2014 October Rainbows (late Septembers welcome!) (13 babies born!)

You're totally going to have your baby before I do.

Are you (or anyone else) going to let your doctor strip your membranes? I always do. It never does anything, but it makes me feel like I'm putting in an effort.

Ehhh....I don't know. I guess he will decide, if he suggests it I will probably go along. :haha:
You're totally going to have your baby before I do.

Are you (or anyone else) going to let your doctor strip your membranes? I always do. It never does anything, but it makes me feel like I'm putting in an effort.

I had this done last time and I really have no idea if it worked or he was just ready to come out. Like you, I'd rather have it done and feel like I'm helping things along. 38+2 today. He's welcome to make his appearance anytime now! I was late with my first though so not holding my breath. :shrug:
Took a couple bump pics on Monday because I realized I didn't have ANY yet! We took so many more pics with the first one compared to this poor guy. We had nursery shots, belly shots, handmade item shots lol. This one is in for a lot of hand-me-downs. I stole a couple ideas off Pinterest. Here are my two favourites.


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Thanks again ladies! :hugs:

We're doing MUCH better now. My milk is in and he feeds great and is all sleepy afterwards. He lost 5oz and went down to 6lbs at 3 days old, and now at 5 days he's back up to 6lbs 4oz. The midwives are incredibly impressed and basically told me to just carry on doing what I'm doing. He feeds a lot more during the day and hardly at all at night, apparently this is fine for him and I've been given the okay to let him go 6 hours without a feed at night if he doesn't wake up himself. OH is very happy about this. :haha: Scar is still agony and I'm basically paralyzed half the time and need assistance with everything - getting dressed, going to the toilet, changing pads, having baby passed to me and taken away, sitting/getting up, walking... Yeah. I'm really knocked sideways. :nope: I'm on very strong painkillers but at night the pain is absolutely unbareable and most nights I go to bed screaming and sobbing in pain. I keep being told it will get better though, and it does seem to get a bit better during the day, but at night it's just awful. The scar itself is healing beautifully though!

Catching up with you all now! :happydance:

@Castaway Exciting about the labour pains but I'm still glad they calmed down for you! I bet you'll deliver towards the end of September if little one will hold off that long. She must be desperate to meet you!

@3Minions Awww, your LO is shy! :haha: Hopefully you won't go too overdue with this one!

@Jallia LOVE the bump pics! Especially the one with all the hands on your bump. :cloud9:
Glad feeding is going better Whig, hope your scar starts to feel better soon :hugs:

Is membrane stripping what we call a sweep here? I think it is. I never had one with my previous two, hoping I won't this time either but would be willing to get it done if I went overdue.

We are officially all ready for baby to arrive now. Bag is packed, all his clothes are washed, dried and ironed and away and everything he needs is here and waiting. His bed is set up and ready so we're just waiting for him now. 37 weeks on Saturday so he's free to arrive any time he likes after that. Midwife appointment tomorrow where we go over the birth plan. Not that I really have one lol
Yeah Allstar, those are the same things :)

I had my OB appointment today. He did my first internal and said he doesn't think baby is going to make an appearance this weekend. I wasn't surprised.

I did go buy some newborn diapers though! And I moved the car seat straps for the baby yesterday and put the infant insert back in.... One thing at a time. I don't want to tire myself out, lol.

Whig, glad to hear everything is going a bit better! Recovery from my first c-section took a couple months because of the long labor before - the pain was MUCH improved within the first couple of weeks though. Hang in there!
Thanks again ladies! :hugs:

We're doing MUCH better now. My milk is in and he feeds great and is all sleepy afterwards. He lost 5oz and went down to 6lbs at 3 days old, and now at 5 days he's back up to 6lbs 4oz. The midwives are incredibly impressed and basically told me to just carry on doing what I'm doing. He feeds a lot more during the day and hardly at all at night, apparently this is fine for him and I've been given the okay to let him go 6 hours without a feed at night if he doesn't wake up himself. OH is very happy about this. :haha: Scar is still agony and I'm basically paralyzed half the time and need assistance with everything - getting dressed, going to the toilet, changing pads, having baby passed to me and taken away, sitting/getting up, walking... Yeah. I'm really knocked sideways. :nope: I'm on very strong painkillers but at night the pain is absolutely unbareable and most nights I go to bed screaming and sobbing in pain. I keep being told it will get better though, and it does seem to get a bit better during the day, but at night it's just awful. The scar itself is healing beautifully though!

Catching up with you all now! :happydance:

@Castaway Exciting about the labour pains but I'm still glad they calmed down for you! I bet you'll deliver towards the end of September if little one will hold off that long. She must be desperate to meet you!

@3Minions Awww, your LO is shy! :haha: Hopefully you won't go too overdue with this one!

@Jallia LOVE the bump pics! Especially the one with all the hands on your bump. :cloud9:

Yay for things going MUCH better on the breast feeding front....so sorry you are still in so much pain. I hope that with time you start to feel a bit better....hang in there!
Still having random contractions, had one on the toilet of PF Changs....my entire tummy went hard and I had trouble getting the toilet paper! :haha:

I think she will stay put at least another two weeks, but that may just be wishful thinking. :thumbup:
So happy to hear that breastfeeding is going much better Whig! That must be a relief for you. Now for the c-section pain to go away so you can enjoy your time with little man. :thumbup:

How many of you ladies with midwives have had an internal by now? I'll be 39 weeks on Monday and I've yet to have one. I asked my midwife about it a while ago and she said that their protocol is not to do anything "invasive" if it's not necessary. I kind of feel embarrassed asking them to do one but I'd really like to know how things are progressing or not down there. KWIM? :wacko:
So happy to hear that breastfeeding is going much better Whig! That must be a relief for you. Now for the c-section pain to go away so you can enjoy your time with little man. :thumbup:

How many of you ladies with midwives have had an internal by now? I'll be 39 weeks on Monday and I've yet to have one. I asked my midwife about it a while ago and she said that their protocol is not to do anything "invasive" if it's not necessary. I kind of feel embarrassed asking them to do one but I'd really like to know how things are progressing or not down there. KWIM? :wacko:

No internals here either! Our childbirth class instructor said don't even ask for your numbers because everyone progresses at different paces. Some women go from 0 to 4 cm dialated in an hour while others stay at 4 for weeks. In the end, baby comes when ready.
Thanks again ladies! :hugs:

We're doing MUCH better now. My milk is in and he feeds great and is all sleepy afterwards. He lost 5oz and went down to 6lbs at 3 days old, and now at 5 days he's back up to 6lbs 4oz. The midwives are incredibly impressed and basically told me to just carry on doing what I'm doing. He feeds a lot more during the day and hardly at all at night, apparently this is fine for him and I've been given the okay to let him go 6 hours without a feed at night if he doesn't wake up himself. OH is very happy about this. :haha: Scar is still agony and I'm basically paralyzed half the time and need assistance with everything - getting dressed, going to the toilet, changing pads, having baby passed to me and taken away, sitting/getting up, walking... Yeah. I'm really knocked sideways. :nope: I'm on very strong painkillers but at night the pain is absolutely unbareable and most nights I go to bed screaming and sobbing in pain. I keep being told it will get better though, and it does seem to get a bit better during the day, but at night it's just awful. The scar itself is healing beautifully though!

Catching up with you all now! :happydance:

@Castaway Exciting about the labour pains but I'm still glad they calmed down for you! I bet you'll deliver towards the end of September if little one will hold off that long. She must be desperate to meet you!

@3Minions Awww, your LO is shy! :haha: Hopefully you won't go too overdue with this one!

@Jallia LOVE the bump pics! Especially the one with all the hands on your bump. :cloud9:

Glad he's feeding well. I heard with certain pain management babies retain a lot of water weight at birth. So epidural babies appear to loose more weight initially, but it's just the excess water being shed. I wonder if that's true of Caesarian as well? Anyway heal up, feel better, use any help you can get. He's a real cutie!!!
So happy to hear that breastfeeding is going much better Whig! That must be a relief for you. Now for the c-section pain to go away so you can enjoy your time with little man. :thumbup:

How many of you ladies with midwives have had an internal by now? I'll be 39 weeks on Monday and I've yet to have one. I asked my midwife about it a while ago and she said that their protocol is not to do anything "invasive" if it's not necessary. I kind of feel embarrassed asking them to do one but I'd really like to know how things are progressing or not down there. KWIM? :wacko:

No internals here either! Our childbirth class instructor said don't even ask for your numbers because everyone progresses at different paces. Some women go from 0 to 4 cm dialated in an hour while others stay at 4 for weeks. In the end, baby comes when ready.

Thanks Elsa. :) I feel better knowing I'm not the only one! They may be willing to do a stretch and sweep next week though so I would imagine they can check things out at the same time. My biggest concern is going too far overdue and having to be induced. I have never heard a good story about inductions!
So happy to hear that breastfeeding is going much better Whig! That must be a relief for you. Now for the c-section pain to go away so you can enjoy your time with little man. :thumbup:

How many of you ladies with midwives have had an internal by now? I'll be 39 weeks on Monday and I've yet to have one. I asked my midwife about it a while ago and she said that their protocol is not to do anything "invasive" if it's not necessary. I kind of feel embarrassed asking them to do one but I'd really like to know how things are progressing or not down there. KWIM? :wacko:

No internals here either! Our childbirth class instructor said don't even ask for your numbers because everyone progresses at different paces. Some women go from 0 to 4 cm dialated in an hour while others stay at 4 for weeks. In the end, baby comes when ready.

Thanks Elsa. :) I feel better knowing I'm not the only one! They may be willing to do a stretch and sweep next week though so I would imagine they can check things out at the same time. My biggest concern is going too far overdue and having to be induced. I have never heard a good story about inductions!

I was induced and once my body accepted it, it went well. Don't listen to all the horror stories, I swear people on these boards just want to scare people at times!
No internals here yet either. They don't do anything like that until you think you're in labour here. My induction date was booked at my appointment for 23rd October. Hoping he's here before that though!! Getting soooo many Braxton hicks all day long! Sometimes they get quite strong and I can feel them in my back as well. They don't seem to be doing anything though?
Thanks Castaway :) I appreciate the reassurance. People do tend to share way more horror stories so it's easy to let worry set in.

Allstar - I'm having the same problem with painful Braxton Hicks that don't seem to be doing anything. Just causing me discomfort. Oh the joys of late pregnancy!!
I got induced with my first. He ended in a c-section, but he was way too big to be born vaginally. The worst part of the whole thing was the pitocin, but I was stubborn and labored for hours without an epidural. The epidural would have made the pain much more manageable.
I got induced with my first. He ended in a c-section, but he was way too big to be born vaginally. The worst part of the whole thing was the pitocin, but I was stubborn and labored for hours without an epidural. The epidural would have made the pain much more manageable.

Yes, the epidural is key. I labored myself, until the talk of Pitocin. I agreed to the Pitocin AFTER the epidural. Even with that I felt everything but I believe more manageable.

My son came out frank breech so his little booty first. I then had to pause in pushing, and yes that was HARD! With out the epidural I probably would have past out. She then maneuvered his little legs out and then let me continue pushing. I had absolutely no tears and can imagine that was much bigger then a head, but I believe, again that the epidural and controlled pushing helped a lot with that!
Oh wow Castaway! It's amazing you didn't tear at all. Did you know your LO was Frank breech ahead of time? I don't know if they'd even let me try a vaginal delivery here if that was the case.
Oh wow Castaway! It's amazing you didn't tear at all. Did you know your LO was Frank breech ahead of time? I don't know if they'd even let me try a vaginal delivery here if that was the case.

3minions mine was a special case as my son passed inside me July 15th, I delivered July 18th so in theory I could take the time to go through the pushing as we knew our son was in heaven already. I was surprised I didn't tear either! I told the Dr I am looking for the same birth, with the massaging and no cutting, if possible. He agreed and said that since our little girl is head down he expects an easy delivery. I sure hope so! Just thinking how big that was to pass, yeah I am shocked too!

Sadly my son was breech my entire pregnancy. I kept saying I thought that was odd, but to no avail. I also brought to their attention 3 weeks before he passed the slow movements, but they did the NST sent me home even after I pointed out the cord was around him. With no follow up. When I went to the hospital, at the Dr's dismay, and they found him to be having a heart attack I knew it was from oxygen deprivation.....they really screwed up and ever since then I have become much more of an advocate regarding my pregnancy and what I will allow a Dr. to get away with....
I hope your birth goes exactly according to plan this time.

And I didn't make it as far as you did with my mcc (only 17.5 weeks) but I knew something was off the entire time too. Weird how that happens.

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