to visit us about two months later and everyone at church asked if my parents were divorced. This time around I told my dad that to coerce him to come right away otherwise I think he wouldn't have. LOL He's such a workaholic and a secretly a bit worried about his image. (love that man)
I forgot about your washing machine!! I would be going crazy. Lol. I haven't started any washing. So far I have blankets, a couple of sheets, clothes, and the swing cover to wash. All the clothes were stored in cardboard boxes in the basement so smell musty :/

My mom wants to take off work so I told her DH is taking two weeks and if she wants to come the third week it would be perfect. That will give her time to book off work. My dad is also a workaholic so likely just come on the weekend. They only live about an hour away.
I'm glad my mom is coming right away. With DH in charge I'd be living off of hot dogs, frozen pizza and mac n'cheese. ha ha I like those things but I like other things too. ;) Not sure DH could get 2 weeks anyways. Sometimes I think this LO will be a tiny bit on the early side (just a gut feeling) so we could potentially get some alone time anyways.

Received some more homemade receiving blankets and bibs from my MiL plus a travel change pad. I have a TON of blankets from DS' days but it's nice to have some girly ones now. My mom has already sent a new blanket too. I have given away a few of my really boyish blankets to a friend expecting twin boys. I may need to give away a few more too, I have to see how many blankets I have now. If DD spits up as much as DS did I will be glad to have a lot of blankets. I definitely had over 30 with DS. lol They are so multi-functional. Burp pads, good for swaddling, play mats, change pads (in a pinch), general blanket use and now I use them as capes so DS can play super hero. LOL My mom and MiL both make singles and double-sided ones. MiL is also making a wall banner that will contain all the baby's info such as birthdate and weight and length and her name and our names. I personally don't really care for the wall banners but everyone else who sees them loves them so I think it's just me being weird. ha ha
Wow! that is a lot. Of blankets! I think I have 4 receiving blankets and about 10 heavier blankets :). I thought I had a lot lol.

I think I've registered for 6 more receiving blankets and some muslin Aidan and anis blankets for the summer :)

Feeling super tired and icky today after staying up until 1:30 last night. Our last games night with our friends for quite a while. Lol. Paying for it now :/
So last weekend I was sick. Now DH is sick again so another weekend of nothing getting done. I'm so freakin stressed out. We are so behind and I keep getting orders for cakes and things this month too. Idk what to do.

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