2014 October Rainbows (late Septembers welcome!) (13 babies born!)

I get really nervous telling people about my pregnancy. Everytime I do I feel guilty and feel as if I jinksed myself. :|

Very stressed out! My house is usually really clean and tidy but since I got my positive I'm relaxing a bit more. Having a three and two year old running around from 5/6am to 8/9pm the house gets messy easily!!

Anyways, I'm taking an easy until 2nd trimester. I clean everyday but haven't exactly been getting it all done nor am I doing a lot of deep cleaning. My landlord called today and said he wants to inspect the house within 3 days... are you kidding me!!! If it's not "perfect' we will get kicked out. Just lovely!! Perfect timing!


I get really nervous telling people about my pregnancy. Everytime I do I feel guilty and feel as if I jinksed myself. :|

That's exactly how I feel! Happy it's not just me. :p

Radiance - Can your landlord really kick you out if it's not perfect?! There must be some law against that!!
I get really nervous telling people about my pregnancy. Everytime I do I feel guilty and feel as if I jinksed myself. :|

That's exactly how I feel! Happy it's not just me. :p

Radiance - Can your landlord really kick you out if it's not perfect?! There must be some law against that!!

No, it's month to month too. It can be his words against mine. Really frustrated about the whole thing. We just moved three months ago. All because he's mad about the outside. We are on the outskirts so no one is near us first of all! Second of all, it's clean! There was a box outside with some soda cans and bottles to take to recycling for two days, that's what he was mad about and why he needs to inspect the house. grrr!

Of I can make the house "perfect" I just don't want to do too much!!
Jallia- its such a terrible feeling putting ourselves through this lol

radiance- I would ask some close friends or something perhaps? Your landlord sounds a bit too uptight
Radiance - How about you take pictures of the inside of the house with a date stamp, that way if he tries to say it was a mess, you'll have proof that he's being dishonest! Please don't exhaust yourself cleaning over a crazy landlord!
We moved hours away from all friends and families a year ago :( There isn't many places to live here either is why it is so stressful. Plus, we don't have 2000+ to pay at once. OH has an excellent job here and I normally work in the school district but I had to take a break away when we lost Elijah.
Oh goodness radiance :( I think he is being unfair. People's houses that are always perfect dont seem to be living much ;) And jallia has an awesome idea!
Whew....just finished reading through 50 pages of this thread. I'm exhausted! :p

Radiance - it musn't be fun to be so far away from friends and family. We currently live about an hour away from my mom and stepdad, and my sister lives down the street, but the rest of our family members are 6-13 hours away so I can sympathize!
Whew....just finished reading through 50 pages of this thread. I'm exhausted! :p

Radiance - it musn't be fun to be so far away from friends and family. We currently live about an hour away from my mom and stepdad, and my sister lives down the street, but the rest of our family members are 6-13 hours away so I can sympathize!

I've been really homesick!! I don't know many people here other than when I go to school. I guess it's harder on me because all my angels were pretty recent, back to back and everyone knows how hard we tried for Elijah. Like everyone else, you never expect it to happen to you. I'm really missing the in person support. And to be completely honest I'm not feeling any better with the days going by. We live in a small little town and to go anywhere else it's a 2 hour drive!!

Of course I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones making me feel worse!! :haha:

I'm lucky to have my mom here though! :thumbup:
Welcome MrsSmith54! :wave: I've added you up on the board. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you!

@Radiance I've told my mom/very close family, and I've warned some close friends (we run a business together) just incase I m/c again, and so they're aware I need to rest a bit more. That's about it though. I'm finding it really easy to keep this quiet so far.. No idea why. Last time I was bursting to tell people! :shrug: We will probably 'announce' at 14 weeks though. I do feel a bit nervous about it, though - like everyone will be on tenderhooks: "is she going to lose this one too?". I don't know. :dohh:

@Castaway I'm sorry people have said things like that to you - how awful! OH told his mom and she's already told me to "keep it off facebook", like I should be ashamed I lost my baby last time, or something. :growlmad: I wasn't even anywhere as far along as you were so I can't even imagine. You should share when you're ready only, screw other people and what they say. If they're that rude they know where the door is! :hugs:

@Radiance Can you get your OH to really help with the deep cleaning? I haven't been doing much cleaning at all really, and OH has been really good at picking up what I haven't done. Or could you hire a cleaner for a one off clean just to give yourself a break?
Hi everyone, long time no posts from me, but I've been trying to keep up reading all the new posts. I've been so poorly with chest infection then another cold on top of that and now any-time-of-the-day sickness :(

We have a midwife appointment tomorrow when I'll be nine weeks (I think!) Do you think it'll be too early to ask if she can look for a heartbeat with the doppler? I'm so desperate for any kind of reassurance that there is actually a little bean in there!
Ooooh! We have a midwife appointment tomorrow too. :happydance: I don't think it could hurt to ask, but I'm doubtful that she'd do it. Still worth a shot though!
Castaway that's awful people think it's ok to say things like that! We've only told my parents so far. I also feel like if I tell people I'll jinx it but I'm feeling so ill for most of the day at the moment so I'm going to have to say to a few people soon.

Radiance I too have been trying to take it easier. Last time I did all the cleaning and hoovering etc as normal and even though I know that's not what caused the MC I'm trying to rest more this time. Well as much as I can with a 3 and 1 year old running about.

I have a scan booked for 12th march but I took a cheapy Morrisons test this morning and the line is no where near as dark as the first response so I'm panicking now! I know the sensitivities are probably different but it's so much lighter! I really want to buy another first response but I think maybe I should just stop peeing on sticks?!
Welcome to the new ladies and congrats! I too understand where your coming from. I have 3 children youngest is 4 but since him no luck in ttc. We have had 3 mc got pregnant this time after all test and hysteroscopy came back good so I'm praying this is our rainbow.
As for telling about the pregnancy only one friend who lives in japan knows. The last time we told my family about the pregnancy my mom said well since you lost the others ones we didn't want to get excited until you were further along. Still shocks me to this day that she said that to me. And sadly it becomes a chore when everyone looks at you like a malfunctioning incubator. It's so much pressure from our families for the pregnancy I be successful. By not telling I've been able to relax and take care if myself. Also my sister just had a baby and my dreadful sil just announced her pregnancy at 6 weeks like a month ago so I don't want to steal anyone's shine
Yes, as others have said how dare people tell me how to tell about MY pregnancy? They have even gotten to my husband who is totally torn about it. Obviously I am not even telling my employer until we see a heart beat but it totally upset me. My son was very healthy, I can't help it what the doctors did. :cry:

But onward and upwards! My husband and I are very excited to see this little bean again on the 4th and hoping for a heart beat. For the first time in this pregnancy I have had round ligament pain rolling over, if I am a week behind then I should be 5 weeks 3-5 days...so makes sense.
Allstar those cheapie tests are awful and so unreliable, I never got a dark line at all on those with DD and only got dark lines this time when period was over a week late. Maybe try another FRER if it'll put your mind at rest x

Good luck at your mw apt tomorrow whigfield, I'm hoping to get a date for 12wk scan. Can't believe I've got this far, oh my goodness, do I dare to start thinking of the future????

Florida I've been surprised/disappointed by some reactions to our news this time. SIL said 'what, again?' And my 'best friend' told me she felt like she'd been kicked in the stomach and sobbed after I told her. Our parents are cautiously excited, which is fine and totally understandable. Although my mum's starting to get a bit loose-lipped!!!
We will not share until we are almost done with second trimester. I am not looking forward to hearing comments, "Well are you sure you should be telling people, since you lost your son and all so late?" I heard that after my blighted ovum..."maybe you should not tell anyone your pregnant." Lovely and so supportive!

We didn't tell anyone until about 18weeks with DD. We had a previous loss at 16weeks so I wasnt comfortable with sharing until after that time frame. This time will be the same or later if I can hide it. I really loved it being a secret between me and DH, made it really special when we did tell. I handed my mom our 6week ultrasound pic, then our 10week, then our 16week wrapped in a big pink bow. She was so confused and couldn't believe it. That was priceless. She still tells ppl that was the shortest pregnancy ever, :haha:
Essie - im the same we didnt announce until 16 weeks with my son (except close family) i was just too scared. If I stay pg this time i will try and go longer to 20 weeks if i can. Probably tell close family 12 weeks. I too like keeping it our secret and it makes time go quicker.
My lovely husband, seeing how worried the cheap Morrisons tests had made me came in from work with a digital test with conception indicator :) and only a pack of one so I couldn't take another next week and worry myself more lol well I took it and it says 3+! So I'm feeling much much better and going to leave it at that now. Scan on 12th and midwife appointment on the 18th so going to stay positive :)

Thanks for all your help ladies, you're such a reassuring bunch! X

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