2014 October Rainbows (late Septembers welcome!) (13 babies born!)

I just googled "blighted ovum ultrasound" it looked like mine!!!

I specifically asked the ER doctor Sunday/Monday if the ultrasound cancelled out tubal pregnancy OR blighted ovum. She said its neither of those. I asked if it could be my progesterone and she said she I honestly didnt know. She said she doesnt remember what progesterone does...for f***ing real????! She laughed and said she hasn't had to know it since med school and if you don't use it...

But it's the radiologist who says what ultrasound is? And she must know!? But there was nothing in the sac?
That sounds like a nightmare Penny! Hope it gets figured out soon~

First ultrasound for me on March 4th...I will be 8 weeks! Pretty excited! :)
Man you gals have been busy today!
Whigfield, that's great news.
Penny, I hope they get your insurance sorted out soon.

I haven't even phoned my doctor yet. I don't have a history of early loss (FX it stays that way) and he's never seen me before 12 weeks, so I'm going to call once I hit 6 weeks in case they want to schedule an early ultrasound - at least then I'll be far enough along by the time they get me in that something that could be a real baby would have a heart beat.
We won't talk names until after our 18w ultrasound. I haven't started looking really yet, but our naming rules are VERY specific. This one is going to have to have a name that starts with 'K' that is 7 letters long. And it can't be a common name. But it can't be weird and crazy either. And no adding extra letters just to make it long enough.... lol
Penny, they can check your progesterone levels the same way they check your hCG. If you were asking for it, I don't know why they wouldn't do it for you. Don't freak out too much! There are lots of stories of women going in for ultrasounds at 6 weeks and only being able to see the sac. Will they do a repeat ultrasound soon? One week can make all the difference.

Minions, you've got some pretty specific naming criteria! Wow!
Penny we had a blighted ovum and honestly they would make you wait it out 6 weeks is to early to diagnosis a blighted ovum. We went in at 7 weeks my doctor suspected it but told me to come back at 9 weeks just to make sure he was correct. Hang in there...hopefully your baby is coming soon in there!

Oh and my pregnancy was on course even with it being a blighted ovum. HCG and progesterone was fine...I had to use medicine to miscarry. It is usually chromosomal so there is really nothing you can do to "save" a blighted ovum....
3minions, where does all the name criteria come from? Sound fun!

I broke down and retested tonight! So glad I did! Got a line as dark as the control line! I feel so much better! Also the midwive centre accepted me as a patient and I am so excited! Toay has been a great day!

Sorry you are so worried Penny! Xoxoxo
The ER specifically said they can't do progesterone testing. That they have to make sure in not dying or bleeding out and send me on my way.

I have to wait until my insurance, which we've had and been paying for for years "kicks in". Nonsense.

So blighted ovum doesn't affect hcg or progesterone levels?

How could the ER doctor (who doesn't even know what progesterone does) say with 100% certainty it's not a blighted ovum?

Also, is it a blighted ovum if there is a yolk sac?
penny, I am so sorry for your loss.. from my knowledge and research a blighted ovum is a empty yolk sac.. also I have read a lot about the hcg levels in blighted ovums, I wouldn't worry yet I have read sooo many success stories of women being misdiagnosed with blighted ovum due to it being too early to see the baby.. I hope this works out for you and you get your sticky baby bean!! lots of :dust:

afm, went to my doctor and got my scan and progesterone.. I am 6w1d and there IS a heartbeat!! she said theres the fetal pole, theres the baby about the size of a grain of rice and theres the heartbeat.. I said it is beating right.. she said yeah you didn't see it I said idk lol I haven't ever had a scan that early that I actually got to see too.. (that's why I like going there because the us tech is awesome!! tells you everything and shows you everything even after mc) she went back and showed me again and it was flashing or blinking like lol and she tried to pick it up on her Doppler for a while, but she told me before she tried that for some reason when they are that little it won't pick them up, but it was definitely beating, she tried every which way to get it to pick it up, but it wouldn't pick it up just yet.. I was happy just seeing it and knowing it was there, heck I was happy just knowing she saw it lol.. the corpus lutuem was about a inch in a half she said when its about 2 inches it starts to go away I believe is what she said.. ahh soo happy!! :happydance::happydance: I go back march 12th ill be 11w1d that's 2 days before my last pregnancies last good us so I hope everything continues to go okay!!


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Just got back from vacation and we had a lot of fun. Will be happy to sleep in my own bed tonight lol. Had a message from the doctor saying my hcg level was 976 last Wednesday I would've been 4+3. I go for another one tomorrow and then my scan on Monday.
Well I'm glad to see the good us. Congrats ladies
As far as the blighted ovum I thought that blighted ovum a meant you wouldn't see a yolk sac but in not sure
Afm this is my pregnancy test from 1am this morning and it's really dark! I also am just waiting on my us which is feb 28. Sooo far away but for the first time I feel ok


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Great news makes me feel slightly better Florida and Tara!!

Right now I feel so depressed cause I don't feel pregnant anymore at all. Nothing upstairs or downstairs. I'm even not irritable anymore. So I'm out. And now I have to wait around to hear the bad news. Again.
Sorry to hear about the problems you've been having penny. :hugs: You haven't started bleeding yet though, right? You're still in until proven otherwise!

Great scan Tara! :happydance:
Great news makes me feel slightly better Florida and Tara!!

Right now I feel so depressed cause I don't feel pregnant anymore at all. Nothing upstairs or downstairs. I'm even not irritable anymore. So I'm out. And now I have to wait around to hear the bad news. Again.

How far along are you penny? You are still pretty early right? That could be part of why you don't have that many symptoms...they are really overrated to be honest. I had a great pregnancy with my son and was never sick or anything....I used to have to remind myself I was pregnant until like 20 wks!

As for my blighted ovum we could see the fetal pole and sac it just never turned into a baby with a heart beat. We waited the extra two weeks with hope but my sac started to have an oblong shape...all while I was sick as a dog and getting bigger...I pray that you will get some answers soon I know waiting and not knowing is so horrible.
Hi ladies! Doc said don't need to go into till about 6 wks and said good idea on getting my HCG and progesterone done...so I am doing that today. :thumbup:
Hi I'm hoping to join this thread. I've read the past few pages.

Penny, I feel SO bad for your anguish. The 'not knowing' is the WORST. I'm not trying to get false hopes up for you but I have to say - my local US clinics STRONGLY advise against early US (i.e. 6 weeks) because SO OFTEN they are misleading and cause undue worry. They've advise me to wait until at least 8 weeks (I'm 7.5 weeks now) because often nothing will be seen at 6 weeks and then it is seen at 8 weeks. Secondly, the good old 'disappearing act' of symptoms. All my symptoms disappeared a week ago, only to come back a couple of days later. SOOO many people have fluctuating symptoms that come and go, or minimal/no symptoms all together, and go on to have a fine pregnancy.

I'm not saying everything is fine, I'm just saying you don't have enough to have given up. I've found distracting myself with other things the best thing to do. Even if it's only an hour's distraction, that's one hour less of worrying. I also hope your insurance kicks in soon.

I'm so sorry you've had to go through this.

AFM, I got a letter with my scan scheduled for 12 weeks (in 4.5 weeks' time). I know most people want an early reassurance scan, but I'm too scared to do that, so I'm kind of putting my head in the sand. Scans terrify me cos I've never had a positive one :( I'm just doing my best to distract myself and keep busy with work, etc, while also staying as relaxed and healthy as possible (easier said than done!). My symptoms are pretty minimal. BBs a little sore on and off and marginally bigger than usual, and tiredness. Some mild food aversion. That's pretty much it...
Good morning ladies!

Penny - :hugs: hun, I'm sorry your insurance is being a pain! That's the worst but even worse is not knowing when you think something may be wrong. Have you had a blighted ovum before?? It's my understanding that with a blighted ovum there is nothing there at all. My SIL is an US tech and she said her office doesn't do scans before 6 weeks because these types of situations can happen where it's just too early. The fact that you have a sac that is growing is a good sign. With my pregnancy that resulted in my son, I had a scan at 4wks 5 days due to my corpus luteum causing me a lot of pain, they wanted to make sure I wasn't having an ectopic and they were shocked I even had a sac growing but it was completely empty at that point. Like someone else said - their baby at 6 weeks 1 day was only the size of a grain of rice, so these are tiny little babies we're looking at and there are going to be dramatic differences from day to day. Hang in there - do you have another scan scheduled??

AFM - Symptoms come and go, but I'm oddly calm when they "go" as I went through this with Oakley so, to everyone who's stressing about no symptoms - try to relax! We're all still pretty early - I didn't even really notice my symptoms until past 6 weeks with Oakley and we're all different - I know loads of ladies that never felt any symptoms in the first tri and had successful pregnancies :)

Kristen - glad you got an appointment set up!! So exciting!!
AFM - Symptoms come and go, but I'm oddly calm when they "go" as I went through this with Oakley so, to everyone who's stressing about no symptoms - try to relax! We're all still pretty early - I didn't even really notice my symptoms until past 6 weeks with Oakley and we're all different - I know loads of ladies that never felt any symptoms in the first tri and had successful pregnancies :)

I canNOT tell you how reassuring this is!!!!!!

I agree though - when I had a blighted ovum, I had terrible symptoms. So having symptoms or not having symptoms doesn't mean anything. Great to know you had Oakley with barely any symptoms - thank you :)
Tara, congrats on your scan and seeing the HB! :cloud9: :happydance:

Penny, I get bloated after eating sometimes. That's pretty much my only symptom. Sometimes my boobs are killing me, sometimes nothing. Try to be calm. Today, you are pregnant. <3

Welcome, londongirl! When are you due?

Man, we've got three or four people with the same avatar now! I'm gonna get confused! :haha:
Afternoon all, lots of new posts to catch up on! Tara great scan pic and so good to hear another positive scan story.
Penny, so sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. I don't have any knowledge or experience of blighted ovums but I know how horrible it is being in such limbo. Hugs to you xxx

Afm, I've got my booking-in apt couple of hours. Felt really sick again this morning but it passed. DD is keeping me too busy to worry about anything! Its only early days but I'm already enjoying this pregnancy more than hers. It feels so much more of a bonus having had a loss, I just cherish each day I'm still pregnant x

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