Whig: I had a 4th degree tear and though it did hurt, it wasn't so painful that I couldn't stand it. There was so much else to keep me occupied (nursing, lack of sleep, hormones) that the tear was pretty low on my list of concerns. I can be a bit of a wimp too at times so that's probably a good sign.
3Minions: I have a friend in Calgary who posted a picture of her son sledding yesterday. I'm so thankful I live in Ontario.
I was telling my husband yesterday that we'll have to design a Halloween costume that fits over snowsuit for this year!
Castaway: Hang in there hon! I can empathize with your anxiety and can only imagine how relieved you'll be to have your beautiful baby in your arms. *hugs*
AllStar: Hope you're feeling better today and that the iron has kicked in!!
Laelani: I hear you about being uncomfortable over just about everything. You're not alone at least. You know what they say, misery loves company.
As for me, I honestly thought I might have to page my midwife on Monday as I was having what felt like some pretty strong contractions. As crazy as it sounds, I think the full moon was partly to blame! I felt better then next morning and haven't had any Braxton Hicks since. Hopefully I don't experience that again until little man is actually ready to make his appearance.
Off to my midwife appointment now for my weekly checkup and to find out the results of my last ultrasound. Curious to find out how big this guy is measuring now.