2014 October Rainbows (late Septembers welcome!) (13 babies born!)

Maybe a cold is a pregnancy symptom! Ha! Sorry you ladies haven't been feeling well either!

I called to make my first appointment but the office is closed due to snow, so I will call again tomorrow. We haven't told anyone yet and my SIL is the U/S tech at the OB office I go to, so I've kind of been avoiding it - plus, it wasn't so fun getting everything set up last time just to cancel it, so I've been waiting until I felt something, and after about 10+ pregnancy tests, I think I'm feeling better about it haha.

Sorry you're not looking forward to your scan but try to ignore them and just enjoy the view of the screen (assuming they let you see!!).

Kristen - I only know your stories from your signature and bits and pieces from your other thread :hugs: to you hunny. Brings tears to my eyes to think what you've been through and I absolutely love your strength and optimism!!
Good for you going with midwives! Planning for a natural birth? I had to be induced with Oakley and man - I needed that epidural but I'm hoping to not be induced this time and stick it out. We'll see!!
Ooooohhh scan time...I am excited for you. Hope NHS are kind to you Whig. They are the same here and they actually can't tell you any results...you have to wait until you see your Dr. :(

Glad you are feeling better Ginger...Hot cocoa does sounds good...Mmmmmmm...I am actually trying the avoid sugar as I ended up with GD that last 2 times so I want to make sure that I do whatever I can to avoid it. I guess we will see....

I have that empty hollow feeling...hungry but not hungry! I love it...Had it with all of my pregnancies!
Maybe a cold is a pregnancy symptom! Ha! Sorry you ladies haven't been feeling well either!

I called to make my first appointment but the office is closed due to snow, so I will call again tomorrow. We haven't told anyone yet and my SIL is the U/S tech at the OB office I go to, so I've kind of been avoiding it - plus, it wasn't so fun getting everything set up last time just to cancel it, so I've been waiting until I felt something, and after about 10+ pregnancy tests, I think I'm feeling better about it haha.

Sorry you're not looking forward to your scan but try to ignore them and just enjoy the view of the screen (assuming they let you see!!).

Kristen - I only know your stories from your signature and bits and pieces from your other thread :hugs: to you hunny. Brings tears to my eyes to think what you've been through and I absolutely love your strength and optimism!!
Good for you going with midwives! Planning for a natural birth? I had to be induced with Oakley and man - I needed that epidural but I'm hoping to not be induced this time and stick it out. We'll see!!

I had a natural birth with RJ and a CS with Raif. Hoping for a natural birth as with it being a VBAC I can't be induced. That is the plan at least...so many things can change from now to then.
I was going to a midwife with my first pregnancy, but after we found out I'd had a MMC, she wouldn't talk to me or even look at me. It was like she thought I was contagious! I met my OB as he is the one who did my D&C. I really liked how he handled everything, so I'm staying with him. He supports me using the birth center attached to the hospital, using the tub for pain management. I hope to have a natural birth. :)
That is awesome Ginger! You always go with your gut...Love you have the option for a water birth!
Unfortunately, I can't give birth in the water. Just for pain management while I labor. I'll have to get out to give birth. :(

I kind of wanted a home birth, but they're illegal here.
Say what?!?!? Illegal...that is crazy! At least you can labour in the tub...That still sounds amazing.

I would totally have a homebirth if I wasn`t so high risk.
Hello everyone :flower:

I've not been online for a while - a lot has been going on.

Had my first midwife appointment last week which went really well. Was nervous, but she was lovely and when I got a little teary she had a cry too (turned out she had had a loss at 11 weeks). We talked through some of the provision for bubs and my care this time and I felt quite reassured and settled when I left :happydance:

And today DH and I saw our little bean for the first time. A tiny little flicker of a heartbeat - I thought I'd burst with happiness!!!!

On the downside I had a bit of spotting today, before the US, the midwife today said to keep an eye on it, so hoping that it settles down and trying not to freak out and focus on the positive.

How is everyone feeling today?

@GP I have a bad experience with midwives too so I'm not looking forward to seeing them very much this pregnancy - however the midwife I'm booked in to see (on Feb 25th) is a different one than we had last pregnancy so hopefully that will be better. :flower:

I would love a water birth and will be making sure I give birth at a hospital that specializes in them (and is just a fantastic hospital anyway, saved my dad's life several times there!), but my mother has a history of pre eclampsia and I'm nervous I may end up with it too, resulting in being induced, likely with an epidural to keep my blood pressure low. We'll see though! Keeping positive, and all that. :haha:
@capricorn Oh that's so good! Do you have a pic from the scan? Congrats! :happydance:
Thank you on :cloud9: at the moment. I did get a picture I will try and upload later :)

Not long until your scans too - so exciting isn't it?

Yes! I'm nervous as I've only ever had one scan before and never seen a heartbeat. But we're hopeful that everything is fine! Can't wait to see your pics!
Best of luck for your scans, I'll be rooting for you all. Fingers crossed for sticky beans all round. I'll have to upload pics tomorrow as out of time tonight.

@GP totally understandable to be feeling nervous. I was a state in the waiting room and was watching the midwife like a hawk all through the scanning to try and gauge her expression. Sure as eggs I'll be in a similar state again by the time the next scan comes around in 3 weeks. That being said I have been lucky enough to have had positive scan experiences in the past. I'm sure you are only days away from your first positive one :)

Loving the motto *today I am pregnant*!! so I think leave the anxiety at the door for tonight anyway! :)
Ah so exciting to hear of a successful scan, you must be so happy tonight! Great stuff. Would love to see a pic :D I love scan pics, they're so special!!
Hello ladies, can I join in please? Due October 6.

I am stressing over lack of symptoms that appeared very suddenly today, i felt absolutely normal today all day, my breasts were only little bit sore, that's what happened at about this time last pregnancy (mc) and in couple of days i started spotting. I keep checking my temperature, i even have my thermometer in my handbag lol. I bought some more tests on the way from work and anxiously tested, Frer was super dark but Clearblue was showing 2-3, it showed it also last monday 27.1. So that did not help me, i know they are not very reliable but still, I am 21 dpo today, it should really show 3+ :( I have one more clearblue so i might test in the morning or wednesday. Im praying for a sticky baby, I dont think i could through another mc. I wish you good luck ladies with your pregnancies and hopefully you manage to worry less than me :) x
Welcome doodlegirl! :happydance: Try not to worry about the spotting or lack of symptoms - both of those can be very normal! As it sits, I have barely any symptoms at all. :haha: As for the digi... They are useless. I would wait until you were at least 6 weeks to get a more 'definite' chance of a 3+. :hugs: I got a 2-3 at 5 weeks exactly too, waited a few days and got a 3+!

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