2014 October Rainbows (late Septembers welcome!) (13 babies born!)

Welcome ToughGal - I'm Oct. 19th so we're right around the same time :thumb up:.

Tara - that definitely sounds like you found your LO! I didn't realize those things worked that early…guess what I'll be googling later lol! Which one did you get?

GP - still sending my thoughts and prayers your way. I know there is nothing we can say to make this any easier for you, and we all understand that here. Just know we are all thinking about you :hugs:.

AFM - nothing overly exciting going on. Had a low key birthday last night. Didn't want to do too much celebrating as it was a difficult day given our loss this time last year. Hubby and I plan on doing date night tonight to celebrate. Was ridiculously bloated last night for some reason…even ended up having to pull out the bella band as my jeans were way too tight. They didn't have those things the last time I was pregnant, a million years ago lol. Those things are awesome! BB's still sore…hurt to sleep on them last night. Woke up to a little bit of nauseousness in the middle of the night. Ready to hit my 5 week milestone tomorrow.
thanks ladies, I got the sonoline b 3mhz, but it won't be here til Monday, so I used my sil's hers came yesterday it is a 2mhz cause she is heavy set.. I was shocked I found it, although I had watched videos with girls at 6w 3d find it, but were I had that red I was very worried and didn't expect anything honestly even though it was only on the tp when wiped and then back to brown when I woke up.. my sil keeps saying im having twins because i kept getting two different heartbeats on each end of my stomach one was 130 the other side was 125 so im not sure maybe just a echo.. gosh i hope that's not the case lol i would still be more than happy, but i would get huge!! also 3minions, I had it with my last one too, but not red it started at exactly 7 weeks and they said it was caused by placenta implantation.. I just hope this one sticks around!! Monday can't come fast enough!! i wish they were sold in stores, but i have yet to find any.. ugh.. come on Monday!!
Hello ladies! May I join..? I just found out this morning that I'm pregnant :)
I'm a bit scared and don't want to tell anyone yet (except my partner of course). My first 2 pregnancies ended up with early MCs, but luckily I now have a healthy 14 months old boy, which gives me hope.

I stopped breastfeeding 2 months ago and my periods haven't been regular. Today it's been 40 days since my last period so I thought it was about time I take a test. I was starting to have some doubt as I've been sooooo tired but other than that I didn't really feel pregnant. To my surprise I got 2 BFPs!! (Just to make sure :p )

It's kind of exciting that I'm already 5w4d. With my last pregnancies I was so anxious to find out that the 2ww seemed like an eternity and I found out a few days before my period was even due. Now I don't have to wait as long before telling everyone. :)

I just really really hope everything goes well.

Oh yes and by the way I'm due Oct. 14th :)

Now I'm going to go try to catch up with where you are. Best of luck to all of us :)
Welcome grenouille!! Congrats!! What an exciting surprise :happy dance:! We all can relate to that cautious optimism…such a scary thing pregnancy after a loss. Here's to hoping for a very happy and healthy 9 months!! When do you think you will have your first appt? Beta's? Scan?
Welcome grenouille!! Congrats!! What an exciting surprise :happy dance:! We all can relate to that cautious optimism…such a scary thing pregnancy after a loss. Here's to hoping for a very happy and healthy 9 months!! When do you think you will have your first appt? Beta's? Scan?

Thanks. And oh god I have no idea! I have to phone my doctor and I don't even know when I'll do that. He is so hard to reach. They only take calls 1 hour in the AM and 1 hour in the PM, and I always forget when I'm at work. Also, I'll be at work, how will I call my doctors office without anyone hearing me?! Maybe I'll just go there in person and make an apointment ;)
Hello ladies! May I join..? I just found out this morning that I'm pregnant :)
I'm a bit scared and don't want to tell anyone yet (except my partner of course). My first 2 pregnancies ended up with early MCs, but luckily I now have a healthy 14 months old boy, which gives me hope.

I stopped breastfeeding 2 months ago and my periods haven't been regular. Today it's been 40 days since my last period so I thought it was about time I take a test. I was starting to have some doubt as I've been sooooo tired but other than that I didn't really feel pregnant. To my surprise I got 2 BFPs!! (Just to make sure :p )

It's kind of exciting that I'm already 5w4d. With my last pregnancies I was so anxious to find out that the 2ww seemed like an eternity and I found out a few days before my period was even due. Now I don't have to wait as long before telling everyone. :)

I just really really hope everything goes well.

Oh yes and by the way I'm due Oct. 14th :)

Now I'm going to go try to catch up with where you are. Best of luck to all of us :)

Hey Gren! We were in the December Rainbows thread together! Congrats! I am due on the 16th! :happydance:
Welcome grenouille :) you're such an exciting example of having a healthy bub after two MCs :) congrats on your bfp!!

I just wanna have a whinge. I'm usually an eternal optimist. But the fatigue is killing me. Slept 10h last night then woke up, too tired to do any housework or anything social all day, slept again from 3-6pm. And all the things I normally do to feel more energized, a fast run, a coffee, drinks with friends, I can't do any either cos I'm not allowed booze/caffeine or in the case of exercise, I'm so scared of a 3rd loss.

Of course I'd take this all if I knew it would all be ok but of course i don't know it.

And to top it off, I'm not originally from London (here for DH), so I don't know that many people here to keep me company.

Ok whinge over!!

How's everyone else?
Feeling a bit quiet today! Very nervous about our scan on Monday. I'm mad at myself for being nervous because I promised we'd try to be positive no matter what, but it's so hard! Luckily it's a private scan so if it's bad news the sonographer is very skilled at delivering it a bit more gently. My mom is coming too, so at least I'll have her support. Obviously if it works out okay then it's all good anyway!
Welcome grenouille!! Congrats!! What an exciting surprise :happy dance:! We all can relate to that cautious optimism…such a scary thing pregnancy after a loss. Here's to hoping for a very happy and healthy 9 months!! When do you think you will have your first appt? Beta's? Scan?

Thanks. And oh god I have no idea! I have to phone my doctor and I don't even know when I'll do that. He is so hard to reach. They only take calls 1 hour in the AM and 1 hour in the PM, and I always forget when I'm at work. Also, I'll be at work, how will I call my doctors office without anyone hearing me?! Maybe I'll just go there in person and make an apointment ;)

October 15th here and I will be going in for my first US on Sunday the 23rd. Super nervous but very hopeful...We are looking forward to our rainbow baby!
Welcome grenouille!! Congrats!! What an exciting surprise :happy dance:! We all can relate to that cautious optimism…such a scary thing pregnancy after a loss. Here's to hoping for a very happy and healthy 9 months!! When do you think you will have your first appt? Beta's? Scan?

Thanks. And oh god I have no idea! I have to phone my doctor and I don't even know when I'll do that. He is so hard to reach. They only take calls 1 hour in the AM and 1 hour in the PM, and I always forget when I'm at work. Also, I'll be at work, how will I call my doctors office without anyone hearing me?! Maybe I'll just go there in person and make an apointment ;)

Hopefully you can work something out! That's crazy that it's so difficult to reach them. That would drive me bonkers lol!
Thanks everyone :)

I know how you feel about the fatigue londongirl. I’ve been neglecting housework in the past few days because I just had no energy and was feeling so lazy. I had a bit of a meltdown this morning because there was so much cleaning to do. :p That’s when I decided to go buy a pregnancy test and then I got my BFP so that cheered me up quite a bit!

And yes I’m very reassured myself this time because my last pregnancy went so well and my baby is super healthy. I feel so lucky. So at least this time I don’t have to worry something might be wrong with my body, I know I can do this ;) The MCs were just bad luck. I just hope we’re lucky this time. Meanwhile I don’t want to get too attached to this baby, just in case…

Good luck for your scan Whigfield. Let us know how it goes.

Curni it does drive me crazy! I usually have to set an alarm on my computer at work to remind myself to call my doctor between 10-11AM and redial the number many times because the line is always busy :p At least if I could leave them a voice message..!!
Hey everyone. I am hoping to join you.
I got my BFP on feb 1st so I think I am getting close to 6 weeks now. I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks back in September.
I am just so terrified and glad to have read this tread to realize that I am not alone.

I have my 1st ultrasound tomorrow and so scared that they won't see anything. When will I stop being scared and start really enjoying the pregnancy? It doesn't help that I got a cold and I am coughing so hard it feels like I am going to knock my baby loose. :wacko:
Welcome ashaz! :hugs:

We have an ultrasound tomorrow too and even though I had one at 6 weeks and saw a heartbeat I'm still worried everything will have changed. :dohh: I'm sure both of our scans will be just fine, though! :hugs: I know that feeling about the cold, too. I had a terrible one at 5 weeks. I'm sure the coughing won't do anything, though! When a bean is nestled in, they're nestled in tight. :hugs:
Thank you! Really appreciate the support. Good luck at your scan tomorrow. Be sure to update with the results.
Hi Ashaz!! Congratulations on the BFP!! :thumbup:

Hope both your scans go well tomorrow - lets get a full board of great scans!!! :flower::flower:
Hi everyone, can I (cautiously) join? Quick history: mc @6 weeks in 2010, beautiful dd born 2011, mmc @12 weeks last October and now currently 6+4 with this pregnancy, so due October 8th. Going in for early scan tomorrow morning and super nervous. To top it off I've had some spotting tonight, which I did have on and off when pregnant with my daughter so I do know it's not always bad, but having had mc in the past I can't help but worry again. I see there are a few of us on here with scans tomorrow, wishing everyone lots of luck x
Welcome Lizzie! At least 2 of us on here (including me) are having scans tomorrow as well and I think all of us are nervous, so at least we can be nervous together. :hugs: What time is yours? Hopefully the spotting is nothing. :flower:

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