2014 May Rainbows

Oh Darlin, I'm sorry you've had so much sickness at your house :(.

Just do what you can, make sure you're not pushing yourself too hard. Baby needs you strong :)

I've made a to do list which seems overwhelming, but I've also tried to prioritize.... What must be done, what should be done, and what would be nice to get done :)

Good luck!
Got out the rest of the clothes and washing them. Found what was supposed to be lo's coming home outfit last time. It was much harder on me than I expected :(
Argh! I'm missing a bunch of burp cloths and receiving blankets. I have no clue what happened to them :(
I hate losing things! So irritating. And I hope the illness leaves your house for good.

We're supposed to be getting another winter wallop tomorrow. 20cm. Yay.......
we got a bunch last night but it melted by afternoon
I hope ours won't last. We're still absolutely covered in snow out here....the drifts are still a few feet deep. It makes me despair of spring ever arriving. It's been a rough winter. And I normally like winter. We've been dealing with a lot of illness as well. I haven't had it as bad as DH and DS but it's been almost constant diarrhea, it seems. DS would catch a bug and seem better except it would take weeks for his diapers to return to normal. But then the next bug would come around. In the fall DH had chronic bronchitis and then went straight into the influenza. Luckily he was the only one to catch that. I have had two stomach bugs. The first was nothing but the second lasted 5 days. That's when our washer broke so we weren't able to wash all of our barf-covered things for about 2 weeks when we got a new washer and now that broke too. ha ha

A few days ago I've had another growth spurt and the difference is very, very noticeable and my feet have begun to swell. I thought I was going to avoid that this time. I'm in constant discomfort now. Had a good cry this afternoon. Can't believe I have at least 8 weeks of this.
I was just telling DH tonight I can't imagine having 4-5 more weeks of this to go because I feel like I am the same size I was full term with DS already easy. I can't imagine just getting bigger and bigger! I think this baby may be a little bigger. With DS I was measuring about 2wks behind so we shall see where we are tomorrow. Can't believe after tomorrow we will be going every week! :shock:
Starry- it has been a rough winter!!! I still can't believe tomorrow is April and I'm still 'trying' to wear my big winter coat :(. So cold!!! I tried to put on my hunter rain boots Friday and no luck. My feet have also started swelling.... 7 more weeks. I tried some shoes on this weekend and same thing :/

Darlin- 4-5 weeks is so close! Hang in there!! Excited for weekly appointments, that means it's the end :)
Yup, swelling extremitites by the end of the day. And some maternity pants no longer fitting! Can barely zip my one remaining jacket, so have now taken to wearing hubby's, but it's so big and heavy. Still have the pelvic and inner groin pain, made worse by ever growing belly. Unable to stop the characteristic waddle when I walk anymore. Have trouble putting on socks and shoes--thank goodness for pedicures! I am desperately hoping to go two weeks early like I did last time. Which would mean mid-April. I can deal with that, even if we don't have everything quite ready. I'm SO ready!
Hello ladies! how have all you been? I hope well! Im hanging in there. I seem to be so busy with trying to downsize to make room for baby, organizing steam cleaning trying to prep for baby plus dealing with my 3 kids my hubby my mom and sisters and grandma just so much going on. Try to keep my mind off the bad news my moms chemo treatments arent working bc she is always sick so she has missed too many treatments which the tumors have grown and there are new ones.

I have only bought the babys bed and travel system. one big box of diapers up to 14bs 800 pack of baby wipes and 5 oneies and sleepers plus a baby blanket and a monkey that makes noises. I was given some baby clothes and my friend is bringing me some baby stuff so before I buy anything else I want to see what she got me. I haven't bought anything in NB size bc I am not sure my baby will fit them.

I started weekly NST and BPP at 29 weeks. at 28 weeks I started seeing my obgyn every 2 weeks and I still see the MFM every 2 weeks. Last week baby was nearly 5lbs. Im in the process of switching drs since im not happy with my current dr and midwives and I dont like the hospital. Not to mention every time I have been in L&D prior to this pregnancy was for my losses so I just don't feel comfortable having my rainbow there.

I hope all you ladies are doing well!!!!! hugs and good vibes and sticky baby dust for everyone.
Aw, that bump is so cute!

MonyMony - I'm finding my maternity wear is getting tight too. It's not just the hemlines of the maternity panels in my pants but also every individual fabric line that is living indents on my stomach. I hope for your sake that you go a little early too so you don't have to endure too much more of the pelvic pain.

Felynn - good to hear from you! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and that her treatments are not working. :hugs: And good luck with switching doctors. My SiL switched from an OB to midwife at 37 weeks because she wasn't happy and it all worked out. I wouldn't want to give birth in the same hospital I lost my babies in either. So far, I have managed to avoid that (My first m/c and DS' twin were in my home province's hospital, and I m/c'd another at home and had my d&c in the 'local' hospital but plan on having this baby in the city where I had DS).

I still need to pick up some diapers for baby but my Pampers coupons came in the mail today so next time I'm in town I can pick some up. Not sure what size to buy as I still have half a box of newborns from DS. DS was in newborn sizes for about 3 weeks but this baby could easily be bigger. I did have placenta issues with DS so have no clue how big he could/should have been. My family normally has bigger babies. My MiL had small babies but I"m not sure how much that would influence my babies' sizes.

I also need to get some soothers, a few smaller bibs (threw out DS' old ones as they were very gross), and a few bottle nipples. Maybe some new washcloths as the ones I use for after meals have gotten gross too.

Got a bad case of BH over the weekend too. They were painful enough that they woke me up from a deep sleep and they lasted all day yesterday. Shifting position seemed to stop them and baby was moving well and seemed happy so I tried to relax especially as we were driving 9 hours back from the inlaws! It was still scary though. Makes me think this baby wants to come early. MiL told me that my BiL was a week early and DH came right on his due date. DS was 4 days late but I started early labour on his due date.
I'm boycotting pants :haha: my mat jeans are so awful so yoga pants and long dresses when it's warm enough. I think we are ok on diapers for now but I'm like you starry idk about sizes. I will do my best to catch up ladies but I feel like I don't get proper updates in my email and get behind :(


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I also need a proper catch up!!

I got some diaper & wipe coupons in the mail that I need to use in the next two weeks. I'm going for size 1 since they are estimating baby over 7 lbs at delivery. I have or bag of newborn. I'm also using cloth once baby fills out and things settle down between 3-6 weeks. So I don't need that many :).

My mat pants also leave marks on my belly some days. It depends on baby's position. That last photo he was hanging back but yesterday I felt huge!! He was all up front and pushing on my belly. Lol

Question: are you ladies planning on breast feeding?? I plan on it and last night at our class we discussed nipple confusion. The nurse recommended 2-6 weeks before introducing anything other than the breast including pacifiers. She said wait until breast feeding is well established. Any experience or tips?? I'd like to introduce the pacifier as soon as possible but don't mind waiting a few weeks for the bottles.
No real tips as I had both supply issues and a DS who had absolutely zero interest in nursing. I did introduce a pacifier right away at my mom and grandma's advice and they both BF so I don't think that had anything to do with it. DS did take to a pacifier like a duck to water though. He also latched on while BF fairly well. He just refused to suckle (you can lead a horse to water....)
We bf's for the 1st 4months. I introduced a paci almost immediately and we supplemented with formula and used pumped milk as well so DH could feed sometimes and I could rest for a bit. I don't think it hurt anything as long as you are regularly offering breast to baby. I plan on ebf this time since I am at home this time with the occasional pumped milked so DH can bond with LO and I can rest a little. I want to avoid the formula supplementation tho. I think that is what causes more problems because it fills them up more so then they get frustrated when the bm doesn't. That's what did us in I think. I went back to work and just couldn't quite pump enough so he was being supplemented with too much formula and the bm just wasn't enough anymore.
Thanks for the tips/ advice ladies, everything is very helpful :)

So excited our stroller came yesterday! DH and I put it together tonight and played around with it :). So excited! I can't wait to show baby off in the stroller come spring :)

And our shower is on Saturday, so much is coming together :)

Sunday we are headed to our store that we're registered at to order a glider :). Looking at the Dutailier solid wood gliders.... Beautiful and comfy.
Yay for a stroller and shower! :happydance:

I feel really good. Like I don't want to get up and start doing a bunch of stuff but I just feel really zen and relaxed. No aches or pains. I'm actually pretty comfortable. I was on google and i says something about this being the "calm before the storm". That sounds a little crazy! :haha:
I just want to sleep! Still feeling great. I'm tired but I feel like I've had too much caffeine or something and just can't fall asleep even tho for once I can lay however I want with out aches and pains. It's driving me nuts. If my body is goofing to let me feel this good id at least like to take advantage of it and get dome good rest while I can.
Darlin how frustrating!! I know what you mean about sleeping! Lol. I have bad nights then a great night but wake up at like 5 am wide awake!?!? Ugh so annoying. Lol.

I think I'm calming down a bit. Been slacking in 'the list' lol. Starting to feel like we've got things under control :). I'm sure after the influx of supplies this weekend I will be all flustered again trying to deal with putting everything away :). 2 weeks of work left!!!!! Omg I can't wait ;)

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