2014 October Rainbows (late Septembers welcome!) (13 babies born!)

One odd thing to note: my braxton hicks have pretty much stopped completely in the past few weeks. Is that a good or a bad thing? :haha:
My Braxton hicks are here all day long! Don't think them stopping is a bad thing though?

My midwife called Friday to tell me I'm anemic which explains the crazy tiredness and breathlessness. I'm kinda glad as I really am so so tired all of the time so now hopefully once the extra iron kicks in I'll start to feel a bit better.

I agree, I'd love baby here asap as I'm so sore and tired but at the same time I still have a couple of things I'd like done before he's here and as it's our last baby I don't want to wish away the rest of the pregnancy.

So excited to see whose little one will arrive first!
Sorry to hear AllStar, so glad you have a diagnosis now! Hope the iron kicks in soon and you feel better. :hugs:
Re Anxiety -- I have a bunch of anxiety about everything as well and I'm sure it's messing with my blood pressure and what not too. I am also very much over this whole being pregnant ordeal. It's come to the time where it's uncomfortable to do virtually everything and I am just over it. I just want to be comfortable again. I don't even care if it's a bit painful at first due to incision I just want the pregnancy to be over and my little man to be here and my back to not want to kill me everyday. :haha:
On the midwife's advice I read through the more graphic details of labour/delivery in the NHS issued pregnancy guide last night and now I really wish I hadn't. Obviously I know tears are pretty much inevitable but after reading the details of a third and fourth degree tear I'm feeling pretty terrified. :shock:
Argh Whig. Don't worry. I had a 3rd degree tear with my last baby. It healed quickly and didn't hurt nearly as much as the c-section recovery :) In fact, sex after the c-sections was worse than after the tear (and yes, sex hurts even if the baby doesn't come out your vag.) No incontinence issues or random urine leaks or anything. I couldn't imagine having that happen without an epidural though.... OUCH! Speaking of sex.... NOT PREGNANT SEX! WAHOO! 2 months and counting, lol.

I walked DS to school in the SNOW today. SNOW!!!! We had 3 friggin' months without snow. And then it's supposed to be 23 again by Sunday. Crazy Canadian weather.
Whig I know it's a bit different but I had an episiotomy with ds as I ended up with ventouse (which failed) and so forceps delivery. I honestly didn't have any problems with healing and no problems afterwards, I know I'm lucky but just saying it's possible. Also with dd, I had no tears or grazes at all even at the scar site so tears aren't always inevitable. Hopefully we all get lucky with no tears or cuts but if we do get them, they heal good and fast :)
Whig: I had a 4th degree tear and though it did hurt, it wasn't so painful that I couldn't stand it. There was so much else to keep me occupied (nursing, lack of sleep, hormones) that the tear was pretty low on my list of concerns. I can be a bit of a wimp too at times so that's probably a good sign. :p

3Minions: I have a friend in Calgary who posted a picture of her son sledding yesterday. I'm so thankful I live in Ontario. :p I was telling my husband yesterday that we'll have to design a Halloween costume that fits over snowsuit for this year!

Castaway: Hang in there hon! I can empathize with your anxiety and can only imagine how relieved you'll be to have your beautiful baby in your arms. *hugs*

AllStar: Hope you're feeling better today and that the iron has kicked in!!

Laelani: I hear you about being uncomfortable over just about everything. You're not alone at least. You know what they say, misery loves company. :p

As for me, I honestly thought I might have to page my midwife on Monday as I was having what felt like some pretty strong contractions. As crazy as it sounds, I think the full moon was partly to blame! I felt better then next morning and haven't had any Braxton Hicks since. Hopefully I don't experience that again until little man is actually ready to make his appearance. :) Off to my midwife appointment now for my weekly checkup and to find out the results of my last ultrasound. Curious to find out how big this guy is measuring now.
We live in Kelowna so we are slightly laughing at Calgary and their show as it is still quite warm here. Hope everyone is well... Looking forward to hearing some birth stories soon... We are all so close.
Hi Krippy :)

Jallia, let me know what they say about the size of that LO of yours! I have my weight guesstimate on Tuesday.
Will do 3Minions! Unfortunately the hospital hadn't sent the results yet so I didn't get to find out at my appointment this morning. I'm hoping to get a call sometime this afternoon.

Krippy: I can't believe all the snow in Calgary! I wouldn't laugh too much though. With this wacky weather, who knows where it's headed next! :p
I can't believe we are bumped up to two appts a week! Doc said once we hit 37 weeks it can be anyday. Thank goodness.

Today was my last day which is good this lady is getting big (about 6 pounds) and I'm exhausted!
Thanks for the tear reassurances, ladies. :hugs: It makes me feel a little less anxious anyway! :haha:

Gosh, we're all so close now. I have my 'final' midwife appointment in an hour and a half before I transfer over to the new hospital. I have a feeling something is going to go really wrong with all that and I'll end up back at this hospital, or something. Maybe the new hospital refusing to take me.. I don't know. I'm just really worried they'll say I'm not eligible for a water birth at the new hospital whereas I am at the old hospital (but they only have 1 pool and only 70% of midwives are trained in it, so the chances of getting to use it are slim), but we'll see. They definitely seem a bit stricter and more thorough than this hospital though which has to be a good thing.
Well, had my appointment! Baby is 3/5ths engaged so technically "engaged" now but not fully, but she says he won't dis-engage now and will just descend further. He's also got his back against my back so she says my labour will likely be mostly back pain, which sucks. :haha: One thing though is that she said I may be possibly leaking my waters, and I need to wear a pad and monitor it and go to hospital if it gets too damp as I'll need to be induced? :shock: Hoping that's not the case but glad she's keeping an eye just incase.

But that was the appointment pretty much! Blood pressure was a tad higher at 130/80 but she wasn't worried, and she's happy to sign me over to the new hospital but obviously that won't be until I've booked in at the new one. Scary times!
Have a look on spinning babies website as there are exercises on there to help turn the baby out of back to back position.
Ooooh whigfield that sounds a bit exciting/scary. I've thought a few times I bet you're first to have baby. Hoping it's not waters, I thought I was leaking waters at 38wks last time but was just increased discharge. Get on all fours as much as poss, sit up straight and lie on your left side in the bath with bump fully immersed in water if you want to move baby from back to back position, that's the advice I've been given.

My bub is on the brim of being engaged but cos it's my second she'll pop in and out til active labour. Could defo feel her head in pelvis on Sunday but not since so she's obviously popped out again.

Lost quite a big chunk of mucus lastnight after yoga :)
I can't tell if it's discharge or waters, the consistancy is very watery and it's clear, kind of like watery CM I guess when you're TTC? What's making me worry is that I just feel it leaking a lot, if I stand up it will sort of gush out, I sat up in bed and it went all over the bed this morning. :dohh: (OH immediately said "right we're changing the sheets!" :haha:) So she's told me to wear a pad and monitor how damp it gets, basically.

Thanks for the advice on the exercises! I will get on those today. If a baby is born facing the wrong way up, what happens then?

@ourturnnext I bet I'm last :haha: That's good on the mucus plug! Hopefully she'll push back down again soon too! :happydance:
Alot of babies which are back to back will turn themselves during labour. It's nothing to worry about, it's just not the ideal position. My DD was back to back so I'm doing everything I can to avoid it happening again but please don't worry yourself whigfield cos some people don't have any trouble with back to back babies x
I would just try to change baby's position with spinning babies, can't hurt to try something now if you can. I had terrible back labor but the epidural helped with that!

This stuff is getting real ladies! :)

GL with a turning baby Whig. And nothing happens with a baby facing that way.... It just means back labor and probably a longer labor for you because the fatter part of the head comes out first. I dunno if you're leaning towards an epi or not, but if you don't know much about an epi you might want to do some research. (I'm a big fan, fyi ;-))

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